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Chapter one


One of the most common seasonings in the African diet comes from the seed of the locust bean (Parkiabiglobosa) plant, which is a common plant in the Savannah region of Africa. The popular names for the wholesome and delectable food spice in Nigeria include “ogiri” in Igbo, “iru” in Yoruba, and “dawadawa” in Hausa. In Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, it is widely consumed (Odunfa, 1985). For the majority of people whose protein intake is poor due to the high expense of animal protein sources, it provides as a source of protein. Mushroom species. The African locust bean tree, Parkiabiglobosa, is a perennial tree legume that is a member of the leguminosae family and subfamily mimosoideae (now family fabaceae). They flourish throughout West Africa’s Savannah region up to the 13°N southern limit of the Sahel zone (Campbell-Platte, 1980). The plant can endure drought conditions thanks to its deep tap root structure and is found in a variety of Natural Savannah forests (Nwadiaroet al., 2015).A locust bean tree that is 20 to 30 years old and mature can produce roughly a ton of harvested fruits. According to past experience, a tree can begin to produce fruit 5-7 years after it is planted (Musa, 1991). The African locust bean tree has evergreen pinnate leaves and a height of around 20 meters. Its fruit is a brown leathery pod with a seed-filled interior that is 10 to 30 cm long and covered in leathery brown skin. Indigenous fruit trees with multiple uses are significant.

The Parkiabiglobosa tree is essential to the ecology because it holds soil particles to stop soil erosion with the help of its roots, recycling nutrients from deep soil. Additionally, it offers shade where it is found (Campbell-Platte, 1980). Due to its numerous advantages, peasant farmers and rural residents maintain this tree. Its wood serves as a fuel source for energy. It aids in nutrient enrichment of the soil. Mushroom species

Despite having additional culinary and non-food uses, the African locust bean’s seed, a legume, is where it gets most of its value. The seeds are a particularly valuable source of components for food (Campbell-Platte, 1980). The locust bean is said to be high in ascorbic acid, soluble sugars, protein, and carbohydrates.The cotyledon is far more nutrient-dense and contains less ash and fiber. Due to its extremely low acid and iodine concentrations, the oil content is safe for ingestion. Because of its extremely high saponification, the oil is valuable in the soap industry (Alabiet al., 2005). Additionally, it has been claimed that the husks and pods are advantageous for animals (Douglass, 1996; Obiazoba, 1998). The locust bean tree is significant in traditional medicine for the treatment of illnesses like bronchitis, pneumonia, malaria, diarrhea, and as an eye toxin (Farombi, 2003). Mushroom species

Although bacteria, protozoa, algae, viruses, fungi, insects, and rodents all play a significant part in food deterioration, species of bacteria and fungi are the most active and adaptable organisms that influence locust bean seeds and their products, causing spoiling when stored (Omafuvbeet al., 2000). They can affect both harvested and growing crops, causing harm such as rancidity, changes in flavor and aroma, and destruction of the germ layer (Cutler, 1991). Aspergillusniger, Aspergillusflavus, Penicillium, Rhizopus, and Candida species were found as the isolated fungal species in a study to characterize the bacterial and fungal flora of degraded and maggot-infested samples of fermented locust bean seeds.

Various species, especially fungus, which are among the most active microbes in these processes, cause the destruction of Parkiabiglobosa seeds (Popoola and Akueshi, 1985). Numerous investigations have been conducted into the microbes found in fermented locust bean seeds (Odunfa, 1981; Ikenebomehet al., 1986; Odunfa and Oyewole, 1986; Ogbadu and Okagbue, 1988). Bacilli and Staphylococci were seen to predominate the fermentation together with a few fungal species, which led to the degradation of the product, particularly in storage in Northern Nigeria. Mushroom species

Aims of the study



To isolate and identify fungi associated with locust beans (Parkiabiglobosa).

To determine the pH, moisture content and titratable acidity of locust beans

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