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The Design And Construction Of Baking Oven




The goal of this project is to create a useful, cost-effective, and extremely user-friendly baking oven with a temperature regulation. The case for its manufacturing, maintenance, and services was taken into account when designing the equipment.


The actual fabrication and upkeep of the equipment came immediately after the production design, which also comprises planning drawings and material specifications.


All of the information pertaining to this equipment is contained in the production drawing. These details were used to decode the manufacturing processes for each component, including the body, cover plates, oven compartment, burner, etc.


However, the manufacturing process was solely determined by the production tools at hand. The reliability, portability, and appearance of the equipments are other variables that should be taken into consideration in addition to the equipment’s functionality and longevity.


Then, this article is divided into chapters that discuss in great detail the working principles, choice of materials, method of fabrication, and way of knowing the safety requirement were not left out. It also includes details of the process and formulation of the plan for the physical realization of the construction of a baking oven.




Introduction, version one


The structural adjustment program was launched in 1986 by the Babangida administration in an effort to address these issues as a result of Nigeria’s underdeveloped economic and technological infrastructure and its economic dependence on first-world nations for survival. This imposes a prohibition on the importation of certain commodities in an effort to encourage our population to appreciate local technologies. The need for our technical liberation was brought into sharp light by our engineers and technologists, who then became fervent in their pursuit of the much-needed technological advance.


It has been discovered that no government in the world, especially the so-called advanced countries, is willing to share its technology with another country while scaling back and hiding the key elements from the recipient country(ies). so that they can occasionally be contacted when a need arises.


It is crucial to note that since the aforesaid reality was realized and the structural adjustment program was implemented, major advancements have been made in the technological sphere and the enormous gap that existed therein has been greatly bridged. Our engineers and technologists have been able to exert all of their mental and physical energy on designing research projects and managing the production process.


These are just a few more reasons why we, as young engineers, decided to build this project in order to express our potential for creating a high-performance gas-baking oven with a temperature regulator that would quickly outperform current models of gas and electric baking ovens on the market. Additionally, the price of both gas and electric bake ovens has recently increased. We carried out this structure using resources that were close at hand.


In light of the aforementioned circumstances, one of a nation’s goals should be to guarantee that its citizens enjoy a high level of living at a reasonable and affordable price. Undoubtedly, this will help a lot in developing a healthy economy. One option to accomplish this goal was to start producing goods with high-quality designs that will meet basic demands for homes and sell favorably on the domestic market.


After utilizing and maintaining various domestic gas baking ovens, the concept of using spoiled raw ingredients that are almost locally available to produce a product of comparable standard at a reasonable price was established. The type of oven in question is not new. This equipment is a duplicate of an existing gas-baking oven with temperature regulation, but it has practically all of its components separated to make maintenance and servicing it easier. To facilitate easy access to the burner gas channels and the control valve nozzle, the cover plate behind which the burner is damped to the carbonate with nuts and bolts can be easily pushed out. For simple control of the system temperature, the temperature gauge is fastened to the top of the cabinate with the sensor inside the high temperature region. Two distinct component elements make up the oven burner unit. Any damaged component may be changed in place of the entire entry unit.


By continuously adjusting the control valve nozzle, it is possible to change the temperature of the burning flame, including the oven’s, and its intensity. Since the flame cannot put out an intense flame burning without enough air, the opening under the cabinet creates a channel for air/gas mixing for successful gas burning. All of these have demonstrated the high degree of efficiency and dependability of its performance level.




The following objectives are accomplished by this project:


The first step is to design and build a portable gas baking oven equipped with a temperature sensor.


2. To create a high-performance drying system from scratch.


3. To create a drying system that will be affordable and efficient.


4. To plan and build a drying system that is effective and requires little to no maintenance complexity.


5. To design and build a drying device that might be an improvement over the current design while taking the area of need into consideration.


1.2 The Project’s Importance And Specification


The gas baking oven’s design is crucial in order to achieve a quick heating and drying process without burning or harming the food being baked. the affixing of the temperature regulator sensor to control the system’s temperature at a specific time. This aids the engineer in determining the temperature at which a specific kind and size of food will bake. After adjusting the cylinder gauge and control valve to the proper setting, the oven is opened to remove the food as soon as the temperature meets the standard baking temperature. The sensor aids in determining whether or not there is burning.


Design goals included lower costs, a longer lifespan, quick heating and drying, portability, compactness, and ease of transferring the equipment due to its light weight. They also included an improvement over the previous design. taking into account the nation’s economic status and potential for enhancing marketability.


1.3 Summary And Limitation




There are numerous varieties of oven dryers, some of which are


i) An industrial oven dryer


ii) A solar-powered oven dryer


iii) A household oven dryer


Due to its fast heating system and nature, the design scope of this heating and drying system is specifically for household use or application as well as for small-scale commercial reasons.


Because of this, the equipment is not suited for industrial usage, where a larger volume of oven dryer and multi cooker with huge specifications are desirable. The equipment’s design is limited by its specification in terms of temperature, size capacity, and regions of necessity.


1.4 Statement of the problem


One of the common purposes of an oven is the preservation of perishable goods, especially food items. The additional applications include baking, drying, and heating of consumables. When performing these tasks, take into account the location and the requirement, such as resorts, catering schools, Ribohen, and private residences.


As a result, it is now more important than ever to create a portable, acceptable-quality heating and drying system that is small and easy to move. This system must also be cost-effective.

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