Instructional Media As An Effective Means Of Imparting Knowledge




It’s material to conclude that the effectiveness of tutoring can not be said to be achieved through only ways grounded on schoolteacher characteristics. There are other accessories which float the final affair, one of these attributes of achieving effective or enhanced tutoring is through educational media; ideas, designs programmes and conditioning developed as accoutrements to prop in the impartation of knowledge from the schoolteacher to pupil. The objects of this study are to ascertain the use, vacuity and goods of graphic illustrations as a source of educational media. To achieve these suppositions are supposed and exploration questions formulated to ascertain the validity of the suppositions buoyed with other questionnaires, tests, checks, and trials. The findings reveal that graphic illustration being the principal source of educational media in seminaries in Uyo megalopolis inversely appreciatively affect tutoring in the said seminaries. From this study carried out it’s recommend that graphic illustration be encouraged grounded its positive goods as an educational medium; its availability; stinginess and easy to understand nature. Graphic illustration if well harnessesed portends to be a complete improvement in tutoring in secondary academy in Uyo megalopolis of Akwa Ibom State. This study will hopefully contribute appreciatively and enhance the field of education while encouraging for further simplified and affect acquainted forms of knowledge impartation.


Chapter One






This chapter deals with the general preface of the exploration. It touches on the description of the substance, significance, objects and the general structuring of the mode of achieving all that’s asked from the study i.e. expression of exploration questions, assumption of suppositions, and a run down of limitations and delimitations. The chapter presents a general breakdown and structuring of the whole exploration.


Background of the Study


Educational media as an effective means of conducting knowledge and instructions is strengthened by some factors of graphic design, these factors include maps, plates, charts,etc. they can also be distributed into forms of tutoring aids.


The emphasis in trades also revolves in the development of accoutrements that enhances psychomotor collaboration, but for the effective use of these accoutrements and for lesser results to be achieved, there has to be symbols to show the idea for the psychomotor collaboration as well as for the art schoolteacher to effectively transfer the chops, it’s material to produce illustration accoutrements showing the processes with exemplifications of operation, the performance of scholars grounded on available educational accoutrements and how they enhance tutoring. The product of said accoutrements achieve binary purposes; they serve as material for tutoring processes while at the same time explaining those processes. In this environment, graphic illustration is understood to be accoutrements created through printing, delineation, oil, or other forms of pictorial representation on flat face; essay and paper etc to depict an idea with the intention of explaining the said idea to the pupil( bystander). It’s the graphic element of visual designs that gives room for both the illiterates and literates to fluently understand a communication, instruction, or intention. When the factors of graphic illustration are well exercised by the educator, the attendant effect is educational effectiveness, by this, graphic illustration is a major personification of and an educational medium. thus, it’s in the interest of a well instructed academy system through which well scientifically tested and proven styles of knowledge transfer are communicated from effective use of graphic illustration as educational accoutrements that this study is needed.


Statement of the Problem


There are numerous element attributes that contribute to the successful use of educational media, the computer programs, the audio, audiovisual and video aids, the sculpted toys, cartoons, maps, plates, chartsetc. a vast maturity of these have graphic rudiments in them, these rudiments are stressed then in view of employing their characteristics and latterly showcasing the applicability of these characteristics to plates in general and the applicability of plates to instructions in particular.


It’s only through this that the strength of plates can be set up and used to make learning further fun, simplified and eventually effective. This study also projects the possibility of using graphic illustrations( design) which is visual to educate Fine Art which is also principally about visual comprehensions.


There seems to be loss of interest and low acceptance of Fine trades by the elderly secondary scholars given the low number of pupil that offer the subject. Parents too see art as a subject for dull scholars and discourage their wards from it, some do n’t indeed see prospects in art as a profession, a visit to Effective Secondary academy to ascertain if the academy offers Fine Art shows attestations that as at 1989, 23 scholars offered Fine Art in elderly Secondary Certificate Examination, 6 times after, the said subject in question was offered by only 2 scholars. The academy authority explained that before reduction to the 2 scholars the number was reducing regularly through the 6 times and the academy authority didn’t see need the to continue to pay preceptors whose subjects weren’t offered. They latterly dropped the subject by 2005. analogous gests were recorded at different times in ultramodern Secondary academy – Aka Road, Uyo( 2008) and Uyo High School, the difference being that Uyo High School still pay the preceptors since it’s a government possessed academy. This condition of lack of stimulant leads to poor performance of scholars in public examinations. Several factors have been advanced for the causes but not enough studies has been done to examine the causes of these. It’s in this wise that this study tends to examine the use of Graphic illustrations in the tutoring/ literacy process in Fine Art and systems that it appear to be that graphic illustrations can enhance scholars performance in Fine Art hence the purpose of this exploration.


Objects of the Study


To identify the colorful graphic illustration accoutrements used in instruction for secondary seminaries in Uyo megalopolis

To assess the vacuity of graphic illustrations accoutrements as a source of educational media for secondary seminaries instruction in Uyo megalopolis.

To assess the position of utilisation of graphic illustration as educational medium for use in tutoring of Fine Art in secondary seminaries within Uyo megalopolis.

To ascertain the effect of graphic illustration as educational medium on secondary academy scholars academic performance in Fine Art in Uyo megalopolis.

Exploration Questions


What forms of graphic illustration accoutrements are used in instructions in secondary seminaries in Uyo megalopolis.

Are graphic illustration accoutrements available for use in the tutoring of Fine Art in secondary seminaries in Uyo megalopolis?

What’s the frequence of application of graphic illustrations as an educational medium in the tutoring of Art in secondary seminaries in Uyo megalopolis?

Does the use of graphic illustration contribute to the educational effectiveness and pupil’s performance in the tutoring of trades in secondary seminaries in Uyo megalopolis?



Ho1 Vacuity of graphic illustrations for use doesn’t significantly influence scholars academic achievement in Fine Art.


Ho2 The frequence of use of graphic illustrations doesn’t significantly impact academic achievement of scholars in Fine Art.


Ho3 The use of graphic illustrations doesn’t significantly affect academic achievement of scholars in Fine trades.


Significance of the Study


This study will be significant in several ways-


determining the relevance of graphic illustration as a source of educational media, and its effectiveness as an avenue of effective knowledge transfer.

determining the substance of entering good education through the help of graphic illustration a little less precious than it would have been naturally; and

iii. signifies the effectiveness of educational media as a major avenue to encourage preceptors consolidate use of illustration to enhance literacy.


The perception of scholars on the use of illustration as educational medium has been stressed and ways of enhancing learning through simple, but effective styles that arouses interests to sustain memory recall through filmland, plates, plates are made given.




The elderly Secondary academy position of education forms the bedrock of intermediate education. This stage transcends into the advanced situations as well, the class that has been lately reviewed by the Federal Ministry of Education has recommended for a mandatory study of Fine Art for scholars of that position and below as a measure of education for tone- reliance. This study concentrates on Secondary seminaries in Uyo Metropolis that offer Fine Art at the elderly position and elderly secondary 3 in particular during the period gauging the2007/2008 academic time.


Consideration dwelled on seminaries within the Uyo megalopolis, indeed if the Original Government of their point isn’t Uyo, similar seminaries are Lutheran High academy, Obot Idim, West Itam Secondary academy, Ibesikpo Secondary Commercial School Nung Udoe and Community Secondary Commercial School, Ibiaku Itam.


This study seeks to achieve that the subject is made further simplified to lay good foundation for advanced education. This study is also demarcated to the experimenter- designed educational media.




This study is limited to Uyo megalopolis. It would have been desirable to exceed the said limits but the current profitable climate poses serious fiscal constraints and acceptability of time grounded on the schedule of preceptors and their other liabilities and requirements. Some headliners and heads of academy administrations were skeptical of the responses that scholars might give grounded on impacts and print on their seminaries and educational systems for fear of acting rebellion either to the government, or academy possessors depending on the personal authority.


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