An Empirical Study Of Mortgage Banks Contributions To Housing Development In Nigeria



This exploration work as believed is another donation to mortgage banking literature which will be veritably usefully particularly to unborn experimenters on this content and those formerly engaged in the banking assiduity. The idea behind this design exploration work entitled Mortgage Banks donation to Housing Development in Nigeria is essential from the pivotal and veritably important nature of casing to every right thinking human being. Professor Abraham Maslow in his “ scale of requirements – a most extensively accepted description of mortal requirements of the general population classified food, sanctum and apparel as the introductory requirements of every man. Every mortal being is a born land lord thus house power is a birthright that must be enjoyed by every man. The benefactions of mortgage banking to the casing development in Nigeria cant not be over overmastered. The civil mortgage bank of Nigeria( FMBN), the primary mortgage institution( PMLS) and other institutional bodies involved in casing delivery have performed multitudinous function in the general trouble to give affordable domestic houses for the Nigeria population. still, a remarkable tailback facing the Nigeria casing financesub-sector is the detention by the apex mortgage institution to expend the National casing fund loan through the primary mortgage institution for on- lending mortgagers. To increase the available hosing stock, the apex Bank( FMBN) should insure the constant force of loans to Nigerians for the purpose of buying structure or enhancement of domestic houses. The exploration study thus is going to show the factual benefactions of mortgage banking to casing development in Nigeria. It’ll inversely show the problems faced by the( PMLS) in their casing finance and delivery trouble. In trying to state the problems and prospects the experimenter employed both primary and secondary data. The work is structured in times five distinct chapters and writhen in simple language to enable compendiums secure a true picture of the information transmitted.






Background Of The Study


The Nigeria structure society(N.B.S) was established in 1956 as a civil savings scheme for members of the public. Under the popular saving scheme, the redeemer was needed to deposit in the account on original sum ofN5( five naira) at opening. The save may latterly deposit in the account as much as he can from time to time.


The popular redeemer entered interest of four percent on the account and could draw up to four hundred naira( N400.) per quantum. Larger delineation would bear a month notice to the society.


Other special packagers were inversely handled by the Nigeria society. One important service rendered by the NBS was home purchase mortgage loans.


Under the loan scheme the NBS enabled Nigerians to acquire houses with loans outstanding over numerous times up to outside of twenty( 20) times. aspirants who benefits from the loan were anticipated to incontinently bear a small portion of the interest was spread in such a way that the devisee completes the payment in not latterly than the age of 55 times. Prepayment was generally in Yearly inaugurations.


In 1977, the Nigeria structure society was reconstituted and renamed the civil mortgage Bank of Nigeria( FMBN). The duty of the civil mortgages bank as the sole institution at the civil position for encouraging the inflow of finances from colorful sources to the casing assiduity through the primary mortgage instructions( PMIs)


The FMBN was set up with an authorized and paid- up capital of N150 million.




The civil mortgage bank of Nigeria( FMBN) was established in 1956, known also as the Nigeria structure society( NBS), a common adventure of the common wealth development pot and the civil and Eastern Government of Nigeria.


Following the preface of the indigenization policy, the civil government, by indigenization Act 1973, under took 100 percent power accession of the NBS and accordingly renamed it the civil mortgage banks of Nigeria( FMBN).


The Bank operates as an effective vehicle for adding the rallying of long- term finances advancing volume and expansion of mortgage lending services to all parts of the Nigeria population.


The FMB started the operation and administration of the contributory savings scheme known as the public casing fund( NHF) established by Act 3 of 1992.


The NHF is a pool that mobilizes long- term finances from Nigeria workers, banks, insurance companies and the civil government to advance loans at soft interest rates to its contributors.


In 1994, the civil mortgage Bank of Nigeria with the promulgation of the FMBN Act 82( 1993) and the mortgage institutions Act 53( 1989) was accorded the status of the Apex mortgage institution and therefore ceded its retail function to an independent company, civil Mortgage finance limited( FMFL) which was sculpted out of the FMBN, itself completely possessed by the civil government of Nigeria.


Under the reform of the casing sector grounded of the FGS2002/2006 National policy on Housing and Urban development the FMBN was restructured into a civil government patronized enterprise( FGSE) with further focus on secondary mortgage and capital request functions. It plays the critical part of developing a robust mortgage finance on secondary mortgage and capital request functions. It plays the critical part of developing a robust mortgage finance system for the country.


To meet its accreditation, the FMBN has shifted operation, emphasis to expand its functions from only social casing on- lending under the NHF to include marketable no- advancing for casing marketable mortgage refinancing mortgage purchasing and earthenware casing and mortgage- backed securitization.


Under this accreditation FMBN finances mortgages created by primary mortgage institutions( PMI) under the National Housing fund scheme and also gives estate. Development loans( EDL) to real estate inventors.


The Banks overall accreditation is to promote the delivery of affordable and ultramodern houses to Nigerians.


Statement Of Problem


sanctum has been widely accepted as the alternate most important essential mortal need after food. casing in its entire ramification, is further than sanctum since it embraces all social services and serviceability that go to make community, a neigbourhood a inhabitable terrain.


The problem of casing in Nigeria are enormous and parade apparent and pronounced indigenous difference. In utmost of our civic center the problem isn’t only confined to volume but also the poor quality of available hocusing units and the terrain.


The script is only slightly different in the pastoral areas where the problem is primarily that of quality of hosing and shy infrastructural installations like road, delineations, water force and so on.


From available statistics, the magnitude of casing problem in the civic areas of the country is similar that five million new casing units will be needed to meet excising and future needs up to the time 2010 bulletin


The casing situation in the pastoral areas of the country live is ever further statistics shows that about thirty- two million( 32, million) new casing units are needed to meet the casing requirements in the pastoral area of Nigeria by the time 2010 bulletin still, it’s observed that the casing problem in the pastoral areas in substantially that of casing problem in the pastoral areas in substantially that of qualitative enhancement in terms of sanitation and structure for being casing stock in these areas.


The quantum of the essential services may be approached to new casing need of the areas to some eight million casing units.


At this juncture, one would like to know if the current increase in mortgage banking business is actually contributing to the casing development in Nigeria.


Again, one would like to know the types of person that can apply for the public casing fund loan and what the purpose of the loan is like.


Following the high cost of structure or copping a domestic house home, people may like to ascertain the maximum limit loanable under the National Housing fund scheme.


Inversely, information to how the loan is repaid will be salutary to implicit mortgage and compendiums likewise.


It’ll be intriguing inversely to indicate the extent reached by colorful situations of government in contributing to the casing development in Nigeria.


The benefactions made far by the FMBN towards casing delivery in Nigeria shall be examined and besides the applicability of the National Housing policy towards the development of casing in the country shall be anatomized.


Eventually, this work will reveal other information a anthology or a implicit mortgage may inquired for in the general mortgage business in Nigeria.




The ideal of this study is to detect how far the establishment of civil mortgage Banks of Nigeria has achieved its purpose of abetting Nigeria citizens to fulfill their bournes of retaining decent and affordable houses.


In an attempt to achieve this pretensions or ideal the government gears towards the attainment of the following policy objects, which includes


Ø Active participation in casing development by all categories of government and private sector( s).


Ø Institutions within the system to render operations more responsive to mortgage demand.


Ø Housing investment which satisfy introductory requirements


Ø Greater participation by private sector in casing delivery especially through the primary mortgage institution.


Meanwhile, the objects of this study are as follows


Ø rallying of finances for the provision of affordable domestic houses for Nigerians.


Ø Encourage programs that would enhance casing backing among how and medium income earners. The fund is also to service thatnon-salaried informal sector.


Ø give long term loans to mortgage institutions for advancing to contributors of the fund.


Exploration Questions


The exploration questions then would serve as companion in the hunt for the result to exploration problem. As a chart that guides this work, the following exploration questions calls to mind


ü Do you suppose that the objectification and conditioning of your establishment has helped to palliate the problems of deficit of casing in Nigeria?


ü Has there been an increase in your bank’s deposit since the commencement of the National Housing fund loan scheme?


ü Would you attribute the increase to the launching of the new public casing policy?


ü To what extent have people applied for NHF loan through your mortgage bank?


ü Has thenon-disbursement of the NHF loan by the civil Mortgage bank of Nigeria( FMBN) for on- lending through the primary mortgage banks negatively affected the mortgage stopgap and bournes of structure or buying their own domestic houses before the time 2010 announcement?


ü Has the FMBN enhance installations to absorb the anticipated rush by aspirants in the event of the on- coming disbursement of National Housing fund loans?


ü Has the expedients and aspiration of Nigerians towards erecting or buying their own houses made work at your bank( FMBN) further burden some?


Exploration Suppositions


suppositions is a birthrights of the experimenter by which the experimenter makes certain immersion about the subject of the exploration in Null and Alternate statement with which the experimenter goes to the field of study to ascertain the position on the ground.


A critical analysis and review of the problem associated with the mortgage banks benefactions to casing development in Nigeria have led to thee suppositions which will be tested in the course of the exploration.


The following suppositions are to be considered


Hi Mortgage banks have helped to break the casing problems in Nigeria.


Ho Mortgage banks haven’t helped to break the casing problems in Nigeria.


Hi The commencement of the National casing fund loan scheme has brought an increase in mortgage banks deposit.


Ho The commencement of the National casing fund loan scheme has not brought an increase in mortgage banks deposit.


Hi Mortgage banks have helped to promote and support responsive believable casing services in Nigeria.


Ho Mortgage banks haven’t helped to promote and support responsive believable casing services in Nigeria.


Significance Of The Study


This work will be of great use to varying group of people. The result or findings of this exploration work will profit the following group of people.


ü Nigeria in need of domestic houses


ü The case association( FMBN)


ü The government at different situations and


ü The reading public likewise.


Description Of Terms


( a) Mortgage


A mortgage is an agreement in which plutocrat is advanced by a structure society, a bank for buying of house or other property, the property being the security.


The document containing the particulars of this sale is called mortgage agreement of mortgage Deed.


occasionally, the term mortgage is descriptive as the sum of plutocrat outstanding yearly under the sale. Also you can speak of mortgaging commodity. When used this way, mortgage also mean to give notoriety the legal right to take possession of( a house or some other property) as a security for payment of plutocrat advanced.


b) Mortgage


A mortgages is person or establishment that lends plutocrat in a mortgage agreement.


c) Mortgage


A mortgage is one who borrows plutocrat in a mortgage agreement. still mortgage of advance may either be


v Legal


v Equitable




A mortgage is legal when it vests the estate in the mortgage with qualification for recoverance on prepayment. That is, the lender has title to the duly until the mortgage is repaid, when title reverts bank to the borrower




A mortgage is nominated indifferent when title deeds are deposited with the lender but interest in the title doesn’t pass per se( by itself)


d) Issues good of note mortgage deals.


i) A mortgage family land by ammeter who has bettered on it’s void in law.


ADAGU V FABBOZA( 1952) HNLR 110. He can only engage his own portion after due partitioning


ii) A mortgage property can not be vended until mortgage deed is registered. still, the enrollment of mortgage deed can be done at any time handed mortgage pays penalty for late enrollment . ANUKWUV. STANDARD BANK( 1972) ULR 106


iii) You can not help a mortgage from redeeming the mortgage at any time he deems fit handed he pays back the espoused sum plus affiliated interest


iv) The mortgage can foreclose and vend the property if the mortgage fails to perform his part of the contract.


v) Once the mortgage’s power to vend becomes due, he doesn’t bear the backing of the court to vend the mortgaged property as long as the right is exercised in good faith.


e) Federal Mortgage bank of Nigeria( FMBN) this is the mortgage bankers bank patronized by the civil Government. It was established in 1977 with an authorized and paid up capital of N150 million. It serve as the sole institution at the civil position is encouraging the inflow of finances from colorful sources to the casing assiduity through the primary mortgage institutions.


f) Primary mortgage institutions( PMIS)


They’re the other institutional factors of the finance request in terms of mortgages. They includes the mortgage banks, erecting societiesetc.

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