Effects Of Some Salts (Nacl and Na2 SO4) On Functional Properties Of Pumpkin Seed (Telfaria Occidentals) Floor


Effects Of Some Salts (Nacl and Na2 SO4) On Functional Properties Of Pumpkin Seed (Telfaria Occidentals) Floor




A study was carried out on the physico – chemical parcels of abraded pumpkin seeds( Telferia occidentalis) flours. The 1st two flour samples were attained by boiling for 1 hr in0.5 result for Nacl, and.5 result of Na2 S04 independently.


The 2nd two samples were attained by soaking for 12 hrs in0.5 soln of Nacl, and0.5 soln of Na2 So4respectively. The control was neither soaked; F4, F6, F5, F7, and F8 independently. All the samples were dried mulled and settled to gain their independently flours. The flour samples were defatted using n- hexane. Proximate composition, Protein solubility and raging capacity of the samples were determined result showed that the flours contain humidity( 1 040-14.67)


Ash(5.72 –10.72) crude fat(6.22-11.17) crude fibre(4.89 –6.78) crude protein(59.20 –69.83). Protein solubility and from capacity of the samples were affected by treatment employed.


Protein solubility ranged between( 35. 57 – 47. 27) while froth capacity varied at different pH values.


Table Of Contents

Title Runner



Chapter One


Chapter Two

Literature Review

Circumstance, History and civilization of abraded pumpkin.

Nutritional and Chemical composition of abraded pumpkin

Fluted pumpkin processing and application

Storehouse, distribution and marketing of abraded pumpkin

Functional parcels and it’s uses

Raging Capacity

Emulsion Capacity and Stability.

Chapter Three

Accoutrements and styles

Material Collection and processing.

System of recycling the raw material

Boiled with Nacl Fluted pumpkin seed flour.

Soakd with Nacl abraded pumpkin seed flour.

Boiled with Na2 S04 abraded pumpkin seed flour

Soaked with Na2 So4 abraded pumpkin seed flour

Raw dried abraded pumpkin seed flour

Medication of defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour

Coding of defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour

Determination of proximate composition of defatted pumpkin seed flour.

Humidity Content Determination

Ash content determination

Crude fat Determination

Crude protein Determination

Crude fibre


Test on Functional parcels of defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour

Medication Of Swab

Effect of swab attention on protein solubility of defatted fluted pumpkin sees flour.

Determination of the effect of pH on raging capacity and stability of the defatted abraded pumpkin seed flour

Chapter Four

Results and discussion

Chapter Five

Conclusion and recommendation



Chapter One



Pumpkin is a common name of the rubric cucurbitae of the Gourd Family. It includes the pumpkins and squashes. Although the names are frequently used interchangeably, pumpkins in the United Kingdom generally relate to cucurbita outside and it’s kinds, in theU.S. it means curcurbita pepo. The most popular of this is a vine bearing orange fruits or pumpkin used as a piefilling.


Pumpkin is any several prickly vine with large lobed leaves and unheroic flowers, in the rubric cucurbita of the order violates.


Pumpkin is generally applied to the large orange coloured fruit, the curcurbita species is used when ripe as a table vegetable in pies. The meat is some what coarse and explosively flavoured, hence generally not served as a baked vegetable.


Fluted pumpkin( Telfaria accidentalis) belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It’s known as “ Ugu ” in Igbo, “ Umee ” in urchobo “ Ubon ” in Efik and “ Iroko ” in Yoruba language. It’s extensively eaten in the first zone of the southern Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea. Both mature and immature leaves and the youthful shoots are constantly eaten as a pot condiment.


The seeds are cooked whole or base up and used as haze thickener. They’ve agreeable almond like flavour veritably nutritional and largely rich in oil painting of implicit artificial value. The seed also contains fairly high quantum of minerals and vitamins needed in mortal nutrition.


The amino acid of the protein are deficient in the sulphur containing amino acid.( Asiegbu 1987).


The wide deficit of beast protein in developing countries had continued to attract exploration interest in factory protein of high cornucopia.


However the ultimate success of exercising factory protein in food expression depend largely upon it’s functional parcels some of these functional some of these functional parcels include water and oil painting immersion capacity, gelation property, Emulsification, protein solubility, bulk viscosity( Fagbemi and Oshodi 1991).


Considerable work had been done on it’s civilization and conditions( Maduewsi 1977). Seed natural chemical ecology artistic practices and adipose acid composition of the oil painting in the seed. Both the essential and non essential amino acid of abraded pumpkin is advanced than that of colocyn this citrullus.


Fagbemi and Oshodi( 1991) examined the chemical composition and functional parcels of the defatted seed flour, it’s protein insulate nutritionally precious minerals and compare with other oil painting seed flour, insulated being grounded in food expression.( Fagbemi and Osgodi 1991). former studies on the functional parcels of the abraded pumpkin had been done on the raw seed( dried sample. Fagbemi and Oshodi 1992, hunt on the forces affecting the thermal beheviour of protein, may handed styles of perfecting the functional geste of oil painting seed proteins in food system. Heating to denature some protein had been reported to be maintainable or desirable in thermal destruction of functional agents and deteoretion of enzyme and in enhancing the insipidity of the element proteins in oil painting seed.


Processing goods on functional parcels is desirable for designing applicable refining, birth and drying styles for the medication of the functional parcels. There’s need to study swab and processing effect on the functional parcels of some vegetable protein to enhance their optimum application.


This present work is aimed at the following


1) To study the effect of processing on the proximate composition of the abraded pumpkin seed flour.


2) To study the effect of swab on protein solubility of the defatted abraded pumpkin seed flour.


3) To probe processing effect the raging capacity and stability of defatted fluted pumpkin seed flour.


4) Study the effect of pH and processing on the raging capacity and stability of defatted seed flour.

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