Mothers` Perspectives Of Female Genital Mutilation


Mothers` Perspectives Of Female Genital Mutilation



The purpose of this study was to find out maters perspectives on womanish genital mutilation( FGM) among the Maasai community in Kenya. The end of the study can be used in exercising the exploration affect when planning education programs in precluding womanish genital mutilation. The exploration was carried out in co-operation with a original vill which is positioned in South- West Kenya, and West from Nairobi, the Kenyan capital megacity.

Qualitative system was used to apply this study. Data was collected by canvassing four mama ´s progressed between 20- 35 times of age, who had youthful daughters. The interviews were conducted between December 2010 to February 2011. The data collected was analysed by using content analysis.

The results of this study revealed that the maters canvassed have good knowledge about the goods of womanish genital mutilation in general and the pitfalls involved with its practice, although hysterical of losing their culture. They were also apprehensive of the long term and short term goods to their daughters and the future child, which could be as serious as leading to endless disabilities and death. The maters canvassed had knowledge on the signs to look for after FGM infection and to determine if medical treatment was needed rather of depending on natural treatment only. utmost maters admitted use of natural treatment as well as ultramodern drug and other treatment styles.

They conceded other recommended druthers to stop womanish genital mutilation, similar as girl child education since their daughters had more knowledge and data to prove why womanish genital mutilation was dangerous to them. also the study results indicated the amenability of the actors to work nearly with health professionals who have better knowledge about FGM and its goods. They’re also apprehensive that FGM is illegal in Kenya and if they’re caught, they’re liable to execution.

farther exploration is recommended to concentrate on father’s opinion. The study could also give further knowledge to the government and policy makers in raising mindfulness especially to maters who have different opinions about womanish genital mutilation.

1 preface

womanish Genital Mutilation( FGM) is defined as the practice that involves partial or total junking of the external womanish genitalia for artistic or religious beliefs, rather than medical reasons according to Journal of Human Rights,( 2007). Types of geographical position, socioeconomic status and the ethnical background. It isn’t always easy to distinguish who’ll exercise which type of womanish genital mutilation( Journal of Human Rights 2007, 6392- 413).

womanish genital mutilation has been traced back three centuries still, it has experienced artistic metamorphoses.

It’s rehearsed in utmost African, Asian and Middle East countries with an estimated three million girls at a threat of witnessing FGM yearly, which is original to 8,000 girls daily( Momoh, 2010). The colorful reasons proposing durability of womanish genital mutilations may be distributed in to socio-artistic, psychosexual, religious and hygiene purposes and the ritual is observed to mark the incoming of age where- by it’s accompanied by fests and gifts exchange( Nursing Standard 2008, 43- 47).

utmost of the time, victims of FGM have no knowledge about the exact day when the procedure will be carried out and occasionally they guess as the townies may plan observances the former night. Medications involve gifts to the girl, aliment with food, singing songs of praise to the girls and treating her with kingliness while others may have no indication. rather they’re suddenly cured from the bed before dawn and led to a vacated area, shack, sacred tree or swash( Baron & Denmark 2006, 339- 355).


The interest for the below content was drawn from observing that nursing has come an transnational profession, and all nursers have a responsibility to familiarize with different artistic and religious beliefs, so as to offer holistic care without demarcation or overusing the guests. Due to immigration, artistic diversity has increased and it can noway be ignored in the nursing profession especially when health may appear to be getting compromised.


The purpose of the study is to find out the maters perspectives of womanish genital mutilation among the Maasai community in Kenya. The end of the study can be utelised in the exploration results in future when planning education programs in precluding FGM.


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