Design And Simulate A Multi-user Congestion Control System For Mtn
Chapter One
Background Of The Study
The world is fast getting a global vill and a necessary tool for this process is communication of which telecommunication is a crucial player. The amount development in the telecommunications assiduity each over the world is veritably rapid-fire as one invention replaces another in a matter of weeks. A major advance is the wireless telephone system which comes in either fixed wireless telephone lines or the Global System of Mobile Dispatches( GSM). Communication without mistrustfulness is a major motorist of any frugality. Arising trends in socio- profitable growth shows a high decoration being placed on information and communication technology( ICT) by homes, associations, and nations. Nigeria isn’t left out in this race for rapid-fire development as the nation’s frugality has been subordinated to times of profitable reversal via mismanagement and bad leadership. The Nigerian telecommunications sector was grossly underdeveloped before the sector was deregulated under the military governance of General Ibrahim Babangida in 1992 with the establishment of a nonsupervisory body, the Nigerian Communication Commission( NCC). So far the NCC has issued colorful licenses to private telecommunications driver. These include 7 fixed telephony providers that have actuated 90,000 lines, 35 Internet service providers with a client base of about 17,000. Several VSAT service providers are in operation, and have bettered fiscal intermediation by furnishing on- line banking services to utmost banks in Nigeria. These licenses allowed private telephone drivers( PTOs), to roll out both fixed wireless telephone lines and analogue mobile phones. The return of republic in 1999 paved the way for the permission of GSM license to 3 service providers MTN Nigeria, ECONET Wireless Nigeria which is now called ZAIN and NITEL Plc which is now called ZOOM in 2001 and latterly GLO.
Statement Of The Problem
It has been observed that calls across different networks are always delicate to connect, at times diverted and also attract further cost. This creates room for druggies to be confused as how important is subtracted from their call credits or are impelled to having multiple GSM lines. As the network increases, further druggies makes call across different networks and there’s need to record the call time, call network, and line identification and be suitable to put calls across the networks with out important locks. Transmission of calls requires at least two points, A and B( point- to- point; point- to- multipoint or multipoint- to- point). Accordingly, the interconnectivity problem within Nigeria is simply stated as follows
. How can A and B, separated conceivably by thousands of kilometers within Nigeria, transmit voice to each other without each having to be subscribers to the same driver?
. More importantly, how can we insuremulti-user resource allocation similar that if A is the forming consumer, it doesn’t count technologically( indeed if financially) which of ALL the other drivers that B is a subscriber to, nor does it count what type of transmission he or she’s transferring?
. The transmission of calls with out important traffic in the network. This will form the bases for the design work.
Purpose Of The Study
The purpose of this exploration work is to establish a transparent set of Interconnection Rules, which shall encompass at least the ensuing conditions
* Every driver must allow all other drivers full connection to its network at technically doable and accessible points of connection, similar that business may appear on one network and terminate on another, or else pass across networks, without hindrance, signal deterioration, detention, traffic, or restriction.
* To design software that will serve as a traffic control system formulti-user telecommunication networks.
Significance Of The Study
This study will help us to know the status of GSM network resource allocation in Nigeria with a view to knowing areas to be addressed for better performance. This exploration work will prop telecommunication companies in Nigeria to achieve the following
1. Keep record of calls across the GSM networks.
2. Use Interswitch to put calls through to the right designation without detention, deformations or diversion.
3. Determine the calling network and entering network and use this information for the purpose of interconnectivity tariffs.
4. Maintain a database of all registered GSM lines for all GSM communication companies.
Points And Objects Of The Study
principally the end of this design work is to design and pretend amulti-user traffic control system for MTN.
Compass Of The Design
This exploration covers network connectivity and business control of MTN network in Nigeria. The system covers all forms of voice calls across the network. Both call identification, recording and network interconnectivity.
Constraints And Limitations
Some of the constraints encountered during this design design include the following
· Financial Constraints The design was achieved but not without some fiscal involvements. One had to pay for the computer time. Also the typing and planning of the work has its own fiscal involvements. still, to break the problems I solicited fund from guardians and relations.
· High programming fashion The programming aspect of this design posed a lot of problematic bugs that took me some days to break. Problems similar as the ADO, DAO and Jet Engine affiliated run time crimes. For case, the Ms Access office 2000 edition doesn’t work with VB- 6. spurt Machine unless converted to lower interpretation of Ms ACCESS of office 1997 edition( i.e. interpretation2.0). Also other specialized problem, which requires semantic and syntactic approaches where encountered as well. In seeking for the result to these problems, I acquired more knowledge from well – clued handbooks and programmes.
· Power Supply The epileptic nature of power force can not be overlooked.
Description Of Terms
Inter-switchInter-Switch Link( ISL): is a trunking system developed by Cisco to use for Ethernet and Token Ring box connections.
Traffic: It’s the overcrowding of route, leading to slow and hamstrung inflow. In computing, it’s a situation in which the quantum of information to be transferred is lesser than the quantum that the data communication path can carry.
Air Interface: In a mobile phone network, the radio transmission path between the base station and the mobile outstation.
Asymmetric Transmission: Data transmissions where the business from the network to the subscriber is at a advanced rate than the business from the subscriber to the network.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module; A smart card containing the telephone number of the subscriber, decoded network identification details, the Leg and other stoner data similar as the phone book. A stoner’s SIM card can be moved from phone to phone as it contains all the crucial information needed to spark the phone.
Telecommunication: Are bias and systems that transmit electronic or optic signals across long distances. Telecommunication enables people around the world to communicate one another to pierce information incontinently, and to communicate from remote areas.
Computer Network: It’s a system used to connect two or further computers using a communication link