The actions and management of an organization’s human resources element are largely responsible for its current and future success. All activities that lead to increased productivity, such as profit, organizational efficiency, and effectiveness, are dependent on how and how human resources are handled. As a result, human resource management plays a crucial role in supporting good changes that lead to improved performance.

As a result, there is a need to improve several aspects of the human resources department’s operations that require reform or replacement.

The project “computer based human resources management information system” was born as a result of this. This project focuses on computerizing the human resources department with the goal of lowering time limitations, job bark logs, and improving the system’s insufficient record-keeping. The current system will be examined and evaluated. Problem areas have been recognized, and solutions have been proposed. A computer model will be created to handle the issue areas that require computerization and improvement, with appraisal methodologies being favored.

This will go a long way toward assisting human resource management in meeting the difficulties provided by information technology advancement in the country and around the world.



Human resources management has existed, at least in a primitive version, since the down of cooperative endeavor, when certain human resources functions, however informal in nature, were done wherever people gathered for a common objective.

Human management as we know it today began in the late 1920s, and it was marked by a growing concern for the human aspect in management.

However, throughout the course of this century, the process of managing people has grown more organized and specialized, and practitioners and scholars in an organization’s “people” (Workers are key variables in its well-being) have amassed a growing body of knowledge. Because individuals are the foundation of every organization,

Human resources can be simply defined as the supply of needed personnel with a variety of qualitative talents that, when put to use, will help the business or institution achieve its goals. Today’s globalization process necessitates continuous productivity and quality improvement in order to make optimal use of new technology. An organization that wants to withstand today’s and tomorrow’s difficulties must plan ahead for system assessment and modification. Things are evolving at a breakneck pace these days. The world has become considerably more unpredictable and uncertain, particularly in the field of rapid and radical technical progress, which has a greater emphasis on computerization.

This goal can only be attained if an organization makes good and efficient use of its human resource resources. Organizational survival plans must include: This led to the research and project “Design and implementation of a computer based human resources management information system,” which used Nigerian telecoms Plc Enugu as a case study to align personnel operations with the worldwide need of current technological development. The computer is used in the course of work (NITEL) to compute employee pay, date of employee requirement, verify whether an employee is due for promotion, and identify ghost workers. Employee appointments will be correctly preserved and reviewed, information retrieval and storage will be simple and easy to generate, more reports will be available to management and other departments, and better handling of personnel data and information will be handled.


Management’s nonchalant attitude toward employee welfare is troubling. Wastage on data processing, storage, and retrieval, inadequate data and information flow across the company, and the workers-management relationship are all issues that need to be addressed.


The ability of an organization, corporation, or system to allow particular aims to maintain themselves internally and adapt to their surroundings determines its efficacy. The project’s major goal is to improve information and data flow inside NITEL’s personnel department by implementing a more practicable alternative that will solve some of the existing personnel system’s problems. The project’s stated goals can be summarized as follows:

(1) Improving the current system’s data and information flow.

(2) To improve the relationship between workers and managers.

(3) To reduce the amount of time spent on data processing, storage, and retrieval.

(4) To aid in the improvement of employee wellbeing through expedited compensation, incentive, and appraisal methods, which will lead to increased production.


Personnel and workforce resource management are in a state of obsolescence. It’s now a common occurrence. In the face of rapid technological change, the necessity to construct a computer model of a human activity arises to aid in the elimination of lags and lapses in human resource management. The project entails the creation of a computer model of a “Human Resource Management Information System,” which will go a long way toward eliminating the existing issues that will be found in the current manual data processing approach. The new model will make use of software created for use in a computer as a means of performing and directing the new model’s functions.


The project will cover only the area of Human Resource Management of Nigerian Telecommunication Plc, Enugu. After the analysis of the procedure in the present system, some areas need improvement while some demand conversion that will be best handled by a computer method. The areas of the automation are areas of personnel data control, salary and promotion appraisal and transfers.

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