Inland Aquaculture In Nigeria: Improving Fingerling Supply And Fish Nutrition For Smallholder Farms
Chapter One
Background To The Study
Monoculture is the husbandry of submarine food organisms. The need arose from the drop in force from ocean fisheries as a result ofover-fishing, niche destruction and pollution. One of the ways to bridge the gap between the reduced fish force and increased world food fish demand is through monoculture. Africa including Nigeria has little monoculture tradition and has been affected by a number of external problems that have averted proper operation and development despite investment. Monoculture has been demonstrated as a cheap source of protein( FAO, 1983). FAO( 2002) reported that an estimated 840 million people warrant acceptable access to food; and about 25 of these are insub-Saharan Africa. As the population grows and puts further pressure on natural coffers, further people will presumably come food insecure, lacking access to sufficient quantum of safe and nutritional food for normal growth, development and an active and healthy life( Enough, 1999).
A number of countries insub-Saharan Africa are characterized by low agrarian product, wide profitable recession, patient political insecurity, adding environmental damage, and severe poverty. Given this situation, it’s thus material to give the poor and empty with a low cost and readily available strategy to increase food product using lower land per caput, and lower water without farther damage to the terrain( Enough etal., 2003). In Nigeria, monoculture development has been driven by social and profitable objects, similar as nutrition enhancement in pastoral areas, generation of supplementary income, diversification of income conditioning, and the creation of employment. This is especially true in pastoral communities, where openings for profitable conditioning are limited. Only in recent times has monoculture been viewed as an exertion likely to meet public faults in fish inventories, thereby reducing fish significances. According to Ekunwe and Emokaro( 2009) Statistics indicate that Nigeria is the largest African monoculture patron, with product affair of over 15,489 tonnes per annum, this is nearly followed by Egypt with affair of about 5,645 tonnes. Only five other countries Zambia, Madagascar, Togo, Kenya and Sudan produce further than 1,000 tonnes each.
Ekunwe, and Emokaro( 2009) farther showed that Nigeria significances about 560,000 tonnes of fish estimated at about$ 400 million annually while periodic domestic fish force in Nigeria stands at about 400,000 tonnes. The fisheries sector accounts for about 2 of publicG.D.P, 40 of the beast protein input and a substantial proportion of employment, especially in the pastoral areas; the sector is a top source of livelihood for over three million people in Nigeria. numerous specialized problems arise in the product of fingerlings either in the pond or hatchery system. star among these are the lack of and poor operation of posterity stock, especially feeding and handling; and the poor record keeping of all conditioning regarding convinced begetting, care of eggs, shindig, feeding, and general operation of fingerlings( Atanda, 2006). The others factors that could affect product and operation as indicated by Adedeji and Owoigbe( 2005) in their studies on factors affecting catfish product and its public health recrimination includes the ensuing capital, cost of labour, security, marketing, storehouse, preservation, distribution and transportation of fish and fish products. For increase product, acceptable force to smallholder growers and profitability all the factors listed must be taken care of. Fish like other creatures have a demand for essential nutrients in order to grow duly.
In the wild, natural feeds are available and as the fish probe for these, they’re suitable to meet their body needs. When fish is removed from its natural terrain to an artificial one, enough food must be supplied in order to enable them grow. Artificial diets may be moreover complete or supplemental. Complete diet force with all the constituents( protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals) is necessary for the optimal growth and health of the fish. Supplemental diet don’t contain a full complement of nutrients demanded but are used to help fortify the naturally available diets. Riche and Garling( 2003) reported that fish reared in ferocious tank systems requires all nutrients in a complete agglomerated diet since natural food is limited and fish can not probe freely for natural foods. This has the advantage of high quality and thickness of diet. The quality of fish feeds and the aseptic situations of technological process employed during feed expression determine the position of threat of microbial impurity backed by temperature.
According to Zmyslowska( 2000), storehouse conditions especially temperature and moisture are important factors affecting microbial quality of fish feeds. indecorous storehouse temperature may protract survival of the microorganism in fish feeds by enhancing their addition and product of poisonous substances which may be pernicious to fish. Good nutrition in fish product system is essential to economically produce healthy, high quality fish products. still the ever adding cost of feed in Nigeria has greatly increase cost of fish product due to lack of raw accoutrements which have to be imported and competition in the beast assiduity for micro and macro nutrient and essential amino acids used in the product of fish feed.
Statement Of The Problem
Inland monoculture is an integral element of the overall agrarian product system in Nigeria. The major species dressed in Nigeria include tilapias, catfish and complaint; still the African catfish Clarias gariepinus is the most farmed( Agbede etal., 2003). In malignancy of the great capabilities of fish husbandry in Nigeria, Nigeria is still unfit to bridge the gap in the force of fingerlings and fish nutrition to the smallholder growers which has led to reduced domestic fish product. In Nigeria, total domestic fish product is far lower than the total domestic demand. According to Zango- Daura( 2000), as cited by Rahji andTeslem Bada 2010 the country requires 750,000 tonnes of fish while domestic product amounted to 350,000 tonnes. Fish importation makes up the balance of 400,000 tonnes. Importation is therefore frequently used to bridge the fish force- demand gap occasioned by deficit in the force of fingerlings and fish nutrition( Rahji et al; 2001). According to Zango- Daura( 2000), Nigeria requires about1.5 million tonnes of fish annually. This is what’s demanded to meet FAO’s recommended minimal fish consumption rate of12.5 Kilograms per head yearly to satisfy introductory protein needs. For now, the unsatisfied demand will continue to be met through importation unless policy conduct are geared towards perfecting domestic products by furnishing result to factors limiting the force of fingerlings and fish nutrition to smallholder growers.
Objects Of The Study
The following are the objects of this study
1. To examine the position of product in the inland monoculture sector in Nigeria.
2. To identify ways of perfecting fingerlings force to smallholder growers in Nigeria.
3. To identify ways of perfecting the force of fish nutrition to smallholder growers in Nigeria.
Exploration Questions
1. What’s the position of product in the inland monoculture sector in Nigeria?
2. What are the ways of perfecting fingerlings force to smallholder growers in Nigeria?
3. What are the ways of perfecting the force of fish nutrition to smallholder growers in Nigeria?
Significance Of The Study
The following are the significance of this study
1. The outgrowth of this study will give an overview on the current position of practice of inland monoculture by Nigerian fish growers with a clear system and strategies involved in the increase in the product of fingerlings and fish nutrition that will lead to acceptable force to the smallholder growers.
2. This exploration will be a donation to the body of literature in the area of the effect of personality particularity on pupil’s academic performance, thereby constituting the empirical literature for unborn exploration in the subject area.
Compass/ Limitations Of The Study
This study will cover the bettered styles that are used in inland monoculture with emphasis on fingerlings and fish nutrition product.
Limitation Of Study
Financial constraint-inadequate fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This accordingly will cut down on the time devoted for the exploration work.
AdedejiO.B. and OwoigbeG.A. Ogunoiki, 2005.M. Factor Affecting Catfish product and its Public HealthImplication in South Western Nigeria. In Vol. II Proceedings of the X11th International Congress onAnimal Hygiene 4- 8 September 2005 Warsaw, Poland. Belgtudio WarsawPoland., pp 427- 429
Agbede,S.A.,O.K. Adeyemo,O.B. Adedeji,A.O. Olaniyan andG.O. Esuruoso, 2003. tutoring of Fish andWildlife Medicine toD.V. M Students The Scope, openings and Applications in Practice. Nig.Vet.Journal, 24( 3) 172- 178.
Atanda,A.N., 2007. Brackish fish seed coffers in Nigeria,pp. 361- 380. InM.G. Bondad- Reantaso( ed.). Assessment of brackish fish seed coffers for sustainable monoculture. FAO FisheriesTechnical., 501. Rome, FAO. pp 628
Ekunwe,P.A andC.O. Emokaro, 2009. Specialized effectiveness of Catfish growers in Kaduna, Nigeria Journal of Applied loresResearch., 5( 7) 802- 805
Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2002. Food Insecurity When People Must Live with Hunger and fear Starvation. The State of Food Insecurity in the World. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome.