1.1  Background to the study

The concept of preparing people and families for the tasks and responsibilities that come with living in a family setting is not novel. Because knowledge about human development, interpersonal relationships, and family life is not innate, societies have had to devise methods for passing on family wisdom and experience from one generation to succeeding generations. Passing down stories, recipes, and traditions are examples of these methods. His knowledge is passed down through ritualized practices such as puberty initiation ceremonies in some tribes. People learn about family life in the context of their own families and the families of others to a far greater extent than anywhere else, through participation in and observation of family life.

activities and interactions.

This unstructured learning pattern about how to live in families is unable to keep up with the ever-changing social landscape as it becomes more complicated. The accumulation of new information, the acceleration of technological progress, and the ongoing transformation of social and economic conditions all work together to create a scenario in which previous generations’ teachings are no longer applicable or adequate in the modern world. In this situation, communities must identify or develop new methods for preparing people for the roles and responsibilities they will have within their families. One of these novel approaches is family life education.

Clark (2015) asserts that when parents and other family members become directly involved in their children’s education, the Children’s academic performance improves, and they go on to have greater life success. According to Clark, parental involvement encompasses a wide range of different types of activities. Some parents may only have time for one or two activities, whereas others may be able to participate in a variety of ways. According to Aluede (2020), parental involvement in their children’s education has a greater impact when it begins earlier in the child’s educational process. The most successful methods of parent participation involve parents getting personally involved in helping their children learn at home. Parents can participate in family life education classes. when they ensure that their children have increased school attendance, motivation, and self-esteem. Despite the fact that most parents are unsure how to help their children with their education, with the right advice and support, they may become more active in home learning activities and find themselves in positions where they can instruct, advise, and serve as models for their children. According to Uwakwe, parental involvement in educational activities was twice as predictive of academic performance as the family’s socioeconomic standing (2019). When schools encourage children to practice reading at home with their parents, the children’s reading proficiency improves significantly when compared to those who only practice reading at school. This in contrast to the situation in which children only practice reading at school. The positive effects on the student’s achievement are directly proportional to the level of involvement demonstrated by the parents. Parental reading to their children, having books available for their children to read, taking their children on excursions, supervising their children’s TV viewing, and providing other stimulating activities all contribute to their children’s academic success. The more consistently parents engage in family life education at all levels—advocacy, decision-making, and supervision roles, as well as as home teachers—the better the outcomes for their children will be. For the most part, the family institution is responsible for the birth of children who later grow up to be adults.

be members of the younger generation of the society. Furthermore, the family is viewed as the primary agent of socialization, which is the process by which a society’s norms and values are absorbed by its new members, who are children. Education, as well as behavioral patterns and ways of life, are all part of this process. Furthermore, the family is responsible for providing basic necessities of life such as food, a place to sleep, clothing, and education, among other things.

“It is the home that determines the quality of the direction of any child’s life, and that teacher’s work is fulfilled or destroyed by the operation, for good or ill, this major factor in education,” writes Arqqawal (2018). “Any child.” [Citation required] Arqqawal (2018). (2018). “The home determines the quality and direction of any child’s life.” Children from unstable households, on the other hand, have a lower capacity for adaptation to the classroom environment, a lower level of initiative, and a lower level of emotional self-control, according to authors such as Adeyemo (2018) and Akinboye (2020). The amount of stress in a child’s home environment and the way their parents communicate with them may have an impact on their ability to learn. A child who is constantly disturbed as a result of parental disagreements, for example, is more likely to have lower levels of educational achievement (Krohn and Bogan, 2017). Infants who are not breastfed Children who do not receive enough warmth and consistency from their parents, as well as educational stimulation (such as learning new words), are at risk of developing learning and emotional issues later in life (Werner and Smith, 2016). Babies who are not properly cared for face both health and developmental problems later in life (Kenpe and Goldbloom, 2017). Clark (2015) discovers that parents of high academic achievers establish firm but not harsh rules, seek information about their children’s academic progress, improve literacy skills through activities such as reading and word games, and model an optimistic assertive attitude toward life. These findings are the result of a study of young people from low-income black families with varying family structures. Clark’s research found that two-parent families and

Students from single-parent families with these characteristics outperformed students from two-parent and single-parent families without these characteristics. Similarly, Goldenberg (2019) describes how assertive parent involvement can have a significant impact on student achievement. Throughout Goldenberg’s case study, the children who improved their reading skills received parental encouragement and/or home tutoring. Goldenberg discovered that these two variables were significantly related to the children’s academic success.

The practice of preparing individuals and families for the roles and responsibilities of family living is not new. Because relationships and family life are not innate, societies have had to develop methods to facilitate them. may pass on family living knowledge and experience from one operation to the next. This information is passed down through ritualized channels in some cultures, such as coming-of-age ceremonies or initiation rituals. Individuals, on the other hand, obtain the majority of their knowledge about family life through participation in and observation of various family activities and interactions within the context of their own families and the families of others (Aluede, 2020). This type of informal education, which occurs within families, is incapable of keeping up with society’s ever-changing and more complicated nature. Situations arise as a result of the accumulation of new information, the advancement of technology, and the shifting of social and economic conditions.

that have been handed down from previous generations are no longer applicable or adequate. When this happens, societies are forced to find or invent new ways to prepare people for the roles and responsibilities they will have within their families. One of these novel approaches is family life education (Alueze and Ikechukwu, 2020).

It is impossible to overstate the importance of Nigeria becoming a free, just, and democratic society; a land that provides ample opportunities for all of its citizens; a nation capable of generating a great and dynamic economy; and a nation that is growing into a unified and self-sufficient nation. In order to achieve these goals, education in Nigeria is the most effective tool available. National advancement. The Federal Government’s Ministry of Education (2015). As a result of societal changes, the goal of every young person is to become a billionaire overnight. It appears that the majority of our country’s children are finding it increasingly difficult to focus on their academic pursuits. According to the Good Community Committee’s (2015) findings, the causes of low academic achievement in children can be traced back to their formative years. A significant number of children struggle to develop healthy levels of self-esteem and self-discipline, as well as the ability to respond to challenges in constructive ways, and they are unaware of the importance of the skills required for success. National advancement. The Federal Government’s Ministry of Education (2015). As a result of societal changes, the goal of every young person is to become a billionaire overnight. It appears that the majority of our country’s children are finding it increasingly difficult to focus on their academic pursuits. According to the Good Community Committee’s (2015) findings, the causes of low academic achievement in children can be traced back to their formative years. A significant number of children struggle to develop healthy levels of self-esteem and self-discipline, as well as the ability to respond to challenges in constructive ways, and they are unaware of the importance of the skills required for success. learning. In other words, it appears that various variables are involved in the complexity and interconnectedness of the youngsters’ academic achievements. Both the Good Community Committee (2015) and Schewertz (2016) identified factors that contribute to children’s academic underachievement as single parents, poverty, youth violence (crime), drug use, school instability, and rebellion. According to Sewel (2020), three of the numerous reasons why children drop out of school include not enjoying their education, being disciplined at school, or being expelled. Other factors may include the family’s socioeconomic standing and economic situation. Friends and acquaintances who have also dropped out, as well as personal circumstances, such as pregnancy in the case of females. In addition, dropout rates are high in many rural communities. With the introduction of Okada, also known as commercial motorcycling, it appears that males are more likely than females to drop out of school. Furthermore, some young people go on to work as bus drivers or as “Payabayaba,” a slang term for an illegal wood contractor. According to Ayodele (2017), a male student was arrested for social ills (stealing), and during interrogation, he stated that he dropped out of school because his school fees were not paid, and his mother gave birth to nine children for different nine fathers. According to Ayodele (2017), there was a case of a male student who was arrested for

attitude toward the child’s education. Numerous studies show that adolescents whose parents are interested in their education perform better academically (Epstein, 2019). According to the findings of other studies, parental participation is most successful when it is viewed as a collaborative effort between educators and parents. Following an investigation into the perspectives held by both teachers and parents, it is expected that educators and parents will have a better understanding of successful parental participation strategies in increasing student achievement. As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate parental involvements and issues in the awareness of family life education.

1.3 The study’s objectives

The study’s primary goal is to investigate parental involvement and issues with parental awareness.

Education in family life. Other specific goals include:

i. To investigate the level of parental awareness of family life education.

ii. To identify the issues confronting family life education.

iii. To investigate whether parents’ occupational status influences their involvement in family life education.

iv. Determine whether separation and divorce affect the success of family life education.

1.4 Research concerns

The following questions are proposed to guide the investigation.

i. To investigate the level of parental awareness of family life education.

ii. To identify the issues confronting family life education.

iii. To investigate whether parents’ occupational status influences their involvement in family life education.

iv. Determine whether separation and divorce have any consequences.

effect on the success of family life education.

1.5 Importance of the Research

The findings of this study will serve as the foundation for effective promotion of Family Life Education.

The study would help to educate parents about the importance of knowing and understanding the effects of children’s home environments on their academic performance. It would also inform the adolescent about the factors that influence their academic performance in school.

It will also raise awareness among decision-making bodies and even teachers about the issues confronting secondary school teaching and learning in terms of the identified variables.

It would necessitate for schools to provide a conducive environment for interaction between teachers and parents via the Parents Teachers Association.

Meetings of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

It will raise awareness among parents following Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meetings about the need for parents to provide necessary facilities for their children’s use in schools.

This study will provide an opportunity and a forum for discussion about how home climate settings can improve or hinder parental involvement in family life education.

Through this research, practical solutions to the unfavorable home climate will be proposed in order to assist the youth in living in a good and conducive home environment that will ensure high quality education, performance, and attainment.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of parental awareness of family life education. The research will also look into the issues surrounding family life education.

The study will also look into whether parents’ occupational status influences their involvement in family life education. Finally, the study will look into whether separation and divorce affect the success of family life education. As a result, this study will be limited to Kwara State.

1.7 Research limitations

The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in sourcing relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher chose a moderate sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work.

As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.

1.8 Definitions of terms

Parental involvement is defined as parents’ participation in regular, two-way, meaningful communication about student academic learning and other school activities.

Family life education is an educational effort to strengthen individual and family life from a family standpoint.



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