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The Incidence Of Cholera Among Children




This exploration work was designed to examine and dissect the prevalence of cholera among children in Benin City. Seven( 7) exploration questions were formulated and questionnaires were administered to one hundred and fifty( 150) repliers in order to gather data for the exploration. Results showed that poor environmental sanitation leads to cholera outbreak, washing of hands before eating help to help cholera outbreak, drinking and fur with polluted water leads to cholera infection and also, inadequately kept restroom causes cholera outbreaketc. recommendations included that; government should swing into action by furnishing colorful measures in other to help cholera complaint in the country, our water should be treated duly by adding chlorine before drinking and fur with it.


Chapter One




Background To The Study


Cholera is an infection of the small intestine that’s caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae 01 and 0139( Riyan 2004 & WHO 2010). The main symptoms are gushing watery diarrhea and vomiting. Transmission is primarily through consuming polluted drinking water or food. The inflexibility of the diarrhea and vomiting can lead to rapid-fire dehumidification and electrolyte imbalance. Every time there’s an estimated 3- 5 million cholera cases and 100,000- 120,000 deaths due cholera. The short incubation period of two to five days, enhance the potentially explosive pattern of out breaks( Faruque 2008 and WHO 2010). Cholera transmission is nearly linked to shy environmental operation. Typical at- threat areas includeperi-urban slums, where introductory structure isn’t available, as well as camps for internally displaced people or deportees, where minimal conditions of clean water and sanitation aren’t met. The consequences of a disaster – similar as dislocation of water and sanitation systems, or the relegation of populations to shy and overcrowded camps – can increase the threat of cholera transmission should the bacteria be present or introduced. Pandemics have noway arisen from dead bodies. Cholera remains a global trouble to public health and a crucial index of lack of social development. lately, the reemergence of cholera has been noted in resemblant with the ever- adding size of vulnerable populations living in unsanitary conditions( Emch 2008 and WHO, 2010).


Two serogroups ofv. cholera- 01 and 0139- causes out breaks( Alexander 2008).v. cholera 01 causes the maturity of outbreak, while 0139-first indentified in Bangladash in 1992 – is confined to South- East Asia. Non-01 andnon-0139v. cholera can beget mild diarrhea but fleck not induce pandemics. The bacteria are transmitted via defiled drinking water or food. Pathogenicv. cholera can survive refrigeration and freezing in food inventories.( Reildl et al 2002) The lozenge of bacteria needed to beget an infection in healthily levies via oral administration of living vibrios is lesser than 1000 organisms( Hartely 2006). After consuming an antacid, still, cholera development in utmost levies after consumption of only 100 cholera vibrios trials also show that vibrios


consumed with food are more likely to beget infection than those from water alone( Finkelstein 1996). Cases tend to be clustered by position as well as season, with utmost infections being in children periods 1- 5 times( WHO 2010).


Cholera is severe water- born contagious complaint caused by the bacterium vibrio cholerae. In 2005, 131,943 cases including 2,272 deaths have notified from 52 countries. The time was marked by a particular significant series of outbreaks in West Africa, which affected 14 countries and reckoned for 58 of all cholera cases world-wide( WHO 2006). In the same time Nigeria had 4,477 cases and 174 deaths. There was reported case of cholera in 2008 in Nigeria in which 429 death out of 6,330 cases. More so, 2,304 cases in Niger State in which 114 were reported death in 2008( NBS 2009). Recent times have seen a strong trend of cholera outbreak in developing countries, including among others, those in India( 2007), Iraq( 2008), Congo( 2008), Zimbabwe( 2008- 2009), Haiti( 2010), Kenya( 2010). Koko in Edo State( 1989). In Nigeria, according to UN figure, 1,555 people have failed since January and 38,173 cases have been reported. The figure is further than four times the death risk the government reported in August( Guardian. 2010)


Cholera is a complaint characterized by gushing diarrhea accompanied with a severe dehumidification and loss of electrolyte( Colwell and Huq, 1994), caused by toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, a serologically different, environmental, and gram-negative rod bacterium( Li etal., 2002). In the absence of applicable treatment, there’s a high mortality rate. Cholera is a major public health concern because of its high transmissibility, death- to- case rate and capability to do in epidemic and epidemic forms( Kaper etal., 1995). Cholera is responsible for an estimated death of 120,000 encyclopedically every time( WHO, 2001), and still continues to be a scourge worldwide covering all mainlands. In developing countries with aboriginal areas, cholera is still veritably significant with prevalence of further than five million cases per time( Tauxe etal., 1994; Lan and Reeves, 2002). The explosive epidemic nature and the inflexibility of the complaint and the implicit trouble to food and water inventories have urged the table ofV. cholerae as an organism of natural defense exploration( Zhang etal., 2003). In an epidemic, the great maturity of cases can be honored by clinical opinion fluently and a bacteriological opinion is frequently not needed.


Cholera is aboriginal in Nigeria( Falade and Lawoyin, 1999) and epidemiological features( Utsalo etal., 1991, 1992; Eko etal., 1994; Hutin etal., 2003) have been reported from colorful corridor of the country with examinations on possible sources of outbreaks. Outbreaks of cholera had been reported from colorful State in Nigeria similar as Ogun, Edo, Pleatue State etc, of Nigeria. examinations on outbreak of cholera in Nigeria have concentrated on the epidemiological features, the probable source of impurity and the threat factors without spatial relation of health data. still, advances in Geographical Information Systems( Civilians) technology provides this occasion and have come an indispensible tool for processing, assaying and imaging spatial data within the disciplines of environmental health, complaint ecology and public health( Kistemann etal., 2002).


The use of Civilians isn’t new in waterborne complaint outbreaks and cholera studies. It has been applied in probing waterborne complaint outbreak( NWW, 1999), microbial threat assessment of drinking water budgets( Kistemann etal., 2001a), drinking water force structure( Kistemann etal., 2001b), and spatial patterns of diarrhoea illness with respects to water force structures( Dangendorf etal., 2002). In cholera studies, Civilians technology has been applied in studying the correlation between socio- profitable and demographic indicators and cholera prevalence( Ackers etal., 1998), environmental threat factors( Ali etal., 2002a), spatial epidemiology( Ali etal., 2002b), health threat vaticination( Fleming etal., 2007) and spatial and demographic patterns of cholera( Osei and Duker, 2008). This study seeks to assess the causes and effect of cholera outbreak in Benin City, Edo State.




The trouble of cholera rampaging through Nigeria has long been of concern to numerous. The crowded settings coupled with minimum water, sanitation, hygiene and health services, present a fearsome parentage ground for cholera to snappily escalate beyond control. In an attempt to avoid this worse- case script, a massive response needs to be mounted by the Government to enlighten the general public about the causes of this deadly complaint and also ways to avoid the outbreak. Hygiene promoters should be employed to work every day, participating information on how to avoid contracting the illness and the signs and symptoms of the complaint.




The purpose of this study is to determine the causes and effect of cholera during stormy season in Benin City.


The specific objects of the study are


To identify the cause of cholera in Benin City.

To ascertain if cholera outbreak is generally rampant during the stormy season among children in Benin City.

To identify the problems associated with the forestallment of cholera in Benin City

To determine the ways of precluding cholera outbreak in Benin City.

exploration QUESTIONS


The following exploration questions were asked and answered in the study


Does poor environmental sanitation lead cholera outbreak?

Does washing of hands before eating help to help cholera infection?

Can drinking and bathing with polluted water lead to cholera outbreak?

Does inadequately kept restroom cause cholera outbreak?

Is cholera outbreak rampant during the stormy season?

Does the use of pipe borne water for drinking and cooking help reduce cholera outbreak?

Does boiling of water reduce the threat of cholera infection?



The exploration work is important in several ways both to the health labor force and the existent within the society. originally, this study will expose to us some of the causes of cholera outbreak in Benin City and also proffer ways of precluding cholera outbreak within our community.


This study will also be of significance to the health labor force and our original community health workers in the sense that it’ll expose to them the colorful preventative measures to put in place to avoid cholera outbreak in our community and Benin City at large.


This study is also be applicable to the government by furnishing the number of cholera outbreak within the Nigeria frugality and also presenting the numbers of victims who dies as a result of this complaint, by this the government will swing into action by furnishing colorful measures in other to help farther outbreak of the complaint.




The study is set out to determine the causes and effect of cholera outbreak during stormy season in Benin City, Edo State. thus, the study is confined to only community health workers, and other health related labor force in Benin City, Edo State. Repliers include scholars, preceptors, civil retainers, youths, and motorists.


description OF TERMS


Cholera- is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by ingestion of food or water defiled with the bacterium, Vibrio cholera


Outbreak-. a unforeseen, violent, or robotic circumstance, especially of complaint or strife


Infection-. is the irruption of body apkins by complaint- causingmicro-organisms, their addition and the response of body apkins to these microorganisms and the poisons that they produce.


Transmission- The act or process of transferring a complaint from a person to another.


WHO- World Health Organization.


trouble-. An expression of an intention to induce pain, injury, wrong, or discipline. An suggestion of brewing peril or detriment. One that’s regarded as a possible peril; a imminence.


impurity Is the term describing the state of a person or material on coming in contact with the complaint pathogen.


Disease Can be seen as a depart from the normal healthy state of the body soul and mind of a mortal being, which manifests itself in an abnormal development of the physical, physiological and internal state of the mortal being concerned.


Epidemiology The study of complaint that affect large figures of people. Traditionally, epidemiologist have been concerned primarily with contagious conditions similar as typhoid and influenza, that arise and spread fleetly among the population as pandemics.


Environment This is the physical, chemical, and natural condition of the region in which one lives

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