Claims Management And Profitability Of Insurance Companies In Nigeria




The main ideal of this study is to assay the goods of claims agreement on the profitability of Nigeria Insurance assiduity. The study adopts descriptive and logical system of literal and time series data. The study was conducted to cover the period from 1986 to 2011( twenty- five times). The secondary data used for the study was attained from the Central Bank of Nigeria( CBN) Statistical Bulletin, 2014. The secondary data were presented in tables and multiple retrogression system was espoused to assess the relationship between the variables employed. T- statistics and F- statistics were used to test the suppositions formulated in the study. The result from the analysis revealed that there’s a significant relationship between claims agreement and profitability of the Nigerian insurance assiduity. Also, there’s a significant relationship between claims agreement and decoration entered by insurance assiduity in Nigeria. It’s thus, recommended that insurance enterprises need to emphasize prompt payment of acceptable claims for increased patronage, which is always reflected in payment of decoration and profitability.

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