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The Agony Of Rehabilitation And Integration Of Ex-convicts Into The Nigeria Society


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Imprisonment is a tradition, prisonization is the process of living within a confinement known as a captivity. Obviously, there are introductory social and artistic specific that are present in the captivity community and other corrective institutions likewise, which don’t live in the larger society( Radcliff, 1992). The captivity community, with its distinct culture and way of life, epitomizes a complete design able of changing the stations of individual members for good or bad depending on particular experience, social networking, action and training. The way of life in captivity provides the means and ways for the adaptation process of convicts. Its culture is a dynamic one, which consists of all feathers of value reorientation and internalizations,( Obiola, 2011).


The Nigerian captivity system was established in agreement with three forms of correctional legislation which operate alongside each other in the country; the Penal Code and the accompanying Criminal Procedure Code Cap 81 Laws of the Federation 1990( CPC); the Criminal Code and the accompanying Criminal Procedure Act Cap 80 Laws of the Federation 1990( CPA) and the Sharia correctional legislation in 12 northern countries( which applies to only Muslim members of these countries).


By its establishment gospel, the Nigerian captivity service is an institution meant to administer correctional treatment to adult malefactors. Its significance is in the shot to reduce crime in society. On the base of imprisonment policy, the captivity service was established to manage culprits in captivity yards, with its secondary end of furnishing recuperation and corrective installations for those who have violated the rules and regulations of their society, Uggen( 1999).


still, the extent to which this is true in practice has been a subject of contestation. Cases pullulate where incarcerations have come a training ground for culprits rather of recuperation homes in Nigeria, Obiola( 2011). A unproductive observation of the population that goes by and out of the incarcerations in Nigeria presupposes that there are some problems in the system, hence the incarcerations system has not been suitable to live up to its anticipated part in Nigeria. The solicitude about the fact that Nigerian incarcerations haven’t lived up to prospects in terms of impacting appreciatively on the lives and vocations of convicts has raised several questions that haven’t yet been fully addressed about the system’s function and actuality.


Against this background of the being gap arising from the questions of functionality of the incarcerations in Nigeria, this exploration articulates the problems that live in the Nigeria incarcerations and the reform and reintegration processes that have been put in place by consecutive government for convicts andex-convicts. The extent to which these reform dockets have been enforced and the impacts they’ve had on the overall captivity system in Nigeria are also the interest of this study.


Statement Of The Problem


In several African nations, not only is there no recuperation and commission, several convicts go back to crime soon after their discharge from captivity to terrify society, and return to captivity to worsen the fiscal extremity of the institution. This converse attempts to illuminate the paths to seeking answers to these questions What’s the part of the Corrections/ incarcerations service in the public security and development math? What are the challenges faced by the Nigerian incarcerations in the course of effective recuperation and reintegration of convicts into society? What are the causes and consequences of non reformation of convicts into the society? What are the strategies for remedying the gap of Corrections in the incarcerations? Hence, the challenges questions radiated from this study.


Objects Of The Study




The major end of this study is to examine the state of recuperation and integration ofex-convicts into Nigeria’s society. still, the specific pretensions are as follows


1. Outline the places of corrective/ incarcerations service in the public security.


2. Identify the challenges faced by the Nigerian incarcerations in the course of effective recuperation and reintegration of convicts into society.


3. Identify the causes and consequences ofnon-reformation of convicts into society.


Exploration Questions


This study will be guided by the questions below;


1. What’s the part of Corrections/ incarcerations service in the public security?


2. What are the challenges faced by the Nigerian incarcerations in the course of effective recuperation and reintegration of convicts into the society?


3. What are the causes of non reformation of convicts into the society?


4. What are the consequences of non reformation of convicts into the society?


Significance Of The Study


Nigerian society has suffered extensively over the times, and indeed at the time of this study, from the ineffectiveness of the country’s Corrections/ incarcerations service sector, as reports of reenacting acts of captivity break in the country haven’t stopped. Hence, this study will no doubt advise, enlighten and indeed educate the Nigerian Government and indeed its citizens on the previsioned and innumerous challenges faced by the Nigerian incarcerations in the course of effective recuperation and reintegration of convicts into society, the causes and consequences ofnon-rehabilitation of convicts into society. In the light of the below, the study will proffer applicable recommendations that will prop the government in managing this challenge.


This study will also be applicable to the exploration world, hence will add to the body of literature related to subject of this study. And it’ll thereby be more applicable to experimenters, scholars and other academic labor force.


Compass Of The Study


This study on the agony of recuperation and integration ofex-convicts into the Nigeria society is specifically directed towards outlining the places of Corrections/ incarcerations service in the public security, relating the challenges faced by the Nigerian incarcerations in the course of effective recuperation and reintegration of convicts into the society and relating the causes and consequences of non reformation of convicts into the society. Hence the study is demarcated to Imo State, Nigeria.


Limitation Of The Study


fiscal constraint Insufficient fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint The experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This accordingly will cut down on the time devoted for the exploration work.


Description Of Terms


Captivity This is a structure/ place in which people are fairly held as a discipline for a crime they’ve committed or while awaiting trial.


Rehabilitation This is the act of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and remedy after imprisonment, dependence , or illness.


Integration This is the practice of uniting people from different races in an attempt to give people equal rights ethnical integration


Convict A con is” a person set up shamefaced of a crime and doomed by a court” or” a person serving a judgment in captivity”. Cons are frequently also known as” captures” or” convicts” or by the shoptalk term” con”, while a common marker for former cons, especially those lately released from captivity, is”ex-con”.


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