Measures Utilized For Prevention Of Nosocomial Infection In The Labour Ward
Chapter One
Background to the Study
Nosocomial infection also known as Hospital Acquired Infections( HAI) is a localized or systemic infection acquired in a sanitarium or any other health care installation by a case admitted for a reason other than the pathology present during admission. It may also include an infection acquired in a healthcare installation that may manifest 48 hours after the case’s admission into the health care installation or discharge( Hildron, Edwards, Patel, Horan, Sievert, Pollock & Fridkin, 2008). Epidemiological studies report that nosocomial infections are caused by pervasive pathogens similar as bacteria( Lepelletier, Perron, Bizouarn, Caillon, Drugeon, Michaud & Duveau, 2005), contagions(De-Oliveira, White, Leschinsky, Beecham, Vogt, Moolenaar, Perz & Safranek, 2005) and fungi present in air, shells or outfit. The pathogens aren’t present or incubating previous to the case’s admission into healthcare installation and are most likely transmitted by direct person- to- person contact during invasive medical procedures( Anderson, Kaye, Chen, Schmader, Choi, Sloan & Sexton, 2009). Some of the pathogens are largely resistant to antimicrobial agents, andthis necessitates the tradition of more potent and expensive antimicrobial agents( Mulvey & Simor, 2009).
Nosocomial infections are current nationally and internationally; and do in cases of all age groups babes( Aly, Herson, Duncan, Herr, Bender, Patel & EI- Mohandes, 2005), immuno- compromised grown-ups and the senior( Lepelletier, Perron, Bizouarn, Caillon, Drugeon, Michaud & Duveau, 2005). The most frequent types of nosocomial infections are those associated with the urinary tract, surgical injuries, respiratory tract and blood sluice( Lo, 2008). It’s a serious global public health issue, causing the suffering of1.4 million people across the world at any given time( WHO, 2007).
Nosocomial infection in developing countries is delicate to address because it’s such a complex problem with different beginning causes. Internationalnon-governmental associations( INGOs) andinter-governmental associations similar as United Nations agencies add a unique perspective to the drive for infection control measures in hospitals in the developing world. still, these associations haven’t been suitable to address all angles of the problem similar as structure, leadership and individual health care worker geste . Nosocomial infection control isn’t simply a matter of encouraging hand hygiene in settings where clean water and cleaner may not be constantly available. Nor is infection control a matter of furnishing inventories to health care workers who aren’t trained to use them duly( WHO, 2010).
The burden of HAI is formerly substantial in advanced countries, where it affects from 5 to 15 of rehabilitated cases in regular wards and as numerous as 50 or further of cases in ferocious care units( ICUs)( WHO, 2009). In developing countries, the magnitude of the problem remains undervalued or indeed unknown largely because HAI opinion is complex and surveillance conditioning to guide interventions bear moxie and coffers( Allegranzi & Pittet, 2008). Surveillance systems live in some advanced countries and give regular reports on public trends of aboriginal HAI( Pittet, Allegranzi, Sax, Bertinato, Concia & Cookson, 2005) similar as the National Healthcare Safety Network of the United States of America or the German sanitarium infection surveillance system. This isn’t the case in utmost developing countries( WHO, 2010) because of social and health- care system scarcities that are exacerbated by profitable problems. also, overcrowding and understaffing in hospitals affect in shy infection control practices, and a lack of infection control programs, guidelines and trained professionals also adds to the extent of the problem.
Sanitarium-wide HAI frequence varied between2.5 and14.8 in Algeria( Vincent, Rello, Marshall, Silva, Anzueto & Martin, 2009), Burkina Faso( DiA, Ka, Dieng, Diagne, Dia & Fortes, 2008), Senegal and the United Republic of Tanzania( Atif, Bezzaoucha, Mesbah, Djellato, Boubechou & Bellouni, 2006). Overall HAI accretive prevalence in surgical wards ranged from5.7 to45.8 in studies conducted in Ethiopia( Messele, Woldemedhin, Demissie, Mamo & Geyid, 2009) and Nigeria( Kesah, Egri- Okwaji, Iroh & Odugbemi, 2009). The ultimate reported an prevalence as high as45.8 and an prevalence viscosity equal to26.8 infections per 1000 case- days in paediatric surgical cases( Kesah, Brewer, Yingrengreung & Fairchild, 2009). In a study conducted in the surgical wards of two Ethiopian hospitals, the overall accretive prevalence of cases affected by HAI was6.2 and5.7( Messele, Grottolo, Renzi, Paganelli, Sapelli, Zerbini & Nardi, 2009). In a study from Nigeria, the perpetration of an infection control programme in a tutoring sanitarium succeeded in reducing the rate of HAI from5.8 in 2003 to2.8 in 2006( Abubakar, 2007).
In Nigeria, nosocomial infection rate of2.7 was reported from Ife, while3.8 from Lagos and4.2 from Ilorin( Odimayo, Nwabuisi & Adegboro, 2008). The cause of nosocomial infections might be endogenous or exogenous. Endogenous infections are caused by organism present as part of the normal foliage of the case, while exogenous infections are acquired through exposure to the sanitarium terrain, sanitarium labor force or medical bias( Medubi, Akande & Osagbemi, 2006). Nosocomial infection rates vary mainly by body point, by type of sanitarium and by the infection control capabilities of the institution. The proportion of infections at each point is also vastly different in each of the major sanitarium services and by position of patient threat( Taiwo, Onile & Akanbi, 2005). This is instanced by surgical point infections( SSIs) which are most common in general check, whereas urinary tract infections and blood sluice infections are most frequent in medical services and nurseries. Rates of nosocomial infection vary by surgical subspecialty, low in ophthalmology and high in general surgery. The differences are largely due to variations in exposure to high threat bias or procedures( Tolu, 2007).
Urinary tract infections( UTI) represent the most common( 34) type of nosocomial infections. Indwelling catheters beget the maturity while others are caused by genito urinary procedures( Tolu, 2007). Surgical wound infections represent 17 nosocomial infection and are the alternate most common sanitarium acquired infections. The bracket of crack infections is grounded on the degree of bacterial impurity, including clean, clean defiled and defiled. Co-morbid and impurity of the surgical point contribute to the infection rate. The threat factors for surgical crack infections include age, rotundity, concurrent infection and dragged hospitalizations. The origin of the bacterial agent is dependent on direct inoculation from a host’s foliage, cross-contamination, the surgeon’s hands, air- borne impurity and bias similar as rainspouts and catheters( Odimayo, Nwabuisi & Adegboro, 2008). Lower respiratory infection( LRI) or pneumonia represents 13 of nosocomial infections( Taiwo, Onile & Akanbi II, 2005). This is the most dangerous of all nosocomial infections with acase casualty rate of 30. It manifests in the ferocious care unit orpost-surgical recovery room. Endotracheal intubation and tracheostomy dry the lower respiratory tract mucous and give entry for microbes.
This study thus aims at probing nursing measures employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infection in the labour ward of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital( UCTH), Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
Statement of Problems
Nosocomial infections have been honored as a problem affecting the quality of health care and a top source of adverse healthcare issues. Within the realm of patient safety, these infections have serious impact similar as increased sanitarium stay days, increased costs of healthcare, profitable difficulty to cases and their families and indeed deaths, are among the numerous negative issues( Anderson, Kaye, Chen, Schmader, Choi, Sloan & Sexton, 2009).
Further more, it was noted that Croakers and Midwives weren’t observing strict Aseptic measures. It’s with the below information the experimenter carried out this study to probe nursing measures employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infection in the labour ward of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital( UCTH), Calabar.
Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to probe nursing measures employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infection in the labour ward of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital( UCTH), Calabar.
Specific Objects
To ascertain the position of knowledge of nosocomial infection among nursers in UCTH, Calabar.
ii. To identify the nursing measures employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infection in the labour ward of UCTH, Calabar.
Exploration Questions
i. How much do nursers in University of Calabar Teaching Hospital( UCTH), Calabar know about nosocomial infection?
ii. What nursing measures are employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infections in the labour ward of UCTH, Calabar?
There’s no significant relationship between thelevel of knowledge of nosocomial infection and nursing measures employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infection in the labour ward of UCTH, Calabar.
Compass Of Study
The study is concentrated on probing the nursing measures employed for the forestallment of nosocomial infection in the labour ward of UCTH, Calabar. It’ll also look at the position of knowledge of nosocomial infections among nursers in UCTH, Calabar.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be of significance to the following orders of people;
Health Workers They will find this study to be an important tool for comforting cases suffering from nosocomial infections.
Nursers And Midwives The findings in this study will prop nursers and midwives with deciding the most suitable infection preventative measure for a particular existent at a particular time. The findings in this study will also give nursers and midwives with further sapience on nosocomial infections, which will help them give comprehensive health addresses on it treatment and forestallment.
Experimenters The findings in this study will also serve as a resource material to experimenters who wish to embark on affiliated inquiries in the nearest future.
Limitation of the Study
The limitation encountered by the experimenter was incapability to distribute the questionnaire to all the nursers in Calabar at the early stage of the exploration. This was due to the three shift- duties of nursers( morning, evening and night) in all the colorful hospitals in Calabar. still, the experimenter crushed it by distributing questionnaire during the morning and evening shift, face to face, whereby she collected completed filled questionnaire at the spot.
Functional Description Of Terms
The crucial terms in this exploration were defined as follows
· Nosocomial This simply is a complaint forming in a sanitarium.
· Infections This is appertained to the process of infecting or the state of being infected bacteria or fungi that generates to a complaint while being admitted in the sanitarium.
· Nanny This simply means a person trained to watch for people diagnosed of nosocomial infection.
· Prevention This is simply the act of stopping nosocomial infection from passing or being.
Measure This refers to a means of achieving a purpose of precluding the circumstance of nosocomial infections in labour ward