Background Of The Study

Employees are the lifeblood of any business. As a result, the successful functioning of organizational activities necessitates the cooperation of employees on a continuous and massive scale, which cannot be replaced by anything else. Notably, much more than a solid relationship with top management and a healthy professional relationship with coworkers is required to secure full employee cooperation in an organization.

According to Vroom (2009), in order to get the most out of employees, businesses must carefully analyze various motivational components that favorably attract people to not only perform their formal duties but also to go above and beyond in the organization.

Furthermore, most businesses, whether public or private, consider motivation as one of the most critical difficulties (Ali, 2016). An employee that is properly motivated will work hard to get positive results. Motivation, in other words, is the power that energizes, maintains, and propels a worker toward achieving a goal.

Employee motivation, according to Khanam(2014), is a process in which organizations utilize incentives, awards, and increments, among other things, to urge their employees to fulfill organizational goals. Karlos (2014) argued that a highly motivated person with a strong understanding of the job will work hard to increase his or her efficiency, productivity, and growth in order to achieve the organizational goal. Employee motivation, according to Assam(2000), is critical in the management sector, both theoretically and practically. One of the most significant functions of the human resource management in a cooperative firm is to ensure in-job commitment, which is achieved through incentive (Banjoko, 2010). “Discovering and assessing variables related to individual differences in job engagement, productivity, and growth is an important issue in industrial relations” (Eze, 2009). The identification and assessment are the primary functions of motivational factors or instruments. According to Jibowo(2007), motivation is critical to effective productivity, hence it is critical for businesses to explore and understand what motivates their staff to be more committed and productive. Staff commitment is undeniably important in improving organizational effectiveness. A primary cause of organizational success is increased organizational employee commitment to a specific project or business (Arthur, 2014). According to a study, an employee’s aptitude only influences a portion of his output or productivity; the main factor is his level of motivation. This simply means that financial and non-financial incentives must be effectively exploited and applied in working businesses to motivate people to give their all, increase their dedication, and even push to improve efficiency, productivity, and growth. As a result, the goal of this research is to look into the impact of motivation and commitment on staff efficiency, productivity, and growth.

 Statement Of The Problem

Corporate businesses face ever-increasing challenges in terms of employee engagement, productivity, and loyalty in today’s modern and competitive environment. According to a poll conducted by Nwachukwu (2004), just 19% of manufacturing workers are highly interested in their jobs. On the other hand, there are a variety of viewpoints on employee engagement and motivation, as well as its impact on employee performance. As a result, employers of labor have seen and lamented that employees perform well in the early phases of their employment, but their efficiency and productivity deteriorate over time. Motivation, according to Sharma(2012), is simply providing employees with the right mix of direction, guidance, resources, and rewards to encourage them to perform at their best. Managers must successfully manage employees as well as use encouraging strategies to keep them going because the success of firms is dependent on employee engagement and productivity. As a result, if company motives are insufficient or incorrectly handled, productivity suffers (Yusaf, 2017). The use of various incentives to motivate employees should be appropriate and acceptable in order for the firm to survive and prosper in the current highly competitive and demanding Nigerian market.

Objective Of The Study

The study will look at how motivation and commitment affect staff efficiency, productivity, and growth in general. The research will continue in order to attain this;

1. Determine the financial and non-financial aspects that drive employee motivation in a company.

2. Determine whether employee motivation and dedication have an impact on their productivity.

3. Determine whether staff motivation and dedication have an impact on productivity.

4. Determine whether or not motivation and dedication have an impact on an employee’s progress.

Research Hypotheses

During the course of this research, the following hypothetical propositions will be tested:

H01: There is no link between employee productivity and motivation and commitment.

H02: There is no link between employee motivation and commitment and productivity.

H03: There is no link between employee progress and motivation and commitment.

 Significance Of The Study

In most Nigerian firms, motivation is not a high priority. Employers believe they are doing employees a favor by paying salaries, but this often demoralizes workers and has a detrimental impact on their job satisfaction. As a result, the findings of this study will help to rekindle the use of various motivational tactics in manufacturing organizations.

It will also be used as a literature review by future scholars. This means that other students interested in conducting research in this field will be able to access this work as available literature that may be critically reviewed.

 Scope Of The Study

The study’s goal is to look at how workplace motivation and commitment affect employee efficiency, productivity, and growth. The study will also determine the financial and non-financial elements that inspire people in an organization, as well as whether motivation and commitment affect employee efficiency, production, and growth.

As a result, the research would be limited to a few manufacturing firms in Awka, Anambra State.

 Limitations Of The Study

The researcher faced some challenges in conducting this study, including time limits, money constraints, language barriers, and the attitudes of the respondents.

Furthermore, there was a component of researcher prejudice. The researcher had some biases, which may have shown up in the manner the data was gathered, the kind of people questioned or sampled, and how the data was evaluated afterward. It’s impossible to overestimate the impact of all of this on the findings and conclusions.

Furthermore, because the findings of this study are limited to the sample population in the study area, they may not be applicable to other parts of Nigeria.

 Definition Of Terms

Motivation is a social process in which some individuals attempt to persuade others to work harder and more efficiently by influencing them. It is a person’s mental state that energizes channels and maintains conduct in order to meet the person’s needs. Motivation also refers to a person’s willingness to accomplish something, as well as their conditioned behaviours and ability to meet certain demands.

Incentives are anything that inspires or pushes someone to accomplish something, as well as a payout or concession that stimulates more output or investment.

Person Performance: This refers to how well an employee performs their job tasks in relation to the organization’s goals.


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LJ Mullins (2005). Management and Organizational Behavior are two topics that I’m interested in.

C.C. Nwachukwu, C.C. Nwachukwu, C.C. Nwachukwu, C.C. Nwachukwu, C.C. Nwachuk A countrywide survey of industrial organization provided evidence.

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