
The Study’s Context

The coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is a tropical plant in the order Arecales and the family Arecaceae. It is grown in over 90 tropical locations around the world (Peggy, 2007).Roots, husk, leaves, and fruit can all be used.


The cavity of the endosperm contains a watery fluid known as coconut water, which begins to form roughly two months following the inflorescence’s natural opening (Janick and Pull, 2008). It contains a high concentration of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and sugar (George, 2001). Coconut water is naturally isotonic. It is physiologically clean and has a lovely sweet flavor, and it has enormous health benefits for humans (Adams and Bratt, 2000).


Coconut water includes both macro and micro minerals, both of which are essential for proper human metabolism. Mg, Na, K, P, Fe, Zn, and Cu are examples of these minerals (Jean et al., 2009). The fluid has been utilized for a long time in various parts of the world. During WWII, coconut water was used instead of saline solution in emergency surgery (Aragao, 2000). It is used to treat hypertension, digestive issues, and weight loss. In a variety of situations, coconut water is also utilized for intravenous rehydration and electrolyte replacement (Ferraz et al., 2003).


Objectives and Goals

The goals and objectives of this study project were to examine the mineral content of coconut water.

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