The significance of education as a foundation for economic, industrial, political, scientific, and technological growth, as well as religious development, cannot be overstated (Fajonyomi, 2007). Education, according to Ajayi (2007), is essential for all aspects of development. Every educational system, regardless of level, is heavily reliant on teachers to carry out its objectives. Teachers are thus critical to the efficient operation of the educational system as well as valuable tools for educational advancement. It is common knowledge that the most important component of the educational process is the teacher, and that teachers are critical to the success of any government-sponsored educational program. This is due to the fact that, in addition to being at the implementation level of any educational policy, the execution of these programs is also dependent on teachers.

Education is beneficial.

Citizens are encouraged to question authorities about their negligence or disparities, to exercise their civic rights, and to seek improvements in the structural functioning of governance and the economy (Onyedeji, 1986). Citizens can only support or oppose change if they are aware of their governments’ policies. People can only bring about growth if they recognize where improvements are required for the betterment of humanity.

According to Fajonyomi (2007), what students learn, remember, and practice after leaving school has a direct impact on the nation’s competencies and abilities. What a person learns, both formally and informally, affects his or her ability to contribute to national progress. Educated human resources serve as the manpower and employees that propel national growth (Ajayi, 2007). As a result of this,

Each nation’s level of development is determined by the quality of education obtained by its population. The level of performance in the school system is determined by a number of factors, including input quality and school process variables (Ochuba, 2008). Only a well-organized school system can ensure that all aspects of school life are adequately stated and successfully coordinated.

Teachers have a significant impact on students’ academic performance. Teachers act as facilitators, instilling in students the principles that will be learned. However, Ochuba (2008) believed that teachers’ ignorance or disregard for activity-oriented strategies influenced students’ performance significantly. The quality of any educational system, according to (Okorie, 1979), is determined by the

A school may be unable to achieve its goals and objectives if its teaching staff is of poor quality. The National Policy on Education states that no educational system can advance beyond the quality and exposure of its teachers. The amount of experience influences the student-teacher interaction significantly. A well-educated and exposed teacher recognizes almost all of their students’ behavioral patterns, and they do so better than less exposed teachers. The most expensive schools outperform the smaller ones in terms of teacher performance and student academic achievement due to the high quality of their teachers. A well-equipped school can afford to hire higher grade teachers with extensive academic experience (Fajonyomi, 2007).

Teachers take part in games. a critical role in ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. They are best known for their role in educating children who are under their supervision. The most common task of teachers in the classroom is to disseminate relevant knowledge to students while adhering to the curriculum. Teachers impart knowledge to students in a variety of ways, including lecture, small group activities, and hands-on learning activities. Aside from that, they serve a variety of roles in the classroom. Teachers set the tone in their classrooms, create a welcoming environment, mentor and develop students, serve as role models, listen and look for early warning signs of problems, and so on (Ajayi, 2007). They are thus responsible for promoting the school’s mission and ethos through structured classroom prayer and participation.

in the school’s liturgical life, as well as modeling appropriate behavioral norms.

Teachers’ exposure and performance in class, as well as their impact on students’ academic performance, cannot be overlooked. The level of academic exposure of teachers is highly visible and has a significant impact on everything, for example, topic selection, teaching style, interaction with students, and teaching method. This has a significant impact on the output of their efforts in terms of student comprehension, academic performance, and term results.


According to Onyedeji (1986), students’ performance in most secondary schools is frequently low due to a lack of skilled and academic exposure of teachers in the institutions. Most schools want an experienced teacher, but they can’t afford to spend more than they make. They are unable to hire instructors with more experience and academic credentials; instead, they hire a group of teachers for whom they can pay a low salary. Most parents want the best for their children, but financial constraints prevent them from sending them to large schools with highly qualified teachers. Professionalism and exposure in education have been hotly debated for decades. Scholars emphasized that experienced teachers are required for successful learning. According to Ngada in Fajonyomi (2007), the availability of qualified and academically exposed (professional), competent, and devoted instructors determines the success or failure of any educational program. Okorie (1979) asserts that a teacher’s ability to teach is derived not only from one’s academic background, but also from exceptional pedagogical competence.

The need for academically exposed teachers is critical, but will it be cost effective? Will school owners be able to pay highly academically exposed teachers? Can schools sponsor their teachers in their pursuit of higher qualifications?


The primary goal of this study is to investigate academic exposure and its impact on teacher performance. Other objectives of this research include:

i. To investigate teachers’ academic exposure and its effects on students’ academic performance.

ii. To investigate teachers’ academic exposure and its impact on their teaching methods.

iii. To investigate the impact of teachers’ academic exposure on their interactions with students.


i. What are the consequences of academic exposure to

What effect do teachers have on students’ academic performance?

ii. What effect does teachers’ academic exposure have on their teaching methods?

iii. What effect does teachers’ academic exposure have on their interactions with students?


This study will be extremely beneficial to the education sector because the findings will demonstrate the importance of teachers’ academic exposure. This study will describe the impact of teachers’ exposure on students’ academic success in secondary schools, as well as how teachers’ level of exposure contributes to students’ academic performance. This research will also be beneficial to teachers, who understand the value of academic exposure in their careers.

Finally, this research will be used to supplement existing materials.

research anf further reference.


This study will investigate academic exposure and its impact on teacher performance. It will also concentrate on teachers’ academic exposure and the effects on students’ academic performance. It will also look at the relationship between teachers’ academic experience and their teaching methods.

Teachers from Government Day Secondary School in Maiduguri will be enrolled as participants in this study.


This research will only look at academic exposure and its impact on teacher performance. It will also be concerned with teachers’ academic exposure and the effects on students’ academic performance. This research will be restricted to Government Day Secondary School.

As a result, the findings of this study cannot be used anywhere else until additional research is conducted.


examination: a thorough examination or study

Influence: the ability to have an effect on someone or something’s character, development, or behavior, or the effect itself.

Academic exposure: being academically exposed

The action or process of carrying out a task or function.


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