The impact of motivating factors on employee commitment was investigated in this experiment. For the study, four research questions were developed, all of which stemmed from the study’s goal. Based on the research questions prepared for the study, a questionnaire was used to collect data from thirty (30) respondents at Zenith Bank Plc. Because the population under study was manageable, no sampling procedure was used. The data was analyzed using a simple percentage technique. Employee commitment is improved by motivation, according to the study. Employees can be motivated in a variety of ways to bring out the best in them. This can be accomplished by determining what comprises the needs of the employees. The study also discovered that a lack of motivation leads to a lack of commitment on the part of employees. Finally, the study suggests that management be aware of their employees’ needs and take palliative efforts to address them. Organizations should embrace management styles that foster a sense of belonging among employees and increase their self-esteem. Management of businesses (with special reference to Zenith Bank Plc) should make an effort to inspire their employees through fast promotions, loan provision, job security, and a pleasant working environment, and to guarantee that employees are pleased and excited about their jobs.




Regardless of how well-organized a company is, the most pressing issue facing its executives is how to effectively manage human resources in order to fulfill organizational objectives (Zhor, & Oldham, 2004).

This means that anyone in charge of an organization’s administration must incorporate variables into the system that encourage employees to contribute as effectively and efficiently as feasible. A manager accomplishes this by including those elements into every part of the organizational climate that will encourage employees to behave in desirable ways.

Human motives, according to Tongo (2005), are driven by wants, whether consciously or subconsciously sensed. Some are basic requirements, such as the physiological need for water, air, food, sex, self-esteem, status, affiliation with others, achievement, and so on.

Motivation can be defined as the actions that can be taken to encourage employees to give their all in order to achieve corporate goals. Qureshi (2007) defines motivation as “the forces that maintain and change the direction, quality, and intensity of behavior.” It is true that people join structured businesses and various types of groups in order to achieve goals that they could not reach on their own. However, this does not imply that they would labor tirelessly and participate fully to ensure that these objectives are met.

Motivation is a state of mind that directs behavior toward a specific goal. In other terms, there are three dimensions to motivation:

(a) An organism’s driving state, triggered by physical requirements, external stimuli, or mental processes such as thoughts and memories;

(b) The state’s elicited and directed behavior; and


c) The aim for which the behavior is intended.


As a result, motives motivate behavior and lead it toward a specific objective (s). When we focus on these three components, motivation can be defined as the factors that drive arousal, direction, and maintenance of work-related behaviors (Qureshi 2007).

Motivation is one of the most powerful tools in management’s arsenal today for bringing out the best in employees and increasing productivity. Motivation is a technique for getting a person’s mind to direct his or her behavior or action in order to attain specified goals.


In general, Nigerians’ attitudes toward work, according to Imanyi (1988), are not encouraging. However, empirical studies of work attitudes and motivation in Nigeria have revealed that many Nigerian workers do not believe there is a satisfactory relationship between their efforts and the rewards they receive from their employers. . Motivation to perform will likely be poor or non-existent where favoritism, nepotism, discrimination, ethnic or clannish considerations dominate hiring and firing procedures, as well as promotion and transfer activities. This is a major contributor to Nigerians’ low standard of living (Iheriohanma, 2006).

Organizations with highly motivated employees have been found to perform far better and achieve higher productivity than those whose employees regard motivation as a gimmick.  In light of this, the researcher is looking into the concept of motivating employees for higher productivity, using Zenith Bank Plc as a case study.


The major goal of this research is to see how motivating factors affect employee commitment. The following are some of the objectives of this study in this regard:

i. To see if employee motivation can improve their commitment.

ii. To see if a lack of motivation leads to a lack of commitment on the part of employees.

iii. To investigate the various types of incentive used by employers.

iv. To determine the criteria that employers evaluate when evaluating motivation.


This study will address the following research questions:

Is it possible for employees to be more committed if they are motivated?

ii. Does a lack of motivation contribute to a lack of commitment on the part of employees?

iii. What are the different types of incentive that employers use?

iv. What variables do employers take into account when evaluating motivation?


The search for solutions to the numerous problems that many establishments’ workforces face has nearly proven futile. This study intends to contribute to the quest for a solution to the problem of low worker motivation and commitment in Nigerian workplaces as a result of these non-performance or poor employee engagement. The study’s findings and recommendations will surely contribute in resolving basic challenges of work in Nigerian companies. Once it is clear that an organization with all the trappings of efficiency and high productivity will be rendered impotent and ineffective if the individual human beings whose efforts are to be co-ordinated and harnessed towards the achievement of the organization’s goal are dissatisfied and thus unmotivated, the significance of the study will be appreciated.


The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of motivational factors on employee commitment. This research will look into whether motivation can improve employee commitment, whether a lack of motivation leads to poor employee commitment, the types of motivation used by employers, and whether motivation is effective in increasing employee commitment.

Selected employees of Zenith Bank PLC, Abak Road, Akwa Ibom State, would be enlisted as participants in this study’s survey.


The focus of this research is on the impact of motivational factors on employee commitment. This research will focus on determining whether motivation can improve employee commitment, determining whether a lack of motivation leads to poor employee commitment, examining the different types of motivation used by employers, and determining whether motivation is effective in increasing employee commitment. The poll will be conducted with selected employees of Zenith Bank PLC, Abak Road, Akwa Ibom State, thus the results cannot be applied to other secondary schools outside the state.

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