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The Problem Of Oral Expression In English Language




The study targets the problem of oral expression among scholars in some named inferior secondary academy in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. some experimenter questions were formulated to guide the direction of the study. A review of affiliated literature was carried out to find out the views of other pens on the content studied. Both preceptors and scholars in the named seminaries were involved in the study with data for the study collected through the administration of questionnaire to both preceptors and scholars. Their responses were tabulated and placed side by side related exploration questions for analysis and interpretation for a asked result. Incipiently, Summary, findings and conclusion with recommendation were made.


Table Of Content


Chapter One




Problem of the study


Purpose of the study


Significance of the study


Compass of the study


Limitation of the study


Functional description of terms


Chapter Two


Review of affiliated literature


Poor schoolteacher approaches to assignment


Sociological factors




Chapter Three




Pretensions of study




Class tried


Slice ways




System of data collection


System of data analysis


Chapter Four


Donation and analysis of data


Chapter Five


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation










Chapter One




Nigeria adopts English Language as its sanctioned language due to numerous reasons. Of course the top reason can not be disassociated from ethnical verbal diversities and the major ethnical languages are Hausa/ Fulani in the North, Ibo in the East and Yoruba in the West. English is the language of government, institutions and businesses sale in the country. It also stands to reason, thus, that one must have a thorough grasp of the language in both its spoken and written forms. Nigeria thus remains blessed with a language that’s meeting her public bournes , one that’s well advanced and embraced widely, English language that’s on this premise is depended, the colorful governments, original, state and civil attachment of great significance to the tutoring and literacy of English language in the educational institutions of literacy.


English language is one of the most important erudite tools developed to a tremendous position, pictorial and accurate records of our icons both living and dead,( Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo,Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe etc) may not have been possible without the use of English language. The language is forcefully employed in tone expression as well as in literature, essays and letters.


English as a medium of instruction in advanced studies and for internal and external examinations has remained unchanged. English language has for long been a unifying factor among the multitudinous language spoken in Nigeria moment and it has done a lot of good. Wole Soyinka won the( 1980) noble prize for literature which is a thing of pride and joy to the entire blackcontinent.However, he clearly would not have won the noble laureate prize, If Wole Soyinka had written all his books in Yoruba. It’s thus not surprising that important emphasis is placed on the tutoring and literacy of English language. English language is used in all ramification of the nation’s educational system, but the emphasis notwithstanding, the performances of scholars in English language isn’t encouraging.


Problem Of The Study


utmost scholars find it delicate to express themselves in some given situations. This is because they warrant the rudimentary knowledge that’s in English language. rudiments which are vital for judgment construction similar insufficiency includes the capability of the scholars concerned to fete the varying places in the structure of the English Language.


This problem is more touching and intimidating when one considers the chance of scholars who fail the English language in secondary seminaries. It’s ruinous when one discovers that a pupil’s verbal expression of his study is widely considered as inestimable communication tool in all his deals the situation becomes further poignant when it’s considered that a pupil’s capability and proficiency in English language expression are always regarded as precious means. Since these will produce effective capability in all the individualities discipline in the academy and in the use of English language itself. thus, it’s anticipated that at each position or class in the academy, each pupil should be suitable to express his or herself consummately in English language both in written and oral work with an academic performance that’s at least affiliated and applicable to similar position.


It’s in regard to perfecting on the below difficulties that numerous pens have stressed the fact of spoken language coming first in the literacy of a language which the mastery of it’s carried over to the written language. Wilkin( 1974) said that in recent times it has been argued on both verbal and cerebral grounds that spoken English should be the top ideal in the language tutoring in the face of these compliances it becomes necessary to find out the factors affecting the complete tutoring of spoken English, its vocabulary and that of judgment structure.


Purpose Of The Study


To find out or discover some of the factors responsible for the poor performance of scholars in English language in these seminaries. There can be different reasons why experimenter undertakes in carrying out certain studies and this in view that of this study include the following;


To produce literacy situation in whichnon-native speakers can gain proper sapience into how a particular language is used for living, social commerce and communication. It also expresses bones experience in such a way that it can be made meaningful to others.


also, it’s to enable pupil’s acquire the vital structural meaning of words over and over, it’s to place a strong emphasis upon the spoken language in record and foreign language tutoring. It’ll also help preceptors to learn the stylish way of exposing learners to the chops of English language.


Experimenter Questions


Is there any relationship between tutoring approach/ styles of delivery assignment and scholars performances in English languages?

Is there any relationship between social terrain and measured performance of scholars in English language?

Does mama lingo hindrance have any effect on pupil’s performances in English language?

Does pupil’s station to English studies have a bearing on their performances in English language?


Significance Of The Study


Poor achievement in spoken and written English is generally a problem in present day seminaries. The poor standard could be observed in the scholars spoken and written English. This is also sensible in diurnal relations and deals. In the seminaries English language by the scholars in the terrain of use is displayed. This therefore, calls for the critical need of results to the problems and to achieve this, the problems forenamed must be linked and answered.


This is where this study becomes significant as it’s anticipated that the findings and recommendations will break the problem.


Compass Of The Study


This study concentrates on the factors responsible for poor performance of scholars in English language, in some named seminaries, Emotan College School I, II, III and Idia College in Oredo, Benin City. This study covers the preceptors and their pupils or scholars in these named secondary seminaries.

Limitations Of The Study


In carrying out this study attention was concentrated on the inferior secondary seminaries, due to time and fiscal constraint and hence the gladiatorial seminaries are covered in the study


Functional Description Of Terms


Non-Challant This terms means not having, not showing interest in commodity.


Icons This means those who have distinguished themselves in acts of valour and frippery.


Poor Performance This simply means not doing well academically, that isn’t good or of a quality that’s low or lower than anticipated.


L1 mama lingo


L2 Alternate language


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