Awareness And Practice Of Home Accident Prevention In Children (0-5 Years) By Mothers In Odoro I, Ika Local Government Area
Chapter One
Background of Study
Home or domestic accident are unintentional injuries sustain in or around the home. Home is a primary necessity and, modern homes add esteem. Unfortunately careless attitude can transform the home into a death trap (Losara, 2015). Home accident is a world wide public health problem which affect every home in the world, in European countries, home accident kill more people (children) than road traffic accident; in spite of strict safety regulations and laws regarding building and living areas (Bhanderi, 2015). The problem is more grave in developing countries which Nigeria is one of them particularly in rural areas (Galal, 2010). In Egypt home accident are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in children (Agabi, 2012).
According to Article 27 of the constitution in the agreement of children rights, each child holds the right to receive adequate level of living standards in order to accomplish his or her ideal physical, intellectual, psychological, moral and social development. The responsibility of providing an adequate level of living standards for the children is primarily resting on their parents, who will accord them the right to avoid bad conduct of behaviours, physically and emotionally, prohibiting negligence in the household and evading inadequate care which can cause them traumatic effect (Gary, 2016).
Children have been known to have unknowingly poisoned them selves by drinking disinfectant left carelessly around them, some even fall out of bed and injure themselves. Which many of them have die while trying out their hands on electrical equipment, the types of home accident that is frequent is fall, followed by burns/scalp then suffocating and choking, poisoning, glass related accident and drowning (Allender and Spradly, 2013).
Mothers awareness of home accident prevention and what to do make their home safe can be influence by certain factors such as age, expectation, level of education, environment, belief marital status and numbers of children (Osara, 2013).
Child safety is the mothers responsibility, it is an awesome responsibility which is felt most strongly when a child is hurt in a home accident. Mothers feel guilty despite the fact that accident are by their very definition unanticipated and unintended. In other to feel guilty when their children are involved in home accident. It is important for others to practice home safety measures.
However, despite parents effort to care for their children home accident still persist with it serious effects on the children, parents and even the community as well. therefore, this study is aimed at assessing the awareness and practice of home accident prevention in children (0-5 years) by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.
Statement of Problem
Home accident is a major health problem of children throughout United Kingdom. They are one of the most common causes of death in children over one year of life. More than two million children under the age of 15 experiences home accident every year (Bhanderi, 2015).
In Nigeria, the incidence of home accident is very high, particularly in rural areas and shanty towns. It is estimated that about one millions cases of fall, burns and poisoning have been reported in the hospital while some are treated in the home (Osaro, 2015). Report have also shown that the largest number of home accident happens on the living room, dinning room, while the most serious accident happen in he kitchen and stairs, which have rendered thousand of children yearly, permanently disabled or disfigured.
During the researcher’s clinical experience at St. Luke’s Hospital Anua, Uyo Local Government Area, the researcher observed that all the effort made by the nurses and social health workers in child welfare clinic to educate mothers on prevention of home accident and also the government, sponsored radio and television Jingles and documentaries or the prevention of home accident in children, the incidence of falls, burns, poisoning, suffocation is still high. The researcher also observed most of the cases, the children are from Ika Local Government Area (Odoro I). Could it be that they don’t have any knowledge about home accident prevention? Could it be that they have not been practicing home accident prevention? Based on the above facts, the researcher decided to carry out a research on aware now and practice of home accident prevention in children (O-5 years) by mothers in Odoro I, Ika Local Government Area.
Objectives of the Study
To asses the level of awareness of home accident prevention in children (0-5 years) by mother in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area
To determine the level of practice of home accident prevention in children (0-5 years) by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area
To determine the measures that promotes the practice of home accident prevention in children (0-5 years) by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.
Significance of Study
To Mothers: The result of the study will be of great importance to mothers because it will educate the mothers on the awareness and preventive measures of Home accident in children.
To Public: It will help the parent and general public on the appropriate steps to prevent injuries to their children.
To Government: It will help the government to know the programmes to plan and implement especially in area of accident prevention.
This study will save as a reference material for future research work for others who may wish to carryout studies on Home Accident Prevention.
Research Question
What is the level of awareness of home accident prevention in children by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area
What is the level of practice of home accident prevention in children by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area
What are the measures that promote the practice of home accident prevention in children (0-5 years) by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area?
Scope of Study
This study is delimited to awareness and practice of Home accident prevention in children (0-5 ears) by mothers in Odoro I, it covers mothers of under five years children/guardian in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area. Irrespective of their marital status, numbers of children and educational qualification.
Operational Definition of Terms
Awareness: Having insight or knowledge of home accident prevention mothers in Odoro I Community in Ika Local Government Area.
Practice: The process of carrying out home accident prevention in children by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.
Home Accident: Sudden occurrence that needs immediate attention at Home by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.
Prevention: Ways of stopping home accident from occurring in children by mothers in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.
Children (0-5 years): More than one young person from the first day of life to five years after birth in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.
Mother: Women that have given birth before and have children living with them in Odoro I in Ika Local Government Area.