Education is one of the most important tools for emancipating humanity, and each community invests heavily in it to ensure that each generation acquires the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes for future survival. However, because of the value of test scores, the level to which education is monitored is heavily anchored on them, but academic achievement also correlates with teachers’ job performance (Wanjala, 2012). Concerns have grown in recent years about Nigeria’s deteriorating educational standards, which are based on students’ consistently poor performance in public tests. A number of potential causes have been proposed, including students’ negative attitudes toward learning, a lack of infrastructure and teaching aids, leadership challenges, and so on. Meindinyo (2017), Ajayi (2017), Meindinyo (2017), Meindinyo (2017) (2017), Meindinyo (2017), Meindinyo (2017) (,2009). According to Ayayi, motivation cannot be seen, but its presence can only be inferred. Managers have long struggled with the motivations of workers from all backgrounds, particularly those in the education sector. The implementation committee for Nigeria’s national policy on education may have acknowledged the teachers’ suffering when it proposed that teachers be treated in such a way that they are satisfied with their jobs. H owever, the question of how to motivate teachers so that they are more satisfied with their jobs has continued to occupy the attention of government educational administrators and policymakers, albeit with little success, because little has been done to actually motivate teachers, and as a result, many people regard teaching as a thankless profession. a stepping stone to better opportunities (Wanjala, 2012). Many teachers attempt to combine teaching with other activities, such as trade, and as a result, their morale suffers. “The dilemma of what to do to make teachers work hard for the benefit of the school and in their personal interest is a fundamental one,” Nwankwo (1982) wrote in a paper on school staff motivation. Effective staff motivation requires that, on the one hand, teachers are designed to commit to achieving educational, school, or student objectives, and, on the other hand, individual teacher goals and requirements be addressed. Several authors linked employee motivation to the ability of a company to meet its needs. That the more the workers’ needs are met on the inside, the better. the company, the more motivated they are to work and thus meet the needs of the organization. Similarly, Nwagu (1976) stated that educational productivity, which is important for economic production, is largely (but not entirely) dependent on teacher competency. Wanjala (2012) concluded that teaching was a domain that required sacrifices because most institutions had done little to motivate them, and that this was to blame for their poor academic performance after conducting research in Vihiga Sub-County on the impact of motivation on teachers’ work performance. The Rachuonyo South Sub-County Quality Assessment Report (2013) discovered serious laxity among teachers in preparing professional and necessary teaching documents such as schemes of work, lesson plans of work, supervision of school activities was equally inadequate, and learners were insufficiently attended to while at school.

giving a report on teachers’ job performance in public secondary schools in the Sub-County. This study examines the effects of government incentives on local government teachers using Nembe local government teachers as a case study.


Teachers play an important role in shaping students’ futures for the betterment of future generations; however, the government should pay more attention to teachers’ well-being. Teachers’ pay has been found to be extremely low when compared to other professions, making it difficult for them to meet their financial obligations (Nwankwo, 1982). Teachers’ financial insecurity affects their performance in the classroom. The government does not motivate teachers, which has hampered their productivity in the classroom. Teachers’ salaries are

They are not always paid on time, and their bonuses are not always paid. Teaching is no longer a desirable profession due to the low pay associated with it. Most people consider teaching to be a last resort if all other options fail. Even the majority of teachers combine teaching with other commercial activities, preventing them from giving their students their full attention (Ajayi,2009). One of the government’s responsibilities to teachers is to create a positive learning environment. Teachers’ effectiveness suffers in an unfriendly teaching environment, which disrupts students’ learning. All of these issues have an impact on the research on the impact of government incentives on teachers in local government.


The overall goal of this study is to investigate

Using Nembe as a case study, examine the effects of government incentives on local government teachers. The following are the specific goals of this research:

i. Determine whether or not Nembe Local Government teachers receive government incentives.

ii. To ascertain the frequency with which Nembe Local Government teachers receive government incentives.

iii. To investigate the impact of a pay increase on teacher performance in the Nembe Local Government.

iv. To investigate the effect of a positive working environment on teacher performance in the Nembe Local Government.

v. To ascertain the impact of teacher advancement on job performance in the Nembe Local Government Area.


i. Do teachers in Local Government receive government incentives?

ii. How often do Nembe Local Government teachers receive government funding?


iii. What are the effects of a pay increase on teacher performance in the Nembe Local Government?

iv. What effect does a positive work environment have on teacher performance in the Nembe Local Government?

v. What effect does teacher promotion have on job performance in the Nembe Local Government Area?


The findings of this study would benefit teachers in the Nembe Local Government because they would teach them how to improve their performance in various interactions. Furthermore, teachers at all levels of education, including elementary, secondary, tertiary, and higher education, would benefit greatly from the study’s findings by learning best human capital management practices to improve job performance, benefiting both the individual and the organization.

worker and the organization. Furthermore, school teachers would benefit from the study in terms of gaining insight into methods for improving teacher performance and developing incentive policies that improve employee performance. The study will also help the government, specifically the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), obtain important information for improving teacher terms and working conditions in order to improve their level of job performance.


This study’s scope is limited to investigating the impact of government incentives on teachers in local government, using Nembe as a case study.


The researchers faced significant challenges in conducting this study, including a lack of time, respondent unwillingness to provide information, and limited resources.


Incentives: Anything that motivates or inspires someone to do something.

Someone who instructs or instructs others is referred to as a teacher.

Work environment includes the physical geographical location of the workplace as well as its immediate surroundings, such as a construction site or an office building.

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