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Bacteriological Quality Of Frozen Chicken




Twenty samples of firmed funk from five different merchandisers were anatomized to determine their bacteriological cargo; the samples were collected from Gwagwalada request. All the frozen funk samples from the five merchandisers examined were defiled with some bacterial species videlicet, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphyloccus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The total bacteria counts for all the funk examined from the different merchandisers was in the range of0.7 × 102


cfu/ ml to8.5 × 102 cfu/ ml and the coliform counts attained for all the funk samples ranged from0.1 × 102 cfu/ ml to3.2 × 102 cfu/ ml. These chancing suggest that utmost of the firmed funk corridor stored in the open request may constitute sources of bacterial food poisoning accordingly public health hazard.


Chapter One




The first consumer right is to have a product of good quality and not constituting any health hazard. Flesh meat products are largely desirable, palatable, digestible and nutritional for all periods. Flesh meat is comprised of about 20 – 23 protein, other are water and fat, phosphorus, iron and vitamins. milled products, similar as frankfurters, bologna and bangers generally contain about 17 – 20 protein, 0 – 20 fat, and 60 – 80 water( Smith, 2001). Quality products are those that meet some need or anticipation of consumers and are safe and wholesome as well.( Sahooetal., 1996). The microbiological safety and quality of flesh meat are inversely important to directors, retailers and consumers. Two relatively different groups of microorganisms are applicable on the one hand certain foodborne pathogens, and, on the other, organisms that are generally inoffensive to mortal health, but, being psychrotrophic, are suitable to multiply on the product during bite storehouse. corruption results substantially from out- odour development, and product shelf- life is determined both by the number of corruption organisms present originally and the temperature history of the product at all stages of product and posterior storehouse and running( Pooni and Mead, 1984). For bite- stored flesh, Viehwegetal.( 1989) demonstrated that nearly all the odorous substances set up at corruption could be attributed to microbial growth and metabolism. impurity of flesh meat with foodborne pathogens remains an important public health issue, because it can lead to illness if there are malpractices in running, cuisine orpost-cooking storehouse of the product.


Fresh( raw) foods similar as funk carries natural microflora that may contain organisms potentially dangerous to humans. The microbial foliage of table flesh is largely confined to the skin face or visceral depression. Isolates from flesh and flesh products could include members of the following general Enterobacter, Alcaligenes, Escherichia, Bacillus, Flavobacterium, Micrococcus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Corynebacteriumand Salmonella.( Frazier and Westhoff, 1988).


impurity of the skin and filling of the body depression occurs during washing, plucking and evisceration. Bacterial figures vary vastly on the face of cravens. This variation still is lesser between catcalls than is between different areas of the same catcalls. The type of organisms insulated depends upon where the samples were taken and upon the stage of processing( Frazier and Westhoff, 1988). Fresh flesh products like meat are known to suffer deterioration due to microbial action, chemical and physical changes. In normal running and storehouse of flesh meat, this deterioration changes are attributed to micro natural impurity and exertion.


Flesh and flesh products are constantly defiled with several types of microorganisms. This problem is indeed more severe under temperature- abused conditions as well as indecorous or hamstrung refrigeration generally observed in retail funk vended in open requests. Flesh can be kept in good condition for months if freezing is prompt and rapid-fire and the storehouse temperature is low enough. Flesh should indurate fast enough to retain utmost of the natural bloom or external appearance of a lately dressed fowl. The storehouse temperature should be below17.8 oC and the relative moisture above 95 percent to reduce face drying. utmost flesh is sharp- firmed at about 29oC or lower in circulating air or on a moving belt in a freezing lair. Other corruptionmicro-organisms are introduced into the flesh products by the workmen during slice and evisceration, through water, and air in the dressing, cooling and cutting room terrain( Allenetal., 2000). still, colorful styles are used in the preservation of these flesh products in order to reduce the prevalence of these organisms. These include asepsis, use of heat, use of low temperature, chilling, indurating, preservatives similar as acetic, adipic, succinicetc. at pH2.5 and use irradiation( Frazier and Westhoff, 1988). Despite these styles of preservation, impurity of flesh products remains the order of the day before it gets to the final consumer.


Points And Objects


colorful bacteria are associated with flesh products; this design is aimed at achieving the following objects


To insulate the colorful microbial isolates associated with firmed funk bought from different merchandisers in Gwagwalada request.


ii. To characterize and identify thesemicro-organisms.


iii. To presume on the significance of these isolates.


iv. To compare the position of impurity of the samples( firmed funk) collected from different corridor of the request.


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