Isolation And Performance Evaluation Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae From On Palm Wine (Elaels Guinneensis) At Different Temperature Of Proofing During Bread
Saccharomyces cerevisiae was insulated from the fermenting tire of flaeis guinneensis. The incentive insulate was used in dough proofing at different temperatures. The samples B, C, D, E, and F,( containing the same constituents) were leavened at 200 c, 250 c, 300 c and 40 c independently. also, sample A which served as the contol was leavened at 30c. the following evidence heights were recorded3.3 cm,1.9 cm, 23 cm,3.5 cm,3.6 cm and2.5 cm independently for the proofing period, samples D and E compared favourably with the control which has a evidence height of3.3 cm. The chuck height, weight, volume and the specific volume was recorded sensitive evaluation was carried on the samples for taste, appearance, texture flavour and overall adequacy. clunkers test was in the samples. Result of the sensitive evaluation showed that samples D ranked favourably with the control in all quality attributes tested at( D<0.05). The other samples were different from the control in all the sensitive attributed tested for A proofing temperature of 300c using the insulate was recommended for chuck making in other to achieve the asked chuck quality.
win wine
Composition of win wine
points and objective
Literature Review
Bread Production
Functions of the constituents In Bread Production
Type of chuck
The procedures involved in chuck product
Bread quality
win wine( elaeis quinn eensis)
General characteristcs of saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characteristics of cookers incentive
Pure culture insulation and civilization
Accoutrements and styles
Raw accoutrements
Sources of material
34 Preparation of medium
insulation of incentive species
Characterization and test for viability of incentive
product of starter culture
Preparation of incentive paste
Bread product
Quality test
Results and discussion
Characteristics of incentive on malt excerpt nutrient medium
Identification of incentive insulate
Dough leavening capability
4. 4 The volume, weight, height and specific volume of the samples
sensitive evaluation
Conclusion and Recommendation
Excursus 1
Chapter One
Win Wine
Palm wine is a milky alcoholic libation produced from the inflorescence of win tree it’s the most extensively used and cherished natural traditional alcoholic libation especial in the southern part of Nigeria, and is the juice of the oil painting paolm( Elacis guinneensis) and raffia win( Rapia hooker)( Ihekoronye and Ngoddy 1985).
A milky juice containing originally well over 13 sucrose is collected in the calabash which is hung at the base of the gash of the inflorescence of win tree soon after leaving the tree, incentive reserves, especially those of Saccharomyces cerevisias infect the juice and soon start to raise the fermentable sugar.
Palm wine can be consumed as an alcoholic libation. It could be allowed to raise and latterly distilled into gin it could also be used for the leavening of dough for chuck timber( Somiari and Udoh 1993).
The use of win wine and as a leavening agent for dough is attributed to the presence of a incentive strain contained in the win tire. This incentive strain is saccharomyces cerevisiaem or baking incentive is called in the bakery assiduity.
Palm wine when fresh, tastes like gusto bear and can be used as like incentive( Irvine 1961). originally, the tire is sweet, dirty brown in colour. The turmoil process results in the tire getting milky white in appearance. This is due to the presence of large number of stirring bacteria and incentive.
turmoil occurs between 36 – 38 hr period during which PH of tire falls from7.0 –7.2 to< 4.( Jay 1986).
Composition Of Palm Wine
Palm wine has the average alcoholic content of2.00 percent to 4. 69 percent. The sticky saccharinity, which is dirty brown in colour contains about 10 – 12 sugar substantially sucrose.
Studies made by faparusi et al1986 set up the following rubrics of bacteria to be the most predominant in finished produced Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus and Acetobacter. The predominate incentive set up are Saccharomyces and Candida spp with the former being the more common.
Incentive( Saccharomyces Cerevisiae)
incentive is a unicellularmicro-organism and fungus type. It makes possible numerous of the products made by cookers. This is because colorful types of chuck and certain other bakery precuts are leavened( raised) by incentive. numerous of them produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as waste products of their metabolism. They’re thus useful in the food assiduity for turmoil and aeration.
incentive generally used in the temperate region for baking are precisely named strains of Saccharomycescerevisiae. This is a simple chlorophyll – free factory which feeds on sugar in the batter or dough to produce carbon dioxide( Kotshever 1980). By enzyme action, it converts fermentable sugars and some of the bounce present in the dough into carbon- dioxide gas and alcohol and provides desirable controlled turmoil( Sultan 1982).
The discovery of the use of incentive to leaven chuck centuries agone lead to the growth of bakery assiduity. Cookers used spirits incentive till about 80 – 1000 times agone due to its performance in the bakery which was low and variable. The insulation of a special incentive strain which held the asked characteristic demanded, brought about revolutionary changes in the bakery assiduity. This strain is known as saccharomyces cerevisiae or else “ cookers ” incentive in the form of galettes of compressed fresh incentive cell, with humidity content of about 70.
Nutrition And Generation
Since the incentive cell is a living organism, it has multitudinous nutritive requirements and it’s only if these are met that it’ll grow roundly and produce a large volume of carbon dioxide. Food and humidity are demanded for this growth.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae differs from other incentive species. It has further aerobic growth habit, maximum yielding capability stability during storehouse. It’s generally deduced from special selection of fast growing( short generation time) naturally being incentive strains( Oyawoye and Bassey 1997).
The factory grow stylish at the temkperature between 80 – 900 cooler temperatures retards their growth and a temperature as high as 1110 F kills the factory within an hour 1400 F destroy them within 5 twinkles.
Significance Of Cookers Incentive
This principle involved in dough leavening is grounded on the application of the carbohydrate by the ‘ cookers ’ yeses to give out carbon dioxide entangled in the dough. As the incentive multiply in the dough, stirring at room temperature. further and further carbon- dioxide is produced and the dough breadth because of the pressure of gas. This incentive exertion is destroyed during baking at the temperature of 1400F.
Cookers incentive is useful primarily in three different ways.
1. TESTURE FORMATION They produce carbon dioxides gas, which leavens or raises the dough, giving the chuck the asked loose pervious texture.
2. INCREASE OF DOUGH VOLUME The use of cookers yest as a leavening agent help to achieve great great increase in volume and make a wide variety of baked products. This means that it’s no longer a necessity to calculate on egg white froth to encompass enough air
1 FLAVOUR product Cookers incentive is reported to contribute to the flavour of chuck and other incentive leavened products. During dough turmoil, numerous secondary metabolites similar as ketones, advanced alcohols, organic acids, aldehydes, and esters are produced by the incentive. Some of these alcohols escape during baking. Others reply with one another and with other composites set up in the dough to form a new and more complex flavour composites. The attendant flavour diffuses into the scruple of baked chuck ( Graw – hill 1971).
Bread is food produced by mixing flour with water and incentive and baking in an roaster( Hornby 1995). In some cases, other constituents similar as eggs, adulation, milk and sugar are added principally to compound its nutritive value. Like all other foods produced from cereals, chuck is eaten primarily as a cheap source of energy. It contains precious quantum of protein, iron and vitamins flour is the introductory component in the product of bakery goods. This is because of its gluten. The unique parcels of wheat protein, glademin and can prdice chuck dough of the strength and pliantness needed to produce low viscosity of chuck of asked texture and flavour( Ihekoronye and Ngoddy 1985). The pliantness of gluten retains the gas and supports the structure of the loaf.
The dough is made by mixing together the flour, water, incentive, swab and other additions constituents. Dough caregiving is the act of producing carbon dioxide in the dough. This is a results of incentive cell saccharomycescerevisiae incorporated into the dough, and this helps in the puffing up of the dough during the process of chuck timber.
Bread is ignited at the temperature of 2500- 2600 for a period of 30 – 50 twinkles. During baking, the fusions( dough) are expanded by air, brume or carbon dioxide. The proteins present( gluten) coagulates and the bounce takes on water and sets( gelatinizes). The clotted proteins and jellied beans give ignited product their structure and colour( Kotschevar and Lunderg 1970).
Bread product is of vital significance as its is a product which isn’t liable to seasonal change and can be made from kinds of flour.
In this work, win wine was named as a medium for the insulation of saccharomyces cerevisiae for the product of cookers incentive. This is due to capability of the incentive cells present in the win tire to produce alcohol( ethanol) and carbon dioxide form the fermentable sugar in the win juice.
once work showed that other incentive strains are present in which wine piecemeal from saccharomyces cerevisiae which have the asked characteristics of the cookers incentive. These other strains are generally appertained to as “ wild incentive ”( Frazier and Hoff 1988).
The presence of this “ Wild incentive “ as well as earth and bacterial foliage limits the direct use of win wine for chuck product. Those loaves produced with 90 win wine dreg developed sour – taste and pronounced win wine flavour and were inferior after 3days thereby limiting leavening, for this reason, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which do naturally in win wine and have the desirable characteristics to the cookers incentive is insulated, propagated and used as pure culture for dough turmoil.
Somiari, and Udoh( 1993) worked on the insulation of incentive from win wine using malt excerpt agar( MEA DIFCO) for the leavening of the dough.
Points And Objectives
1. To insulate the incentive saccharomyces cerevisiae from win wine for the product of cookers incentive whose performance can contend favourably with marketable cookers incentive in chuck product.
2. To embark on chuck product with locally sourced incentive rather than marketable cookers ’ incentive.
3. To determine the optimum proofing temperature for the insulated incentive during chuck product