Effect Of Steeping Period On Yield And Acceptability Of Starch Extracted From Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor, White Variety And Red Variety)


Effect Of Steeping Period On Yield And Acceptability Of Starch Extracted From Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor, White Variety And Red Variety)




bounce was uprooted from two kinds of sludge bicolor grains( white and red kinds) steeped for 6, 8 and 12 hours by wet milling system, the bounce samples were analysed for yield, functional parcels and overall adequacy. The yield of the white variety ranged from0.45 –0.70 kg and the red variety was0.40 –0.50 kg. The result of their functional parcels were as follows; Bulk viscosity, white(0.700 –0.733 g/ ml), red(0.723 –0.753 g/ ml) Gelation temperature; white( 70 – 72oc) red( 73 – 74oc). Least gelation attention; white(0.60 –0.90 g/ 10 ml), red(0.70 –1.00 g/ 10 ml). Metabolisable energy value, white(3.12 –3.82 kcal/ g), red(3.73 –3.82kcal.g). Glycosidic cyanide content, white(4.5 –8.5), red(8.5 –10.5). The stiff samples with shorter steeping ages gave better results in terms of functional parcels, metabolisable energy value, and chance humidity content. The bounce samples steeped for longer ages had lesser yield but poorer functional parcels. The white variety tested cyanide free and had better results than the red variety. The result of the sensitive evaluation revealed that the samples had significant difference at p(0.05) and p(0.01) in colour and thickness. But there was no significant difference at p(0.05) and p(0.01) in flavour, texture and overall adequacy


Table Contents






Statement of Problem


Objects of the Study




Literature Review


Origin of Sorghum


Structure of Sorghum


Nutritional Value


Uses and system of Preparation


Limitation/ toxin


Processing of Sorghum for Starch






Forms/ Structures/ derivations


Responses of Starch in Food Systems


Food Uses of Starch and their Functional parcels


Corruption of Beans




Accoutrements and Method


Source of Raw Material


system of product


Analysis of Some Functional parcels


Determination of Yield


Bulk viscosity




lump Capacity


Gelation Temperature


Least Gelation attention


Metabolisable Energy Value


Glycosidic Cyanide Content


Humidity Content


Sensitive Evaluation




Results/ Discussion








Conclusion and Recommendation






Chapter One




Bounce isnon-crystalline white greasepaint, undoable in cold water.


It can be hydrolysed into simpler motes by either hotting with an acid or a suitable enzyme.( Awan and Okaka, 1983).


bounce is the major storehouse form of carbohydrate in sludge and millets. It consists of amylopectin, a fanned – chain polymer of glucose, and amylose, a straight chain polymer( FAO, 1992).


The insipidity of the bounce, which depends on hydrolysis by pancreatic enzymes, determines the available energy content of cereal grain. Processing of the grain by styles similar as storming, pressure cuisine, unloading, puffing or Micronesian of the bounce increases the insipidity of sludge bounce.


This has been attributed to a release of bounce grains from the protein matrix rendering t hem more susceptible to enzymatic digestion( FAO, 1992).


When bounce is hotted in water( wettish heat) it’ll produce a gel – an important property demanded in the thickening of gravies, gravies, in the baking of chuck and product of custards( Awan and Okaka, 1983).


The physico- chemical parcels of the bounce affect the textural characteristics of the food medications made from the grain.


The geste of bounce in water is temperature and attention dependent( Malleshi and Desikachar, 1985).


Beans in general show veritably little uptake of water at room temperature and their swelling power is so small. At advanced temperature, water uptake increases and bounce grains collap which leads to solubilisaiton of amylose and amylopectin to form a colloidal result. This is the gelatinisation stage. inheritable and environmental factors affect the gelatinisation temperature of bounce( Freeman and Bocan, 1973).


Heat treatment of bounce in a limited quantum of water lead to swelling the grains with veritably little loss of answerable material and partial gelatinization of the bounce( Watson, 1970).


On cuisine, the jellied bounce tends to return from the answerable, dispersed and unformed state to an undoable crystalline state.


This miracle is known as retrogradation or set back; it’s enhanced with low temperature and high attention of bounce( Rooney, 1991). Amylose, the direct element of the bounce, is more susceptible to retrogradatioln than the amylopectin( Freeman and Bocan, 1973).


Statement Of The Problem


Steeping of sludge for a longer period consumes time and imparts undesirable flavour to the bounce uprooted from the sludge due to the action of some corruption microorganisms. Hence the need to reduced the steeping time and descry its effect on the yield and their sensitive parcels.


The overall ideal of the design work is to develop a process for rooting bounce from two different cultivar of sludge by subjugating to different steeping time.


The null thesis is that cultivar and steeping period won’t have effect on the yield and functionality of the uprooted bounce.


Specific points are


To determine the effect of steeping period on


1. The yield of the bounce


2. The functional parcels of the bounce


3. Organoleptic parcels of the bounce


4. The glycosidic cyanide position of the bounce


5. The metabolysable energy value of the bounce


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