Ethno-religious Conflicts And Its Impact On Moral Lives Of Christian Youths In Kaduna State , Nigeria


Chapter One






Background Of The Study


Nigerians have batted the challenges of peaceful concurrence among ethnical groups on the one hand, and between Muslims and Christians on the other, since the British social administration intermingled the northern and southern areas of Nigeria in 1914( Michael Crowder, 1968). The question of leaving together in peace arose in Nigerian public debate as a result of violent clashes between” ethnical groups in conflict”( Horowitz 2000), including the 1967 civil war, a three- time massacre fought primarily by the Igbo people from the southeast, who represented the Christian population, and the Hausa Fulani people from the north, who represented the Muslim population. The terrorist and brutal attack by Boko Haram has renewed the discussion about what it means for Muslims and Christians, Hausa Fulanis, Igbos, Yorubas, and ethnical nonages to abide and live in peace. This exploration uses croaker – individual to examine the causes, dynamics, and sources of ethno-religious conflict in Nigeria, drawing on postcolonial review( Tyson, 2015) and other material social conflict resolution. The composition outlines several options for resolving the conflict. A disagreement between two or further ethnical groups is appertained to as ethnical conflict. While the base of the conflict may be political, social, profitable, or religious, the individualities involved must expressly fight for the place of their ethnical groups in society. This last specific distinguishes ethnical conflict from other types of conflict. StuartJ. Kaufman, StuartJ. Kaufman, StuartJ. Kaufman, Stuart( 2001). still, in this study, ethnical and religious conflict will be defined as Ethno-religious and other insular controversies and conflicts have been on the rise in Nigeria lately. All of the pressures that had erected up over the times sounded to be released with the return of republic and the attendant respect for abecedarian mortal rights. As race 1 and religiocentrism take over lesser place in Nigerian society’s social and political terrain, deepest attachments have tended to shift more in favor of ethnical — grounded inclinations. Unpopular programs and terrible governance have aggravated and complicated this trend in the history, and they continue to do so now. Kaduna is a megacity in Central Nigeria’s mounds. It’s part of Nigeria’s Central State, occasionally known as the” Middle Belt,” a geopolitical expression with numerous ethno-religious saturations that includes the countries of Bauchi, Benue, Kaduna, Nassarawa, and Taraba. In comparison to other countries in the confederation, these countries have distinct characteristics. The National Orientation Agency( NOA, 2002) linked the following features in the zone in a special report Nigeria is home to further than half of the world’s ethnical groups; while no ethnical group shares 100 of its culture with others, Christianity, Islam, and Traditional African Religion all have a significant influence on people’s life. piecemeal from its abundant mineral coffers, the zone also has a large quantum of land and grazing operations, which explains the large affluence of people from other locales. Despite the propinquity of the civil capital to the zone, the zone is one of the least developed; the zone has a large pool ofex-servicemen, some of whom aren’t gainfully employed; the people of this zone are known to be sociable, accommodating, and peaceful. It’s intimidating that such a people could come involved in frequent violent fights( National Orientation Agency, 2002). Kaduna, on the other hand, is seen as a rainbow of dynamic diversity; amini-Nigeria with a population of 59 to 63 ethnical groups, both Muslim and Christian. It should also be noted that Kaduna state has traditionally hosted a different range of interests from both the North and beyond, all of whom, correctly or inaptly, believe that Kaduna state is a venue from where dispatches of whatever tinge and cry can be effectively transmitted to the entire country. The confluence of these factors in Kaduna state has really contributed to the state’s development, but it has also put a lot of strain on the” systems,” as it has sometimes been exploited by some mischievous and deceived rudiments among Christians and Muslims seeking to achieve their own selfish and unrighteous pretensions. individualities and groups like this frequently act as if they’re pursuing public or collaborative pretensions. The state of Kaduna, on the other hand, doesn’t have the monopoly of being a seedbed or theater of ethno-religious pressures and competitions. Other recent events and political processes in Nigeria, and indeed around the world, give enough evidence that indeed mature countries aren’t vulnerable to murderous eruptions and violent battle along ethnical, religious, indigenous, profitable, artistic, and other boundaries. What distinguishes one area from another is the degree of conflict and, maybe more importantly, the sweats made to address the root causes of the conflicts. While mechanisms have been put in place in some places to address the issues, nothing is being done rightly in others, leaving the issues to find concrete expressions in the most violent form. In an ideal world, ethnical and religious diversity shouldn’t be a problem. The foundations of smart and complex societies, as well as other societies, are diversity and pluralism. Mismanagement of these rudiments by those in positions of political authority, on the other hand, constantly leads to insular and other conflicts. As a result, the society’smulti-ethnic andmulti-religious nature isn’t a concern. Only when race and religion are used as a system of limiting people’s involvement in political, profitable, and social arenas do difficulties arise. The geopolitical area in question( Kaduna) has enthralled unpredictable positions in Nigeria’s history of ethno-religious pressures and conflicts, with eruptions from the state having far- reaching counteraccusations across the country. The state of Kaduna has had a variety of conflicts, some subtle and others violent, utmost of which are ethno-religious in nature. Bad leadership, both at the macro and micro situations, has also contributed to the escalation of ethno-religious conflicts, especially when effective measures to help them aren’t in place. People, social equivalency, citizen rights, and participatory republic continue to be major motifs. The negative impact of these battles is that the government, private individualities, and groups have spent significant totalities of plutocrat to reconstruct the country’s destruction caused by ethno-religious conflicts. The plutocrat spent in Kaduna state alone would be sufficient to propel Nigeria to a new position of socioeconomic and political growth. What’s particularly distressing is the valuable loss of Nigerian lives in similar battles.


Statement Of The Problem




In amulti-ethnic andmulti-religious society, ethno-religious conflicts are defined as a situation in which the relationship between members of one ethnical or religious group and members of another ethnical or religious group is marked by lack of charity, collective suspense, fear, and a predilection for violent battle. Salawu,B.( 2010). race arises from the concurrence of multiple ethnical groups within a given home, where ethnical differences are mustered for political and profitable gain in regard to other groups. This state of politicized race may develop to ethnical nationalism, in which a group of people demands a separate country and uses violent or terrorist styles to achieve its pretensions. Nigeria is an archetypical multiple society characterized by divergent languages, societies, ethnical groups, and geological regions, according to Babalawe( 2010). The idea that a population as different as Nigeria could be delicate to handle administratively told the decision to draft the Lyttleton constitution in 1954, which fairly established Nigeria’s federalism. Unfortunately, Nigeria’s civil institutions were established in such a way that they remain uneven and crooked, with the northern religion arising as a larger reality than the combined population of the eastern and western regions. The fight for power was reduced to a battle for al ascendance between the three largest ethnical groups, the Hausa Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo. Those who didn’t belong to one of the three main ethnical groups were considered nonages in this conflict, and they were underprivileged not just in terms of authority but also in terms of wealth. Ethnical and religious conflicts have had a significant and dangerous impact on Nigeria’s socioeconomic and political growth. This has a negative impact on public security, stability, and integration in the country. Manipulation of religion and race has been a major manacle to the country’s intentions to rise to lesser heights and come a global force to be reckoned with. Ethno-religious conflicts have erupted into major or borders in Nigeria, dividing people. In the country, race and religion have also come important instruments for rallying and manipulation. They have been managed to the point where virtually every governmental and private association has been concentrated along ethnical and religious lines. In their places of work, civil retainers, community and social workers are the most vulnerable to intimidation and oppression. Survival and job stability are heavily told by who shares the master’s race and religion. These are doctrines that don’t encourage Nigerians to live in peace and harmony. Our ethnical and religious beliefs should have been a driving factor in encouraging Nigerians to see the enormous benefits that can be deduced from working together as Nigerians in good faith and for a brighter future, anyhow of ethnical and religious divides.


Ideal Of The Study




The overall thing of the exploration is to


probe the causes of ethno-religious conflicts in Kaduna state


ii. probe the Impact of ethno-religious conflicts on Moral Lives of Christian Youths


iii. probe ways which ethno-religious conflicts in Kaduna state can be checked.


Exploration Questions


The following exploration questions guide the ideal of the study.


i. What are the causes of ethno-religious conflicts in kaduna state?


ii. What’s the Impact of ethno-religious conflicts on Moral Lives of Christian Youths


iii. What ways can ethno-religious conflicts in Kaduna state can be checked?


Significance Of The Study


It’ll help policymakers in the country and throughout the world in understanding the core causes of ethno-religious heads in order to concoct measures for mollifying the extremity’s dangerous consequences in the future. And this study will contribute to the being body of knowledge on the issue and serve as a resource for academics, experimenters, and scholars interested in bearing unborn exploration on this or a related content.


Compass Of The Study


The exploration covers the assessment of ethno-religious conflicts and its impact on moral lives of christian youths in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study would probe the causes of ethno-religious conflicts in Kaduna state, probe the impact of ethno-religious conflicts on moral lives of christian youths, and incipiently it would probe ways which ethno-religious conflicts in Kaduna state can be checked.


Limitation Of Study


The study was reduce to a particular demographic region hence all conclusions made as regards the study was grounded on results gotten from a particular rally- graph.


Description Of Terms




Ethno- Religious an ethno-religious group( or an ethno-religious group), or simply an ethno- religion, is a grouping of people who are unified by a common religious and ethnical background.


Conflicts a serious disagreement or argument, generally a prolonged one.


Moral Lives concerned with or relating to mortal geste , esp. the distinction between good and bad or right and wrong geste .


Christian Youths a person who believes in and follows Jesus Christ. b a member of a Christian Church or denotation.


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