The Positive Impact Of Rubber Production On The Economic Development


The Positive Impact Of Rubber Production On The Economic Development




This exploration study was accepted with a view to assessing the veracity of rubber product in Ughelli Local Government Area, Edo State. Several factors were linked as causes of this trend; similar as lack of capital, use of old colonies, attainability of land, price of latexetc. a questionnaires approach was used to gain data from the growers in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. This was subordinated to analysis grounded on quested thesis drawn from the questionnaires. The result of this analysis showed that lack of capital wasn’t responsible for low product of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area. Also, request prices of rubber products had no effect on low rubber product. still, government programs were linked as a cause of low product of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area. thus, the government should enunciate programs that will encourage rubber product in Ovia North East Local Government Area and Nigeria.


Table Of Content


Chapter One




Background of study


Purpose of study


Exploration Questions




Significance of the study


Chapter Two


Literature review


Chapter Three


System of study


Exploration design


Population of study


Sample and slice procedure






Validity and trustability of instruments


Administration of instruments


System of data analysis


Chapter Four


Donation of data analysis and discussion of results


Test of thesis


Chapter Five


Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation










Chapter One




Background To The Study


Natural rubber, Para rubber, Hevea Brasiliensis, is a marketable tree economically grown in colonies. Para rubber factory is useful for the latex that bleeds from the stem in the event of wounding. The product of the clotted latex is rubber. Rubber is used in the manufacture a number of artificial products which range from tires, balls, holders, shoes to bands and a lot of other particulars. Rubber is important in the socio- profitable life of numerous tropical developing nations, similar as Nigeria and Brazil. Before the 60s, before the period of the oil painting smash, rubber was one of the agrarian goods that were the main stay of Nigerian frugality. The civilization of rubber handed bulk employment for the people of the alsoMid-West now known as the Edo and Edo States. still, rubber isn’t native to Nigeria. As the name suggests, it’s an preface from Brazil.


The rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis( Muell.) is a major crop for smallholders in Nigeria and an important marketable crop far and wide. It’s grown for latex product, while rubber wood is considered as a secondary product. thus rubber is regarded as an agrarian crop. still, recent advancements in wood technology have led to rubber tree getting decreasingly important as a source of wood products( Evans and Turnbull 2004). Rubber wood has enjoyed an environmentally friendly character as a raw material, because it’s a by- product of latex product, and when grown in renewable colonies, it can substitute timber from natural timbers.


The natural range of Hevea, of the family Euphorbiaceae, covers the Amazon swash receptacle and corridor of the near highlands. Within the rubric, Hevea brasiliensis( also known as para rubber) is one of the most extensively distributed species.( Wycherley 1992). The rubber tree has always been known for its latex, which was used by the ancient societies of Central and South America. The marketable and large- scale exploitation of the tree didn’t begin until in the last quarter of the 19th century. With the appearance of buses , discovery of the curvaceous tyre and following increase in rubber prices, the produced quantum of colony- began rubber was soon larger than that of wild rubber. At the same time, there were strong geo- political pressures to move the rubber product down from South America( Jones and Allen 1992). While searching for a cash crop for its eastern colonies, the British linked rubber as a implicit crop for planting in Southeast Asia( Hong 1999). Rubber was first introduced in Asia in 1876, when seeds were first packed from the Amazonas to the United Kingdom and further to Ceylon and planted there. In the ensuing time, rubber trees were planted in Singapore and Malaya( Hong 1999). Although rubber was first an estate crop, original individual growers soon espoused the crop and so they were drawn into the world marketable frugality( Courtenay 1979).


Hevea brasiliensis is a tropical, evanescent tree, which grows 25- 30 measures altitudinous in its natural distribution area. utmost of the planted trees are lower, because they’ve been bred for the product of latex without taking much into regard their wood product eventuality( Hong 1999). The caddy of the rubber tree is generally straight but snappily phased, and heavy branching is common. The branching pattern is veritably variable, and the leading stem can be dominant or soon divided into several heavy branches. The tree is fluently damaged by strong winds( Lemmens etal. 1995). Clonal variation in wind- resistance has been observed, depending on types of branching( Cilas etal. 2004). Rubber tree matures at the age of seven to ten times, after which latex tapping can be started. When aiming at profitable latex product, the life cycle of a rubber colony is 30- 35 times, after which replanting is necessary.


Statement Of Problem


Natural rubber performed three main functions in the Nigerian frugality; originally it handed some of the foreign exchange and placed Nigeria in the world chart as an exporter of rubber products. Incipiently it handed employment for a sizeable member of the pastoral crowd. The situation in Nigeria presently pretends a drift from beings a major exporter of rubber products into getting a net importer in the nearest future. The important question or issue is what the reasons are for the observed down turn or reduction in productivity of rubber, especially I Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State.


Purpose Of Study


This exploration was accepted for the following reasons.


To ascertain the positive impact of rubber product in Ughelli LGA.


To find out the position of decline in rubber product in Ughelli Local Government Area.


To find out the causes of decline in rubber product


And incipiently to proffer result to the problems performing to this decline.


Exploration Questions


Considering the forenamed purpose of this exploration, the following exploration questions are proposed as a companion in this study.


Does rubber product have any positive impact on the profitable growth of the Nation?


b. What are the major reasons for decline in rubber product in Ughelli Local Government Area?


c. How important of rubber colonies have been substituted with food crops or other cash crops.


What’s the position of request forces impact on rubber product


Are growers still interested in cultivating rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area?


f. How willing are growers to rehabilitate their rubber colony.


g. What way could be taken by growers to grease rubber product.


h. What part could the government andnon-government agencies play in encouraging rubber product.




This study was considered on the base of the following hypotheticals;


Ho Capital has no effect on the low product of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area.


H1 capital has effect on the low product of rubber in Owan- West LGA.


Ho Government programs have effect on the productivity of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area.


H1 Government programs has no effect o the productivity of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area.


Ho Poor request prices of rubber products has no effect on the product of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area.


H1 Poor request prices of rubber products ahs effect on the product of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area.


Significance Of The Study


This exploration which is principally probing will help to achieve the following


Give details of factors responsible for low product of rubber in Ughelli Local Government Area.


It’ll reveal the perception of growers on the decline of rubber product.


It’ll help proffer results to these factors.


It’ll be a working tool for both government andnon-governmental agencies on how to attack the decline in rubber product.


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