Deviant behavior is defined as failing to adhere to societal or school standards or norms. According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary six editions, deviant behavior is defined as acting in a way that is different from what is expected of others, and according to Chambers Dictionary in the twentieth century, deviant behavior is defined as acting in a way that is different from what is expected of others. Deviant behavior is defined as acting contrary to the norms of a group of people in a society or community. Crime, alcoholism, indiscipline in school, house prostitution, cultism, gambling, and other behaviors are examples of disregarding or ignoring specific laws of a governmental system or a social ideal. It has been discovered that a significant proportion of students in higher education institutions engage in deviant behavior. They

When students engage in activities that are not supervised by the school system or society, they become deviant. Nigerian society is currently changing, necessitating an educational system that allows young people to understand society and cultural heritage. This will help to preserve society and culture while also preparing people for changing attitudes, knowledge, skills, manpower, and experience in society. Youth education is critical for maintaining residents’ trust in the country’s social and economic progress, as well as raising the overall standard of living.

The Nigerian educational system must instill patriotism in our students, as well as the foundations of national and international understanding and collaboration. Deviant behavior in schools, such as smoking, drinking, and stealing, can be eliminated through education services. Abortion, murder, gambling, and prostitution are just a few examples. This can be accomplished by attempting to restructure the internal and external structure and organization of the school, peer group, religious institutions, and all other primary organizations in society. The role of the family as a socialization agent may have a significant impact on the child. This is obvious given that it is the first place where the child learns about leadership and what it entails; here, the parents teach the child the fundamental skills and behavioral patterns that must be followed at home. As a socialization and training institution for our future learners and manpower needs, the school is also faced with a serious dilemma that affects the entire society. This is a case of deviant behavior. is a type of disobedience. The problem of deviant society manifests itself in Nigerian society and most of our school products, such as lateness to work, absenteeism, neglect of duty, and parents who are less concerned about their children by arriving late when the children are already asleep, among other things. All of these factors impede work progress and limit our effectiveness and efficiency. As a front organization, the school should be able to provide tangible services that benefit the government and society, such as the ability to teach values, punctuality, regularity, honesty, job devotion, and loyalty. This implies that schools should be capable of producing disciplined students who will later grow up to be leaders.

be good citizens free of any deviant act or behavior, such as drug addiction, gambling, truancy in school, abortion, smoking, sexual immorality, failure to serve punishment, murder, prostitution, bribery, and corruption.

Deviant behavior is an act of indiscipline or a problem with behavior that has been identified as a major source of social vices in Nigerian culture, causing concern among parents, government officials, and educators. Increased school dropout rates, adolescent drug abuse, gambling, thieving, and pickpocketing are all sources of these social vices, which are also a source of societal annoyance.

According to an old proverb, the devil’s factory is an idle mind. This means that deviant behavior has led to students engaging in bad habits such as stealing, intoxication, abortion, and so on.

as well as school absence. They are more likely to meet with corrupt friends and learn all kinds of bad acts from them, and they are more likely to be tempted to engage in deviant behavior’ such as stealing, drunkenness, abortion, and school absenteeism.


The research focuses on the source of deviant behavior among selected secondary students and how it affects the child’s academic performance in some selected schools in Enugu East Local Government Area, Enugu State.

The influence of a student’s background on deviant behavior in schools, as well as the role of the school environment, teachers, parents, society, and peer groups in fostering deviant behavior among students. to halt or

Answers to the following questions would be requested in order to lessen the heinous situation.

Could the effect of deviant behavior contribute to the child’s performance?

ii. To what extent has the child’s deviant behavior contributed to his or her academic performance?

iii. Could deviant behavior be attributed to the parent’s inability to meet the student’s educational needs?

iv. Can deviant behavior cause students to drop out of school?


This research aims to accomplish the following goals.

I To investigate whether parents, either knowingly or unknowingly, contribute to the deviant behavior of secondary school students.

ii) To ascertain whether the nature of the school administration has an impact on the socioeconomic factors in Enugu East Local Government Area, Enugu.

Does the state have any impact on deviant behavior among secondary school students?


The findings of this study indicate that abnormal behavior is prevalent among a subset of children in Enugu East Local Government Area, Enugu State. The recommendations in this report will help to alleviate the problem significantly. In general, this research is critical for the development of children, especially in today’s complex world. To gain a better understanding of children’s needs and how to meet them.


The following hypotheses will be put to the test:

H0: There is no link between autocratic parenting style and delinquent behavior in secondary school students.

H1: There is a strong link between autocratic parenting style and

Secondary school students’ delinquent behavior

H0: There is no link between democratic parenting styles and delinquent behavior among secondary school students.

H2: Democratic parenting styles and delinquent behavior among secondary school students have a significant relationship.


The study’s scope includes a look at deviant behavior among secondary school students.

The researcher comes across a constraint that limits the scope of the study;

a) Research Material Availability: The researcher’s research material is insufficient, limiting the study.

b) Time: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

c) Organizational confidentiality: Restricted access to

The chosen auditing firm makes obtaining all necessary and required information about the activities difficult.


Peer group: A group of people who are similar in terms of development, such as age, education, and other qualifications.

School administration is a formalized system that plans, coordinates, organizes, staffs, reports, and evaluates all aspects of the school’s operations.

Heritage: A valuable item or culture passed down from previous generations.

A nuisance is a bothersome person.

Organization: A structured group with a specific goal, such as a school.


The project will be divided into the following chapters:

The first chapter provides an overview of the research project. It provides general information about the company and the research being conducted. This

The background of the study and organizational profile, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, and limitations encountered by the researcher comprise the chapter.

The second chapter contains a review of the literature as well as the theoretical framework.

The third chapter describes the research methodology. The research methodology represents the various approaches and methods used by the researcher to gather information.

The fourth chapter analyzes and interprets the information gathered by the researcher.

The researcher’s findings and conclusions are presented in Chapter 5. Based on the findings, conclusions will be drawn and their implications will be discussed.


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