Design And Construction Of An Intelligent 250 Volts Battery Charger With Micro Processor Using Seven Segment Display


Table Of Contents


Title Runner i


Instrument Runner ii


Fidelity iii


Acknowledgement iv


Abstract v


Table of content vi- vii




Preface 1


What’s Battery Charger 1


What’s an Intelligent Battery Charger 1


Other Types of Battery Charger 2- 3




Literature Review 4- 5




Element Description 6


Micro Controller 6- 14


Resistor 14- 16


Transistor 16


Seven Member Display 17- 18


Capacitor 18- 20


Motor 21


Diode 21- 22




Principle of Operation 23- 27


Circuit Diagram 28


Element List 29


Chapter Five


Conclusion 30


Recommendations 31


References 32



Chapter One.




What Is A Battery Bowl A battery bowl is a device used to put energy into a secondary cell or rechargeable battery. By forcing on electric current through it.


The charge current depends upon the technology and capacity of the battery being charged. For illustration, the current that should be applied to recharge a 12v auto battery will be veritably different from the current for a mobile phone battery.


What Is An Intelligent Battery Bowl This is a battery bowl whose affair current depends upon the battery’s state. An intelligent bowl may cover the battery’s voltage, temperature and/ or time under charge to determine the optimum charge current at that moment. Charging is terminated when a combination of the voltage, temperature and/ or time indicates that the battery is completely charged.


Other Type Of Battery Dishes



1. Simple Battery Bowl A simple bowl workshop by connecting a constant dc power source to the battery being charged. A simple bowl doesn’t alter its affair grounded on time or the charge on the battery. This simplicity means that a simple bowl is affordable but there’s a trade off in quality.


2. Teardrop Battery Bowl A teardrop bowl is a kind of simple bowl that charges the battery sluggishly, at the tone- discharge rate. A teardrop bowl is the slowest kind of battery bowl.


3. Timekeeper- Grounded Battery Bowl The affair of timekeeper bowl is terminated after a destined time. timekeeper dishes were the most common type for high- capacity Ni- Cd cells in the late 1990s


4. Fast Battery Bowl fast dishes make use of control circuitry in the batteries being charged to fleetly charge the batteries without damaging the cells element. utmost similar dishes have a cooling addict to help keep the temperature of the cells under control.


5. Palpitation Battery Bowl some bowl use palpitation technology in which a palpitation is fed to the battery. This DC palpitation has a rigorously controlled rise time, palpitation range, palpitation repetitious rate( frequence) and breadth. This technology is used to work with any size, voltage, capacity or chemistry of batteries including automotive and stopcock- regulated batteries..


6. Inductive Battery Bowl Inductive battery dishes use electromagnetic induction to charge batteries. A charging station sends electromagnetic energy through inductive coupling to an electrical device which stores the energy in the batteries


7. Usb- Grounded Battery Bowl Since the universal periodical machine specification provides for a five- volt power force, it’s possible to use a USB string as a power source for recharging batteries.


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