The Perception And Attitude Of Pregnant Women In Oredo Local Government Towards Cesarean Section


The Perception And Attitude Of Pregnant Women In Oredo Local Government Towards Cesarean Section




Background Of Study




gestation as a physiologic state is anticipated to lead to a process of delivery within thirty six weeks( 36) of gravidity in a normal delivery but due to the different reasons similar as variation in mortal body, sizes, races, external factorse.t.c, it can be a veritably unwelcome experience as women may have difficulties in being delivered of the gestation they’ve carried over numerous weeks.


Hence, to save the life of both mama and child in some cases, a cesarean section. A cesarean section also known as C/ S is an operation fashion by which a fetus is delivered through an suggestions can either be motherly or fetal. The trend of adequacy and the rate of C/ S has been on the increase in the developed countries in the once two decades. In the United State of America, it has revolved off a32.8 in 2010 and 2011( Hamilton BE, Martin JA, Ventura SJ, 2010). Several cesarean sections are occasionally done for maintainable medical andnon-medical suggestions sequently the rate of C/ S in Europe and North America have been adding ( Declercq ER, Sakela C, Corry MP, 2013).


Again, in the developing countries, the change in C/ S rate has been dramatic during the same period. This results from negative perception of C/ S among women in the developing countries. C/ S is still being perceived as an abnormal means of delivery by some women in developing countries, hence C/ S rate inSub-Saharan African Country like Burkina Faso and Niger is as low as 2( Sunday Adeoje I, Kalu CA, 2011).


Among women in the developing countries, C/ S is still being perceived as a curse on an sterile women and the lot of weak women. In a study among Yoruba women of South western Nigeria, C/ S was viewed with suspicious, aversion, misconception, fear, guilt misery and wrathfulness.( Sunday- Adeoje et al, 2011).


In Nigeria, as in utmostsub-Saharan African countries, it has been suggested that women reluctantly accept C/ S indeed in the face of egregious clinical suggestions. Also, negative view and perception of C/ S by women in the developing country has led to gross underathizetlien of the procedure compared to the large burden of obstetric morbid taking resolution by C/ S( AzikenMicheal, Lawrence Omo- Aghoja 2010).


Statement Of Problem


Nigerian has been rated the third country with the loftiest mortality rate after India and Sierra Leone with over 40,000 dths of pregnant women 2012( WHO 2013).


Unfortunately, despite the well proved record of safety, the strong aversion of women insub-Saharan Africa tot eh procedure especially in the presence of life hanging suggestions is a great concern( Awoyinka BS, 2006). Hence the experimenter wants to assess the perception and station of cases at the prenatal clinic to know if it’s accepted or not and the factors that influences their stations towards cesarean section.


Ideal Of Study


Broad objects


This study is aimed at the determination of the possible reasons or factors that impact the perception and station of Oredo Local Government women towards cesarean section.


Specific Objects


To assess the perception of Oredo Local Government women of cesarean section


To determine the station of Oredo Local Government women towards C/ S


To assess the possible factors that impact their perception and station.


Significance Of Study


This study is significant because it’ll help the women understand the need for C/ S especially when a vaginal delivery feel hanging to their health and that of their fetus.


It’ll also help in debunking their colorful belief and taboo about the procedure which has been one of the reasons why they’ve been levistant to authorize of it so that the rate of motherly and fetal mortality will be reduced to the bearest minimum.


Exploration Questions


What’s the perception of Oredo original government women about C/ S


What’s the station of Oredo original government women towards C/ S


What are the factors that impact the perception and station of Oredo original government women towards C/S.HYPOTHESIS


There’s no significant relationship between artistic beliefs and practice as a factor that influences the perception of Oredo original government women of Cesarean section.


There’s no significant relationship between the fear of death and complications of surgery is a factor that influences the station of Oredo original government women towards C/S.


Compass Of Study


This study is done to assess the perception and station of Oredo original government women towards C/ S and it’s carried out amongst the prenatal clinic pregnant women at central sanitarium( Oredo original government) between 25th of September and 20th of November, 2014. Women within the marriage and travail age( 18 – 45 times) were named as accepted fairly under the Nigerian constitution.


Functional Description Of Terms




Anaesthesia The state in which one is unfit to feel anything especially pain by edging in medicine into the body.


station The way one bear towards notoriety or commodity that shows how you suppose or feel.


Cesarean Section It’s an operative fashion by which a fetus is delivered through an abdominal and uterine gash and the suggestions can either be motherly or fetal.


Dystocia It implies any form of abnormalities in gestation or any divagation from normal during gestation


Knowledge To have information about commodity because you have experience or because you have learned it or be told.


Macrosomia Large babies importing further than 40 kg at birth especially in diabetic maters .


Mortality The number of death in a particular situation or period of time.


PerceptionTo notice commodity in a particular way or hold a view about commodity.


Placenta previa This is a condition in which the placenta of a fetus lies where the presenting part of the fetus is supposed to come out( the cervical zilches).


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