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History Of Colonial Infrastructures


Chapter One

General Introduction


With the social subjection of Katsina Emirate in 1903 the British colonizer masters established social, profitable and political programs in order to library their ideal which wasn’t far down from profitable exploitation. Some of these programs include the Native Authority System, the of Katsina College in 1921, Native Authority Treasury, Native Authority Agric Department, Native Authority Health Department and Native Authority Police Department among others. It’s imperative to note that all these sweats made by the British government were aimed to grease profitable exploitation and political oppression, in Katsina megalopolis.

This exploration is thus tried to examine the history of Katsina prior the arrival of colonialism. The exploration also anatomized the British subjection and occupation of Katsina megalopolis as well as the political and profitable changes that took place during the social period. But the work centered on the History of social Architectures in Katsina Metropolis, 1903-1960.9

Statement of the Problem

social structure refers to the introductory installations demanded for the functioning of community or society which were handed or established by the social government during social period. For illustration, Native Authority, Treasury, Central Prison, Katsina College to mention but a many. Several inquiries have been carried out on colonialism in Katsina megalopolis but nothing much has been said about the social structure in Katsina megalopolis which to date. thus, the need to study a history of social structure in Katsina Metropolis 1903 to 1960 came imperative, because of the fact that literatures about the social structure are veritably rare. Notwithstanding, the study of these social structure in Katsina is vital. It’s thus, important to identify some pivotal questions on grounded on our area of study.

a. Why did the British conquered and enthralled Katsina?

b. Why British established similar structure?

c. How did the structure impacted the life of Katsina people?

Is the structure still in actuality?

This exploration will thus essay to critically examine the forenamed questions so as to gain a terse and readable exploration.

Significance Of The Study

A study of social structure in katsina megalopolis is veritably important because it portray the nature and significance of the social structure if there’s any. This exploration is also important owing to the fact that it acquaints us with, the knowledge of social conditioning used to grease the connection of social rule in Katsina megalopolis utmost of these social architectures were also constructed through original labour and coffers of Katsina. In addition, the exploration also contributes educationally to the being knowledge of social structure in Katsina megalopolis.

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