1.1 Background of the study

Education has been one of the most important institutions in all cultures since the beginning of time. It has had a significant impact on human capital development and the empowerment of citizens with self-reliance skills. Teachers, on the other hand, are the pivot around which global education revolves, and they are responsible for the mental, physical, and moral development of students in all educational institutions around the world (Paula, M., 1996). The teacher performs the most important role in the educational process. This education helps to develop and improve the human intellect. Teachers are also central to achieving and implementing Nigeria’s educational goals and objectives. So, in order to effectively achieve educational goals, instructors must remain motivated. Their efforts. Teachers must appreciate and be content with their profession in order to fully utilize their efforts and abilities. According to Turner (2007), many instructors are dissatisfied with their working conditions, the time allotted for lesson planning, poor relationships with coworkers, and the overall school climate. Job satisfaction is fairly common. Despite significant differences due to social, political, and cultural origins, most employees’ expectations are generally similar around the world. All global employees, however, expect comparable things from their jobs, such as fair pay, a pleasant working environment, and recognition and respect for their human rights. Job satisfaction, on the other hand, is a highly prized commodity all over the world (Heywood 2008). Countries such as the United States, according to Heywood,

Job satisfaction is highly valued in Australia, Germany, Korea, and the United Kingdom. Job satisfaction is a set of feelings about one’s job that are related to the type and condition of the job. Employees may be satisfied with some aspects of their job while dissatisfied with others. Job satisfaction is a measure of how well employees’ needs are met, and it serves as the foundation for organizational assessment and evaluation. As a result, effectiveness is encouraged at all stages of employee remuneration and success planning. As a result of dissatisfaction and a lack of commitment, teachers and students lose efficiency and motivation (Harmer, C., & Smith, F., 1978).

According to Locker, E. (1976), satisfaction occurs when multiple requirements, such as food, health, and safety, are met. and other social demands are met as a result of completed work. Some of the characteristics that aid in satisfaction evaluation are income, career stability, a sense of pride with the institute, and its belonging to local norms and traditions. Other factors include lifestyle, pay, work environment, and supervision. The happy employee has a positive attitude toward work and a negative attitude toward work. Employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs have a negative attitude toward their jobs. The attitude change is correlated with a complex location of behavioral cognition, emotions, behavioral preferences, and general working style. According to Lawler, A. (1976), job satisfaction components are related to the work itself, such as feelings of dependency, success, victory, self-esteem, control, and other factors.

Work gave me similar feelings. External factors such as strong coworker relationships, a high wage, adequate well-being, and utilities, on the other hand, are not directly related to employment. As a result, factors influencing job satisfaction can be divided into two categories: work-related and employee-related aspects.

1.2 Definition of the problem

Teachers at all levels of education have opinions and ideas about the state of the profession. They value job security for a variety of reasons, including prestige and financial security. In most cases, the level of job satisfaction is highly valued, and vice versa (Nwachukwa 2006). Most instructors develop favorable attitudes toward their jobs as a result of the financial benefits they receive. Teachers will be more motivated if their pay is increased.

satisfactory and consistent. Instructors develop negative attitudes toward their professions as a result of a lack of adequate financial support, and others seek alternative employment or work carelessly.

Teacher job satisfaction has also been raised in Nigeria, where agitations and requests for better remuneration have received little attention due to a lack of resources in the Ministry of Education to address the employees’ needs. As a result, the Nigerian government and the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) are constantly at odds over increasing instructor Nwachukwu’s salary, benefits, and working conditions (2006).

Paula (1996) asserts that the school environment is the most important component in his study on the causes of teacher job satisfaction. A teacher needs adequate facilities, good instructional materials, and security. good contract terms and a good school community, as well as a decent salary, positive interactions with colleagues, school culture, school size, communication with school leaders, parents, and colleagues, and professional treatment, to name a few. He also emphasizes the importance of important characters who are supportive of a teacher’s well-being in creating a positive school environment, such as administrators, students, and parents. This instills confidence and steadiness in the teacher, which leads to satisfaction. As a result, because the working environment shapes a teacher’s attitude toward work, school administrators must constantly follow appropriate processes for creating a stable and acceptable environment for instruction in order to improve teacher job satisfaction. This is because when teachers are content with their jobs, they are more productive.

They are less likely to leave and more motivated to perform. Based on this concept, this study seeks to identify characteristics that improve work satisfaction among Physics instructors in Umuahia.

1.3 Purpose of the research

The study’s overarching goal is to investigate the factors that promote job satisfaction among Physics teachers in Umuahia. The study specifically seeks to:

1. To investigate the major factors that influence teacher job satisfaction in the workplace.

2. To evaluate the impact of factors influencing teacher job satisfaction on overall job satisfaction and

3. To propose a possible mechanism for reducing the presence of negative factors that result in decreased job satisfaction.

1.4 Research Suggestions

The following research questions guide the investigation:

1. What factors influence Physics teachers’ job satisfaction at work?

2. What is the impact of physic teachers’ dissatisfaction on job performance?

3. What are the mechanisms that can aid in reducing job dissatisfaction among Physic teachers?

1.5 Importance of the research

The study’s findings will be useful to school administrators, teachers, and the Ministry of Education. The outcome will enlighten school heads, principals, and directors on the importance of fostering a positive school culture and environment in which cordial relationships between them and teachers flourish. It will emphasize the importance of providing laboratory facilities, instructional materials, and other equipment that will make teaching Physics enjoyable for professional teachers. To the government,

The study’s findings will help to improve the framework for raising teacher salaries, benefits, and working conditions. Finally, the study would add empirically to the body of existing literature and serve as a reference source for students or other researchers who might want to conduct similar research.

1.6 The scope of the research

The purpose of this research is to look into the factors that promote job satisfaction among Physics teachers in Umuahia. It investigated the major factors that influence teacher job satisfaction in the workplace. It assessed the impact of factors affecting teacher job satisfaction on overall job satisfaction and proposed potential mechanisms for reducing the presence of negative factors that result in decreased job satisfaction.

However, the study is limited to a few selected secondary school physics teachers in Umuahia, Abia State.

1.7 The study’s limitations

The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. The significant constraint was the scarcity of literature on the subject due to the nature of the discourse, so the researcher incurred more financial expenses and spent more time sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and collecting data, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. Furthermore, the sample size was limited because only a few respondents were chosen to respond. As a result, the research instrument cannot be generalized to other secondary schools outside of the state. Despite the constraints encountered during the research, all factors were minimized in order to provide the best results and make the research successful.

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