The concept of success has garnered a lot of attention in recent decades, and it’s now pervasive in practically every facet of human life. The concept’s and measurement devices’ plethora of fundamental reflections are described by performance, which is a subjective perception of truth. Organizational outcomes are described using concepts such as productivity, quality, efficacy, economy, earning power, sustainability, and competition. As a result, having a clear and concise definition of success is becoming increasingly vital. The term “performance” was originally used to describe the results of an athletic competition in the mid-nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, the phrase was coined and defined a set of concepts that were meant to encompass the broadest understanding of what is meant by results. There are currently no performances scheduled. We feel that defining, knowing, measuring, and perhaps interpreting the principle of organizational success is currently a complicated, nuanced, and challenging approach to attain, both technically and in reality due to the real, unique characteristics of company organization, activity, and financing. Companies are now being challenged by their success to serve the beliefs, wants, and desires of society as a whole. Every community’s principal purpose in the modern meaning of globalization is to secure long-term sustainability by taking into account the increasing standards outlined by sustainable development criteria.


According to Harris and Nelson, “employee engagement is a core and essential endeavor in organizations” (2008). They went on to explain that successful employee contact is vital to a company’s long-term sustainability, and that communication fosters relationships. According to research, effective communication aids personnel in planning tasks and meeting goals. Frequently found in systems for socialization, decision-making, problem-solving, and progress tracking. This signifies that members of an association or group are cooperating to achieve a common goal. The majority of organizations are concerned with determining the most effective communication channels with their constituents.

Teams also encounter challenges that limit their ability to succeed, particularly in making decisions. As previously said, defining explicit goals is crucial because the team lacks clear aims or purposes. Time trade-offs for decision-making (team decision-making takes time away from working) Field & Swift (1996), There may be issues of “groupthink” and pressure to adapt, as well as the risk of increased decision-making friction. Without adequate team planning and planning, it is doubtful that teams would be able to successfully collaborate to construct and realize a common purpose. A lack of coordination, personal friction, and an overemphasis on give-and-take relationships are other concerns.


To determine if there is a link between good team bonding and information sharing and overall organizational performance.

Determine the most effective channel for sharing information from the employee’s perspective.

To find information-sharing and team-bonding roadblocks and failures.


What impact does good team bonding and information sharing have on overall organizational performance?

What is the greatest way to share information with employees in order to improve their performance?

What are the information-sharing system’s hurdles and flaws?


The study’s findings are beneficial to businesses since they provide details on their information sharing and team bonding methods, procedures, and services. as well as to others who are working on a related issue.


The study was limited to data collection and analysis in Ajah, Lagos state, due to resource restrictions.


When conducting the study, the researcher noticed severe constraints such as a shortage of material and time constraints.


TEAM-BONDING: Team-bonding is the activity or practice of attempting to improve the efficiency, cohesiveness, and morale of a group of people (typically in sport or the workplace), particularly through exercises or events designed to increase engagement and encourage cooperation, with the result being improved team cohesion or morale.

INFORMATION SHARING: Information sharing refers to the exchange of data across different organizations, persons, and technology.

ORGANIZATION: Organization is the act of identifying and grouping work to be done, establishing and allocating responsibility and power, and forming partnerships with the purpose of allowing persons to work together more efficiently in attaining goals.

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