Identification Of The Sources Of Information That Nursing Students Access In Relation To Hiv And Aids
HIV and AIDS Human Immuno Deficiency contagion and Acquired Immuno insufficiency pattern independently is one of the most ruinous worldwide public health problem in recent history. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC) estimated that in 2006, 942,000 people in the United States had been diagnosed with Aids since the complaint was linked in 1981.( The Ijezie,( 2012) stated that HIV and AIDS are called epidemic rather of epidemic because no country has escaped. It isn’t known where it started. It poses a great peril to the full consummation of the capabilities of all humankind. It affects our religious, social, artistic, profitable and political development and a trouble to global peace, security and order. World Health Organization,( WHO)( 2016) stated that the mortal Immuno Deficiency Virus( HIV) infects cells of the vulnerable system destroying or injuring their function. Infection with the contagion results to progressive deterioration of the vulnerable system, leading to “ Immune insufficiency ”. The vulnerable system is considered deficient when it can no longer fulfill its places of fighting infection and conditions. Infection associated with severe vulnerable insufficiency is known as “ opportunistic infection ”, because they take advantage of weekend vulnerable system. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome( AIDS) is a term which applies to the most advanced stage of HIV infection. Christian,( 2017) stated therefore, AIDS( Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a pattern caused by a contagion HIV( Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). The conditions i.e. HIV alters the vulnerable system making people more vulnerable to infection and conditions. This vulnerability worsens as the pattern progresses. HIV is set up throughout all the towel of body fluid( semen, vaginal fluid, blood and bone milk) of an effected person.