Congestion Control In Gsm Network
Business Traffic of GSM has always been a major problem and challenge in Nigeria to the service provider and the subscribers. This work deals greatly with the business control traffic and operation in mobile wireless dispatches with the end of guaranteeing client’s satisfaction so as to give veritably accurate and dependable outturn whenever wireless network is employed. Also increase trustability and error free data transfer in mobile communication, so as to insure concurrent access to druggies without any hindrance or traffic. The exploration was developed by exploring the use Etisalat and critically anatomized the call data for a period of busy hour for a week that was collected, and these data are used to describe a model to estimate the maximum number of calls a channel can handle coincidentally grounded on the number of Etisalat’s channel. The data are used to determine the total cargo per call setup attempts, the effective cargo or successful call setup( times), the available channels or successful TCH assignments and also the blocking rate or TCH traffic rate(). This was done using identified analysis thesis. In this work, from the result analysis attained graphically, it was discovered that a lot of available channels are being underutilized especially in areas with low blocking rate where the available channels exceeded the needed channels for transmitting the effective cargo. thus, in reducing impulsive traffic in utmost of these cells, redundant channels that are been underutilized should be converted to other cells that may be passing traffic. Thereby will help to reduce business traffic and save a lot of cost from been wasted on acquiring further cells or further channels for effective transmission on congested cells should be setting up. Microsoft Visual Drive programming language was used because of its important features with the visual plant 2012 development terrain.
Chapter One
The arrivals of wireless technology have had great impact on globalization of the Nigeria frugality since its commencement in 2001. But the tremendous growth in subscription have brought some challenges to the drivers on how to attack the being traffic in the mobile wireless communication posed in their services and have caused a lot of nuisances to the subscribers. Since its thing is to give good quality services to the end druggies( subscribers) with respect to speech, effective roving encyclopedically and lower tariffs. GSM has come more advanced and handles further subscribers than the analog systems( 6). From the finding of our exploration, we’ve well over 9 million druggies of GSM contending for access nearly at the same time in Nigeria, making the country one of the fastest growing GSM requests in Africa and the world at large( 9). It’s also has that the Nigeria telecommunication request is looking forward to achieve a tele viscosity of 100 by the time 2020 which is driven by the massive telephone and mobile communication advancements thereby requesting for a great increase in the information and communication technology( ICT).
Nigeria, with the population viscosity of over 170 million people are being serviced by five major Global System for Mobile( GSM) Telecommunication drivers which are MTN, AIRTEL, GLOMOBILE, ETISALAT and MTEL. But among the colorful drivers MTN has the topmost patronage with over57.2 million subscribers although the competition is getting tighter as the day goes by as operates have to contend for the same implicit subscribers.( 1,9). Over the times after the launch of the GSM period in Nigeria, the focus is now gradationally shifting from furnishing content to furnishing quality service; and the swoon of retaining a phone set is gradationally giving way to complaints of dropped calls and traffic among subscribers.
Hence, traffic simply means a state of being overcrowded, overfilled or blocked that’s too full of business. This occurs when too numerous subscribers are contending or seeking for the use of the coffers at nearly at the same time which ultimately will affect to poor outturn, slow speed and poor network among the mobile wireless communication. Traffic is when too numerous packets are present in or a part at the subnet which results into the declination of performance; that’s when too numerous business is offered. This occurs when the incoming packets from the source knot are too important for the router to handle which makes of aqueducts of packet arriving on three or four input lines where all of them will partake the same affair line( 6). When this happens, a line will make up, causing traffic and eventually if there’s inadequate memory to hold the sluice of packets, it’ll ultimately results in the lost of some packets in the course of transmission. It can also be experience in a network when so numerous subscribers are contending for access contemporaneously making the input business rate to exceed the capacity of the affair line; when routers have an horizonless quantum of memory, traffic gets worse( 9). still, traffic control is the controlling of business entry into a telecommunications network, in order to avoid congestive collapse. A system is said to be clogged if it’s being offered more business than its rated capacity due to too numerous active subscribers. System conservation and form conduct can lead to system traffic but whatever be the cause of the load, it’ll manifest as reduction of coffers that are critical to the operation of the system. Also, Traffic control is differ from inflow control in that a traffic is a global issue involving the geste of all the hosts, routers, the store- and- forward processing within the routers while a inflow control relates to the point- to- point business between a given sender and a given receiver.
Business is the use of given coffers similar as radio channels that’s when a stoner makes a phone call, the channel is seized for communication performing into generating business. Hence, business can be said to be commensurable to the Average Call duration( 6).
Network traffic can affect when there’s a rise in the transmission of a data thereby leading to a drop in outturn. Also, it can do as a result of transferring further data than the network rudiments can accommodate therefore causing the buffers on the network rudiments to be filled and conceivably having an overflow( 12). While business traffic is a condition on the GSM networks which occurs as the use increases and characterized by slower pets, long trip times and queuing. This is endured along several channels within the network armature and occurs when the common, devoted, business and palpitation law modulation( PCM) channels aren’t available for the assignment for the incoming or gregarious service request. In summary, when backbone links fails, it shows to the available links have been over employed( 12). GSM is a cellular network, also known as mobile phones connected for cells searching in the immediate vicinity and operating in four different frequentness. There are five different cell sizes in a network videlicet macro, micro, Pico, femto and marquee cells with their content area varying according to the perpetration terrain. Macro cells are regarded as cells where the base station antenna is installed on a mast or a structure above average roof top position while micro cells are cells whose antenna height is under average roof top position and are generally used in civic centers( 12). Hence, aimed to attempt to minimize and manage the goods of traffic on mobile wireless communication( GSM) by seeking to study critically the review and dissect the overview of the GSM network armature, its mode of operations and the causes of business traffic which will give an optimum preventative and control measure that will reduce the rate of traffic also ameliorate the outturn of calls made. This will enhance the quality of service handed to the subscribers.
Background Of The Study
The current trend on the telephone technology is the cellular telephone generally appertained to as the cell phone. A cellular telephone is designed to go stoner a maximum degree of freedom of movement.
Accordingly, there’s a rapid-fire increase in the cellular telephone viscosity. Other factors are as well responsible for this growth and include reduction in service cost as well as the ever adding range of services available through the cell phone. The cellular system began in the United States of America with the release of the Advanced
Mobile Phone Service( AMPS) system in time 1983( Lee, 2006). Asia, Latin America and Oceanic countries espoused the AMPs standard creating the largest implicit request in the world for cellular( Mehrotra, 1997).
GSM communication revolution in Nigeria started in August 2001 and this brought a great change in the face of Information and Communication Technology( ICT)( Adegoke etal., 2000).
In the early 1980s, utmost mobile telephone system was grounded on electronics technology. Some of the challenges facing analog systems are their incapability to accommodate the growing bandwidth requirements in a cost effective manner because analog transceiver can not handle further than one call at a point in time. Also several installations as well as services aren’t possible in the analog system,. On the negative, digital technology was ate . The advantages of digital system over analog system include ease of signaling lower position of hindrance, integration of transmission and switching as well as increased capability to meet capacity demands. thus the limitation of analog system come clearer as the number of subscribers increased. This gave way to the digital system. The GSM is more advanced than the analog system and uses digital data which accommodates further subscribers. This technology increased the number of subscriber beyond prospects.
The GSM mobile telephone offers high quality voice dispatches and low bandwidth, data connection for fax, short communication services( SMS) as well as full dialup connection to the internet fore-mail and web browsing. The attendant effect is felt on emergence of mobile computers, the intelligent handset, the particular digital sidekicks( PDA) computer or intelligent handset. The need for mobile computing came as a result of the need to pierce information anywhere and anytime. The debit of this system is its hamstrung use of the radio coffers.
The adding need of mobile telephone and ancillary bias for data communication has driven the need for a fast, dependable and available structure. Mobile dispatches are now showcases a wide range of services ranging from e-payment, e-government, e-health, etc. Mobile outstations are now getting computer bedded system with strict real time demand for signaling and voice processing( Sconres, 1997) it therefore becomes imperative that multitudinous specialized challenges bemoans its engineering and operations.
Aim And Objective Of The Study
principally the end of this design work is to design a traffic control system model for Etisalat Communication network. Other ideal of this exploration work are
To estimate the core exploration to traffic within the network content
Punctuate all the possible means for traffic control to the network – Etisalat Nigeria
Apply a mongrel system that will manage traffic control within the Etisalat communication network.
To dissect the effect of Etisalat network traffic to the growth of the communication network.
Exploration Questions
The exploration questions will be acclimatized towards the purpose of the study similar that if they’re answered, one will easily realize why traffic control within the GSM network is necessary in the operation of Etisalat network and its growth. The questions are the following
What are the current issues coursing traffic within the network communication content?
How effective is the model armature on the present traffic control system?
Do you have an Etisalat SIM for communication?
Still, how offend you use or prefer to use the network over the other network available?
If you do.
Why do you use or not use the network frequently?
Exploration Thesis
This is the tool with which to test the trustability of the subject matter comparing the two variables – traffic control( independent variable) and Traffic( dependent variable). The suppositions are
H0– There’s a significant relationship between network traffic and the growth operation of Etisalat network
H1– There’s no significant relationship between network traffic and the growth operation of Etisalat network
Significance Of The Study
This study will help us to know the status of Etisalat GSM network traffic control in Nigeria with a view to knowing areas to be addressed for better performance. This exploration work will prop telecommunication companies( precisely Etisalat) in Nigeria to achieve a high performance position and optimal profit. This exploration work is also significant in other ways like
Use Inter-switch to put calls through to the right designation without detention, deformations or diversion.
Determine the calling network and entering network and use this information for the purpose of interconnectivity tariffs.
Maintain a database of all registered GSM lines for all GSM communication companies.
Compass And Limitation Of The Study
This exploration covers network connectivity and business control of Etisalat network in Nigeria. The system covers all forms of traffic within the network in forms of voice calls, data connection, SMS, Push SMS and videotape calls across the network. Both call identification, recording and network interconnectivity.
Some of the constraints encountered during this design design include the following
• Financial Constraints The design was achieved but not without some fiscal involvements. One had to pay for the computer time. Also the typing and planning of the work has its own fiscal involvements. still, to break the problems I solicited fund from guardians and relations.
• High programming fashion The programming aspect of this design posed a lot of problematic bugs that took me some days to break. Problems similar as the ADO, DAO and Jet Engine affiliated run time crimes. For case, the Ms Access office 2000 edition doesn’t work with VB- 6. spurt Machine unless converted to lower interpretation of Ms ACCESS of office 1997 edition( i.e. interpretation2.0). Also other specialized problem, which requires semantic and syntactic approaches where encountered as well. In seeking for the result to these problems, I acquired more knowledge from well – clued handbooks and programmes.
• The epileptic nature of power force can not be overlooked.
Description Of Terms
Inter-Switch Link( ISL) is a trunking system developed by Cisco to use for Ethernet and Token Ring box connections.
Traffic It’s the overcrowding of route, leading to slow and hamstrung inflow. In computing, it’s a situation in which the quantum of information to be transferred is lesser than the quantum that the data communication path can carry.
Air interface In a mobile phone network, the radio transmission path between the base station and the mobile outstation.
Asymmetric Transmission Data transmissions where the business from the network to the subscriber is at a advanced rate than the business from the subscriber to the network.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module; A smart card containing the telephone number of the subscriber, decoded network identification details, the Leg and other stoner data similar as the phone book. A stoner’s SIM card can be moved from phone to phone as it contains all the crucial information needed to spark the phone.
Telecommunication Are bias and systems that transmit electronic or optic signals across long distances. Telecommunication enables people around the world to communicate one another to pierce information incontinently, and to communicate from remote areas.
Computer Network It’s a system used to connect two or further computers using a communication link.
SSADM system was used also with the Image culture of everyday conditioning with use of DDCM monitoring and recording system from major books. Analytical system was used in this design also, it’s recommended as the stylish control measure for GSM traffic. This exploration work has made it possible for some of the crucial performance pointers to reach a bench mark as recommended by the International Telecommunication Union.
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