Sanitation And Hygiene
The purpose of the study was to review the applicable literature of sanitation and hygiene regarding women in poor civic centres and explore ways on empowering women on sanitation and hygiene. The end of the study was to describe the typical enterprises for women regarding sanitation and hygiene in Kibera as well as furnishing women with practical suggestions to ameliorate Hygiene and Sanitation in slums.
The data collection system involved reviewing applicable literature which comported exploration accoutrements from poor civic centres and developing countries. In addition, United Nations publications and educational books for exploration were appertained to.
The findings suggest that there are seven sanitation and hygiene enterprises that women witness Toileting, water, poverty, problems caused by poor sanitation, transmissible conditions, instability and gender inequality. nursers need to promote hygiene and sanitation practices by championing, educating, campaigning and sharing in designing community systems that affect sanitation and hygiene. likewise, nursers need to work within communities, churches, and seminaries.
As a conclusion, the findings of this study give idea on designing a bill for the community health care nursers who are working with women living in under privileged surroundings.
1 preface
The paper intends to find significant conclusions and make recommendations grounded on scientific information and immorally accepted data. The paper focuses on women, hygiene and sanitation in Kibera slums which is one of the largest slums in Africa with a population of nearly 2 million people; and where 10- 25 of the population are infected with HIV/ AIDS.( UNDP, 2005.)
Kibera isn’t the only slum dealing with sanitation and hygiene problems, numerous developing metropolises are also facing the challenge. wide of sanitation and hygiene problems are a result of poor political leadership, mismanagement of coffers and poverty. numerous first world or underdeveloped countries face the same challenges, although with good political leadership it’s possible to overcome the problems. Poor political leadership and corruption has led to poverty, wide conditions and war. African leaders should be encouraged to meet the requirements of citizens rather of being tone- centred about wealth and power. By doing this, the poor population will be suitable to pierce introductory requirements similar as food, education, water, sanctum and medical care with lower difficulties.
According to the Ministries of Health and Water, in 1983 public sanitation reached 49 of the population. Research carried out by the United Nations Children’s Education fund( UNICEF) estimated that sanitation in Kenya covered 45and 46 in 1996.
Dickens in 1883 quoted that Charity begins at home. This means good hygiene and sanitation must start at the lawn roots position. therefore the study focuses on women because woman’s health is reflects on the well being of the family. It’s important for nanny ’ to bear in mind women’s enterprises in poor civic areas in order to be suitable to apply effective care given to women when they visit hospitals.
The purpose of this study is to review applicable literature on sanitation and hygiene of women in poor civic centres and to describe how nursers can help women by giving them suggestions on how to ameliorate sanitation and hygiene. Eventually, we will design a bill for community health care nursers working with women living in under privileged surroundings.
2. 1Description and statistics
Kibera lies at an altitude of 1,670 measures above ocean position, latitude 36 degrees, 50 degrees east and longitude 1 degree, 17 degrees south about 140 km south of ambit. The emergence of Kibera as an informal agreement is connected with the phenomenal growth of the megacity of Nairobi. Kibera slums, the largest informal agreement in Africa, is positioned 5 kilometres south of Nairobi City centre which is the capital megacity of Kenya. It houses further than a quarter of Nairobi’s population. The name Kibera ´ began from a Nubian word which means timber. ´( Karanja etal., 2002)
Kibera is divided into nine sanctioned townlets, with each vill having its own elder. They’re Kianda, Soweto, Kisumu Ndogo, Lindi, Laini saba, Silanga, Makini and Mashimoni. There are no places lesser or bigger than a single storey. The average home is nine square measures which has five occupants per lodging. Civic services similar as water and sanitation are scarce. There’s one hole potty for every fifty to five hundred people hence leading to flying toilets. ´ Kenya has a great water deficit residers calculate on piped water, boreholes and the weakened Nairobi swash. Drinking water is pumped through plastic pipes alongside sewage fosses.( Karanja etal., 2002)
Health care delivery systems
The Ministry of Health( MOH) in Kenya is responsible for furnishing health care to the Kibera population. Kenyatta National Hospital, the biggest referral sanitarium in East and Central Africa, is close to the Kibera slums. Other health care installations in the slum include health conventions, drugstores, motherliness homes, nursing homes, medical centres, laboratories and radiological services, dental conventions which are possessed bynon-governmental organisations and private individualities.
Attempts have been made to ameliorate the healthcare system in Kibera by the Kenyan government,non-governmental institutions and the private sector. Health care installations are certified by the Ministry of Health if they meet the conditions of the National Hospital Insurance Fund( NHIF). still, utmost of the private installations operate immorally, therefore leading to malpractice and poor quality of health.