According to Lehart, education is development in and of itself because it focuses on how to manage or lessen dependency on others and improve the standard of living of such individuals (1979). According to Anyanwu (1987), education raises the level of consciousness of individuals and societies. He goes on to say that education provides people with the skills they need to manage, sustain, and improve the quality of their lives and the lives of others. Individuals who will be well integrated into society must have good study habits, which will allow them to obtain a good and adequate education.

Many scholars have defined and explained the study habit in various ways. The concepts found in all of the works could provide a summary that will lead one to define a study habit as a constant or consistent pattern of study that an individual has adopted over a long period of time. Study habits are a well-planned and deliberate pattern of study that has resulted in students’ consistency in understanding academic subjects and passing exams (Bashir & Mattoo, 2012). A study habit can also refer to consistent, systematic, and conscious tasks aimed at acquiring specific knowledge items in order to achieve specific goals. The study habits that a person develops will determine the study skills that person possesses. As a result, it is necessary to state that study habits can be both desirable (good) and undesirable (bad). Good study habits and conditions should prevail.

School students are constantly confronted with the problem of mass failure, poor school grades, and incessant repetitions, resulting in withdrawal from school. Desirable study habits include: paying attention to assignments and homework on time, making up for missed lessons in school, paying adequate attention to class room activities, spending extra time at home to go over class activities, seeking teachers’ assistance when necessary, and Having a high level of concentration when reading and using textbooks and other learning materials to supplement classroom work while studying.

All of the opposites of desirable study habits discussed above will automatically imply undesirable study habits.

The consequences of poor study habits are visible in the various forms of examination malpractice being witnessed in various countries.

Nigeria’s educational system has many facets. Most students’ academic achievement has plummeted dramatically. Students who are still studying hard these days come from well-disciplined and God-fearing homes. Poor study habits are visible in students’ attitudes and various activities when writing external examinations such as WAEC, G.C.E., JAMB, and so on. These exams are distinguished by extensive examinational practice.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the level of poor study habits displayed by students. A large proportion of students engage in poor study habits without considering the impact on their future achievement and society as a whole. According to Garuba (1995), education is a deliberate, planned, and systematic process of learning.

bringing about permanent changes in human behavior that are required for full integration of such individual into society. Anyone who is uneducated cannot fully integrate into society. This means that such a person cannot positively contribute to his or her personal life or to society as a whole. Such a person may even become a threat and a nuisance to himself and society. Full integration, which allows an individual to function meaningfully in society, can only be achieved through sound education and good study habits.


There is no shortcut to academic success other than diligent and sufficient study. Poor study habits are indicative of poor study habits. The only way to achieve academic success is to develop good study habits.

habits. Students’ study habits must be improved in order for them to perform well in their studies. According to Bajwa and Jindail (2005), there is a significant difference between high and low socioeconomic status on the variable of under achievement. Bhan and Gupta (2010) investigated study habits and academic achievement among Schedule Caste and non-Schedule Caste students. The findings revealed that sex has no significant impact on students’ academic achievement.

The majority of students in Nigeria today are thought to have poor study habits. They do not study enough to achieve exceptional academic success in life. Exam misconduct in various forms, which is prevalent throughout our educational system, is rapidly destroying the spirit of learning.

Excellent study habits. Students are hesitant to study hard again because an alternative method of academic achievement, test fraud, is rapidly gaining traction in Nigeria. Poor study habits are significant threats to the nation’s growth. If poor study habits continue, our country’s future leaders will be half-baked and substandard. It is an undeniable fact that a country filled with mediocre people cannot thrive economically, socially, politically, or in other areas of human endeavor. This study seeks to investigate the impact of poor study habits on students’ academic achievement based on this premise.


This study’s overarching goal is to investigate the impact of poor study habits on students’ academic achievement. Specifically,

The study aims to:

i. To look into the factors that influence the formation of good study habits.

ii. To investigate various factors that have contributed to students’ poor study habits.

iii. To determine the impact of poor study habits on individuals and the nation.

iv. Determine whether poor study habits have a significant impact on student academic achievement.


The study is guided by the following preliminary statement.

HO1: Poor study habits have no significant effects on individuals or the nation.

HO2: Poor study habits have no discernible impact on student academic achievement.


This research is significant because a good education is the foundation of all success. The enlightened mind is an educated mind. We cannot sit back and let the educational system take its course.

Because there would no longer be a Nigeria, the standard in our country would be zero. Other implications of this study include: exposing to authorities, parents, and students factors that are responsible for a steady increase in poor study habits; demonstrating the effects of poor academic achievement on the overall development of individuals and the nation at large; and providing a platform for necessary corrections and adjustments in educational policy and implementation. Empirically, the study will add to the body of existing literature and serve as a resource for scholars and students interested in conducting additional research on a related topic.


This study’s scope includes

on impact of poor study habits on students’ academic achievement. The study, however, is limited to selected secondary schools in Nassarawa State’s Lafia Local Government.


It is possible that the study’s report will have some sampling flaws. Other factors such as culture, orientation, and values in some areas may also affect the generalization of the conclusions drawn from this study to the entire country.

The questionnaire was used to gather information about the current situation that could represent the majority of Nigerian students. It is common knowledge that students in secondary schools in Lafia Local Government in Nassarawa State have poor study habits. may differ along so many lines

Students’ socioeconomic status, educational background, and family structure, to name a few. Due to time and financial constraints, this study only used three schools in the local government area of study; thus, the results, conclusions, suggestions, and recommendations that emerged from this study will be based on the data generated from the sample used for this study.


Study Habits: According to Charles (2000), study habits refer to the constellation of skills involved in the process of learning materials. Study habits will be defined as a consistent pattern of studying that an individual has adopted over time for the purposes of this study.

Academic Performance: According to Chase (1979), academic performance is the assessment of an individual’s or group’s performance against a set of criteria.

The standard of performance that determines whether an individual’s performance is poor or good. Academic performance will also be defined as students’ performance in academic endeavors, which can be good or bad.

Academic achievement was defined by Meherens and Lehmann (1978) as the degree of learning attained by students following exposure to planned instruction and training. Academic achievement, according to Perino (2006), is a measure of what an individual has learned, as well as their current level of academic performance. Academic achievement will be defined as the amount of academic knowledge attained by an individual through exposure to formal and informal education for the purposes of this study.


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