1.1 Background to the Study       

The increase in the number of problems that students must address both inside and outside of the classroom has resulted from the proliferation of information and knowledge. Due to the explosion in the amount of available knowledge, students must exercise caution and cautious judgment in order to select material that is more relevant and reliable (Femi-Oyewo et, 2020). This would entail the development of reasoning abilities that would allow children to distinguish between relevant information and information that may or may not be relevant. What is meant by “reasoning” is the act of supporting assertions or viewpoints with arguments, premises, justification, and evidence. However, students must put in significant effort to improve their reasoning abilities. It Healthy study routines and attitudes, as well as healthy reinforcers and influencers in the surrounding environment, are required. Many educators have noticed that learning is an active process that does not occur in a static environment. The learning process is influenced by a wide range of causes and effects. As a result, it is critical that educational research efforts focus on the study and analysis of how the aforementioned factors contribute to students’ learning experiences. As a result, the focus of this study is on students’ learning routines and mentalities, as well as how these factors influence the development of their reasoning abilities. It is anticipated that student learning will improve. be successfully boosted by leveraging what students already have, namely the ability to self-regulate their study habits and constructively guide their attitudes toward learning. The proverb “attitude is the key to success” is well known to the vast majority of people. There are numerous other quotations that support this ideology that can be found. Positive attitudes held by students toward a topic are directly related to academic achievement, according to research in the field of education. In general, mathematics is a subject that many people dislike, prompting academics to investigate the relationship between a student’s attitude and their ability to learn mathematics. The way one feels about mathematics is important. A significant role in the processes of learning mathematics. It has an effect on the students’ mathematical abilities. Attitudes toward mathematics are influenced by factors such as teaching technique, school structure support, students’ families, and students’ attitudes toward school. Even when teachers believe they are teaching mathematics in an authentic and context-sensitive manner, the way mathematics is frequently portrayed in the classroom and perceived by students has the potential to turn off a significant number of students from the subject (Barton, 2020). A positive attitude toward mathematics implies a general enjoyment of working with mathematics and confidence in one’s own ability to do so, but it does not imply that a student will exhibit this. Always maintain a positive attitude toward the entire field of mathematics. A positive attitude toward mathematics implies that one enjoys working with it and is confident in one’s own ability to do so (Robson, 2019). Students enjoy mathematics, but those who do not complete their education due to it have a different perspective. This demonstrates that mathematics is a challenging and difficult subject to study. It is the student’s mindset that determines how much weight he or she places on the significance of mathematics. As a result, learners can improve their flexibility and applicability. Students’ approaches to mathematical problems are heavily influenced by their general beliefs, which in turn influence their behavior. Many times, they are led down unproductive paths. It has been demonstrated that students have a very procedural and rule-oriented view of mathematics. Furthermore, students often believe that mathematical problems must be solved quickly in a limited number of stages, with the end goal of simply getting “correct answers.” According to them, the student’s responsibility is to learn mathematical knowledge and be able to demonstrate that knowledge, whereas the instructor’s responsibility is to impart this information and ensure that students have gained it (Frank, 2019). As a result of different starting points, students may be prevented from realizing that there are alternative techniques and approaches to many mathematical problems, multiple ways of defining ideas, and even different constructions. If such beliefs are held, points are awarded. As a result, children may miss out on important aspects of the mathematics experience, such as generating their own questions, hypothesizing connections, and testing their hypotheses. It’s possible that they approach the math class assignments with a very limited frame of mind, preventing them from developing their own approaches and gaining confidence in their ability to deal with mathematical concepts. These concepts are closely related to students’ expectations of what a mathematics classroom should be like. If the instructor does something unusual, the students may react in an overt or covert manner, further delaying the learning process. How long do such ideas last? expectations, after they’ve been implanted in students’ minds? Are they simply a result of the general atmosphere of the mathematics classroom, or do they have a life of their own? . Despite the recent interest in this topic, very little is known about the ways in which students’ general views can be influenced and, more specifically, the effects that curriculum approaches can have on improving students’ views and attitudes toward mathematics. Burstein (2020) discovered a clear relationship between students’ attitudes toward mathematics and student achievement in a comparative examination of the elements that influence mathematics success. This was one of the study’s key findings. In expectations, after they’ve been implanted in students’ minds? Are they simply a result of the general atmosphere of the mathematics classroom, or do they have a life of their own? . Despite the recent interest in this topic, very little is known about the ways in which students’ general views can be influenced and, more specifically, the effects that curriculum approaches can have on improving students’ views and attitudes toward mathematics. Burstein (2020) discovered a clear relationship between students’ attitudes toward mathematics and student achievement in a comparative examination of the elements that influence mathematics success. This was one of the study’s key findings. InFurthermore, he discovered that student gender accounted for 25% of the difference in attitudes toward mathematics observed in England, while success attribution accounted for 26% of the variation in attitudes observed in Norway (belief about success in mathematics). The ideas and attitudes that students bring to school can either help or hinder their learning. Students’ attitudes toward a subject can be related to educational achievement in ways that reinforce higher or lower performance, according to Gibbons, Kimmel, and O’Shea (2021). This is due to the fact that students’ attitudes toward the subject can be related.

to educational achievement in ways that reinforce better or worse performance. This suggests that students who perform well in a subject have more positive attitudes toward that subject, and that students who perform well in a subject have more positive attitudes toward that subject. An examination of the research cited above yielded conflicting results regarding the relationship between students’ attitudes and their level of academic achievement. In light of this context, the current study will attempt to determine whether or not there is a link between students’ attitudes and their level of academic achievement in mathematics.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

What are secondary school students’ perspectives on mathematics and its study? How

Do students’ attitudes toward mathematics have an impact on their academic performance and the study habits they develop? And how does it influence their overall academic and educational experiences? (Frank, 2019).

These are some of the topics that we thought had the potential to be interesting, so we decided to conduct a case study of secondary schools that participated in a mathematics curriculum experience. Our research covered a wide range of topics, including the dynamics of the educational process and the perspectives of the students who participated. Within the scope of this study, a special emphasis is placed on senior secondary students’ learning practices and academic achievements.

school students about the subject of mathematics, as well as how these things influence the students’ perspectives on the subject.

1.3 Purpose of the Research

The study’s overarching goal is to look into the role of gender in students’ academic achievement in mathematics. The study specifically identified:

i. To investigate the extent to which students’ attitudes influence their academic performance in mathematics.

ii. To identify the difficulties that students face when learning mathematics.

iii. Determine whether instructional methods affect students’ academic achievement in mathematics.

iv. Determine whether gender influences student interest in mathematics.

1.4 Hypotheses for Research

In this study, the following research hypotheses will be tested:

Hypothesis 1: To what extent

Students’ attitudes have little influence on their academic achievement in mathematics.

Hypothesis 2: The method of instruction has no effect on students’ academic achievement in mathematics.

Gender does not influence student interest in mathematics, according to Hypothesis 3.

1.5 Importance of the Research

The researcher believes that if this study is completed successfully, it will be useful to both teachers and students, educational planners, educational institutions, and those concerned with the formulation and implementation of educational policy in relation to the new policy on education at all levels.

It will also assist parents and governments in identifying those variables in mathematics teaching, such as poor student study habits, limited time allocation for mathematics teaching, poor teaching aids, and so on, that are responsible for students’ poor performance.

Mathematical performance can be improved by conducting a critical examination of these variables.

This research is also expected to assist teachers in identifying needs, effectively managing the classroom, and even applying appropriate methods of mathematics teaching that will improve students’ performance in mathematics by understanding the importance of effective classroom management and the use of appropriate teaching methods. This study will also assist curriculum planners in effectively planning and evaluating the secondary school curriculum by understanding the needs of students and society at large.

Finally, it is anticipated that this study will be important to the academic community because it will add to the existing literature.

1.6 Study Objectives

The study will look at how students’ attitudes affect their academic performance.

mathematics. The study will also discover the difficulties that students face when learning mathematics. The study will look into whether instructional methods affect students’ academic achievement in mathematics. Finally, the study will look into whether gender influences student interest in mathematics. As a result, this study will be limited to Akwa Ibom State.

1.7 The Study’s Limitations

The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in sourcing relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher chose a moderate sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will be involved in this study at the same time.

with other academic work. As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.

1.8 Operational Terminology Definition

Influence: the ability to have an effect on someone or something’s character, development, or behavior, or the effect itself.

Gender: either male or female (male and female),

Academic achievement is defined as the ability to study and remember facts, as well as the ability to communicate your knowledge verbally or in writing.


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