Problems Of Yam Production In Our Community
Declining productivity of yam in Nigeria stressed the need for a study to determine both the effect of fertilization on yam( Dioscoreaspp.) yield andhe stylish agronomic operation options available for stabilizing yam productivity, via the modeling of yam growth and development. This study addressed the below issues by carrying out a exploration which anatomized the problem of yam product in Nigeria. A questionnaire was administered to evoke information from repliers in the study area. The data collected from the repliers were analysed using the simple chance analysis and recommendations were made on the problems stressed.
Table Of Contents Chapter One Preface
Background to the study
Statement of problems
Research question
Ideal Of Study
Significance of study
Compass Of Study
Limitation of study
Description Of Terms
Chapter Two Review Of Literature
Yam Agricultural System
Environmental demand
Toxin operation
Chatter Three
Study population
Sample size
Sample ways
System of data collection
Analysis of data
Chapter Four
Data donation, analysis and interpretation
Chapter Five
Summary, conclusion and recommendation
Summary and major findings
Expensive labour
Discussion on the findings
Chapter One
Background Of The Study
Yams( Dioscorea species of family Dioscoreaceae) constitute amulti-species crop that’s important for food, income and socio-artistic practices. The most dominant product and consumption zone for yams in the world is in West and Central Africa. Yam plays important places in the nutritive, social, artistic, and profitable life of the people in the yam belt of Africa. Nutritionally, yam is a major chief furnishing food for millions of people in the world. It’s eaten in different forms as fufu, boiled, fried, and roasted( Aidoo, 2009). In Ghana, yam constitutes about 13 of ménage food budget in civic centers( Aidoo, Ohene- Yankyera, Marfo and Blaise, 2009). Economically, yam is important in the original commerce in West Africa and accounts for about 32 of ranch income( Chukwu and Ikwelle, 2000). The crop serves as a major source of foreign exchange earnings and is used as raw accoutrements for bounce diligence and pharmaceutical companies( Amanze, Agbo, Eke- Okoro and Njoku, 2011). As the leading exporter of yam in the world, yam exports contribute significant foreign exchange earnings to the Ghanaian frugality( Ohene- Yankyera, Aidoo and Ohenewa- Tawiah, 2011).
The entire product, processing and marketing chain of yam offers vast employment openings for millions of people. The force of yam offers prospects for income generation due to the number of people involved and the value attached to it. The marketing system, which affects the prices entered by growers and those paid by buyers, has a profound impact on sustainable food security( FAO, 2003).
Yams are members of the rubric Dioscorea and belong to the family Dioscoreaceae. Yams are dioecious shops and produce tubers and bulbils( upstanding tubers) of profitable significance. The stems are viny, leaves are cordate or ovate, tubers substantially spherical and rich in
carbohydrate which make them suitable to be used as food( Mandal, 2003). Tuber development is an evolutionary adaption to a dry season, when leafy shoots die back and tubers come dormant( Purseglove, 2002). During the elaboration of the comestible Dioscoreas, the thickening and lobbing of the ancestral rhizome gave way to a well developed tuber system( Burkill, 2000). In utmost species, they’re renewed and produced annually, while in others they’re imperishable. As crops, yams are gathered every season and seeded using tuber pieces to regenerate the factory. Unlike other tropical root and tuber crop species, formerly gathered, yams can be stored for 4- 6 months in ambient tropical conditions without significant deterioration of their nutritive parcels. Tubers are also frequently dried and latterly mulled into flour for reconstituting as a stiff paste( fufu), which is largely appreciated in West
The family Dioscoreaceae comprises six rubrics but the rubric Dioscorea is the major bone . About 600 species of Dioscorea have been linked, among which 12 species are comestible( Coursey, 2006). Within this rubric, comestible and marketable species are Dioscorea rotundata( white yam or Guinea yam), Dioscorea alata( lesser yam or water yam), Dioscorea esculenta( lower yam or Asiatic yam), Dioscorea bulbifera( upstanding yam or potato yam) and Dioscorea cayenensis( unheroic yam) which produces comestible tubers and bulbils( upstanding tubers located in the axils of leaves).
Some Dioscorea species, like floribunda and compound, are appreciated due to their high tuber content of steroidal saponins, being used in the manufacturing of oral contraceptives, coitus hormones and cortisone( Purseglove, 2002; Applezweig, 2007). The medicine yams are still basically wild species( Coursey, 2006). The English term “ yam ” is most probably deduced from the Portuguese word, ynhame, set up in early documents, itself being the recap of niam, the word used in the Malinke language spoken extensively through the Guineas, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast( Coursey, 2006).
Yams means numerous effects to utmost people. To the growers it’s comestible root tuber crop, which induce his income for the up- upkeep of his family and himself. It has helped raised the standard of living over the times. The oxford wordbook describe yam as a bounce tuberous root largely replacing potato as a staple food in numerous tropical andsub-tropical countries of the world. Yam belongs to the botanical genes discovered, but there are veritably numerous species of great significance in West Africa.
The white yam( Discoreal rotonlata)
The water yam( Discoreal alata)
The unheroic yam( discoreal caganesis)
Lower yam(D. bulbfery)
Trifoliate or three leave yam(D. dumetorum)
Statement Of The Problem
Falling yam productivity has fuelled calls for increased exploration conditioning in yam – a crop that serves as staple food to millions of people in Africa. There are great differences in yield between individual countries( FAO, 2007), but for all countries, the average yield position is far below the implicit one, which has been estimated( Gurnah, 1974; Martin, 1972) at 15- 20 t for dry tubers ha- 1 yr- 1( original to 60- 75 t ha- 1 yr- 1 on a fresh weight base). One major constraint stressed for its donation to declining yam productivity is soil fertility declination, due to nutrient reduction by filtering, and corrosion, and the loss of organic matter from utmost soils in the savannah zone of Edo State. With adding demographic pressure, land use intensity and reduced timber cover, suitable land for yam civilization becomes gradationally scarcer( Carsky etal., 2001). In Edo State, growers practice rent- and- burn husbandry for yam product, which places great pressure on scarce abecedarian and free land coffers. Natural free, crop gyration with grain legumes, and mineral toxin are the main soil fertility operation strategies rehearsed then. still, utmost growers don’t use diseases and coprolites to any perceptible extent on yams.
The comestible yams are root crop bachelor on a field scale for the tubers. They give staple carbohydrate food in the yam zone of west Africa, where diurnal consumption is0.5,1.0 kg yam need a great deal of labour for their civilization and to prepare them for food and they’re generally precious to buy for normal mortal consumption, the field or clangor, occasionally after partial boiling in west Africa, they’re generally eaten as pounded yam which is prepared by ringing cut up yam and boil before pounding them in a rustic mortal to produce a tenacious dough( pounded yam).
thus, this study sought to gain further quantitative information on the problem of yam product and to decide growth parameters that could further be used for modeling of yam growth.
Exploration Question
1. Does lack of storehouse installations affect yam product?
2. Do the misgivings of request price affect yam product in Edo State?
3. Does lack of good road affect the product of yam in Edo State?
4. Is consumer taste a problem facing the husbandry or product of yam in Edo State?
5. Can the nature of the scarce of force of yam tuber a problem of producing of yam?
6. Is nutritive value a problem facing the product of yam tuber?
Ideal Of The Study
Yam product in Edo State have hither to entered security attention from exploration workers and scholars, the main reason for this is that people are ignorant at the significance of yam product in the state.
One of the present day problems of yam product in Edo state has not been encouraging; the people regard the product of yam in the state as fit for only poor and the illiterate. Ignorance is regarded as a passport to shirt and tie job in city.
Significance Of The Study
Yam is a notable for its significance in mortal life.
To insure it’s confined actuality with better performance
To insure the mindfulness of people to the need for development of a positive station towards the product of yam in Oredo Local Government of Edo State.
To ameliorate the volume and quality of yam product in our original government area of Edo State.
To make people understand better effective and effective ultramodern styles of producing yam in the state.
To find out why yam isn’t cultivated in lorry scale by the planter in Edo State.
To identify the different condition favourable for yam product in Edo State.
The actuality of yam is hovered by cassava product if care isn’t taking the survival of yam mistrustfully.
Compass Of The Study
This product works is centered on the product of yam in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.
The problems associated with yam product in Edo State and ways of finding result to the problem encountered by the growers.
Description Of Terms
This exploration of work or design should be centered on description on the problems and prospect of yam product in Edo State. still, due to the complex nature of the townlets in Edo State, some named townlets in the state are Edogbo Oregbani and Asoro.