Management And Use Of Legal Deposit Materials By Libraries For Effective User Support In The National Library Of Nigeria




This study was carried out on the operation and use of legal deposit accoutrements by libraries for effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria. To achieve this, thee significant exploration objects were formulated. The check design was espoused and the simple arbitrary slice ways were employed in this study. The population size comprises of librarians from five departments offering library services in National Library Of Nigeria, Abuja. In determining the sample size, the experimenter accessibly named 41 repliers while 38 were entered and 35 were validated. tone- constructed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected and validated questionnaires were anatomized using frequence tables and mean scores. The result of the findings reveals that the legal deposit practices available in the National Library Of Nigeria are Collection of legal deposit of thesis and compositions; collection of legal deposit of government coffers; collection of legal deposit of diurnals; collection of legal deposit ofnon-print coffers like CDs and audio-visual accoutrements etc. The findings also revealed that legal deposit accoutrements are used to promotes effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria. And the factors affecting effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria include poor enlightenment by NLN crusade, poor backing from Staff, poor legal frame of the NLN, none compliance by publishers, etc. In regard to the findings, the study recommends that there’s a need for the civil government to make room for acceptable backing of the NLN. This is to enable it give for capital ferocious system of availability like the Online Public Access Catalogue( OPAC).


Keywords Library, National Library, Legal deposit accoutrements .


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Different libraries live for different purposes. These purposes include function, type of druggies and the reason for establishing the library. These regard for the major differences in libraries. Okiy in Tinuoye( 2010) asserted that the main reason libraries live is to give the right accoutrements to meet the information requirements of their druggies. The type of druggies who make use of a library; the kind of services rendered by it; the type of collection it has and the general intention of those who established the library easily distinguish one type of library from the other. The types of library include the public, public, academy, academic, private and special libraries.


National libraries are regarded as the apex libraries in a country. Uwaifo( 2010) conceded that public libraries are established and maintained by the public governments of countries. They serve as the preeminent depository of information for that country. Unlike public libraries, these infrequently allow citizens to adopt books. frequently, they include multitudinous, rare, precious or significant workshop.


National libraries are responsible for acquiring and conserving clones of all significant publications published in the country and performing as a deposit’ library, either by law or under other arrangements. They will also typically perform some of the following functions produce a public bibliography; hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature including books about the country; act as a public bibliographical information center; collect union canons; publish the retrospective public bibliography. Libraries which may be called public’ but whose functions don’t correspond to the below description shouldn’t be placed in the public libraries’ order( UNESCO 1970). In addition, National libraries functionalities are guided by the instrument regarded as the legal deposit law.


Specifically, the National Library of Nigeria( NLN) DecreeNo. 29 of 1970 stipulates in Section 4( 1) that the publisher of every book published in Nigeria shall within one month after the publication deliver at his own expenditure to the National Library, three( 3) clones of the book for endless preservation and one of which shall be transferred by the Director to the Ibadan University library. This is called legal deposit Law. It’s given as instrument to the National Library authorizing it to collect these indigenous accoutrements .


Legal deposit accoutrements , thus, are those acquired by law by some libraries for endless preservation, proper processing and dispersion to the public. These accoutrements are substantially indigenous and they radiate from authors and publishers within a geographicalarea.Some libraries are designated by law to admit and save these accoutrements . Edoka( 2000). These libraries are called repository libraries. Legal deposit according to Prytherch( 1995) is a system whereby certain libraries are entitled by law to admit one or further clones of every publication which is published or published in the country. These repository libraries are substantially civil academic institution, public libraries and public libraries.


The National Library of Nigeria is established by law to carry out the functions of legal repository. It’s the library of libraries. It serves as the public information bank as rare, precious, and all published work are saved in it. According to Adewunmi( 2008), the objects of the National Library of Nigeria Decree include( a) The provision of necessary support for intellectual sweats in all conditioning directed at progress and development.( b) icing a free inflow of knowledge between this nation and others, thereby securing a place for the nation in the community of nations that depend on recorded knowledge and information for survival in a world of rapid-fire advancement and competition of ideas.( c) icing vacuity of comprehensive and as near complete a collection of resource as possible, accoutrements in being knowledge in the world and icing full access to similar coffers both within and outside the nation’s boundaries.


These legal deposit accoutrements are indigenous accoutrements published within the country and those published about the country outside the country. They’re of different types. They include published accoutrements while access to the word is given to the National Library by the publishers into the digital or electronic clones. They’re lawfully acquired free of charge from publishers and authors of any intellectual work. The accoutrements include books, magazines, journals, flicks, journals, government publications, oral recordings or pictures etc. Arua( 1997) and Owen( 2007) posited that books, journals, journals, government publications are collected and saved for offspring through the legal deposit. These accoutrements could be erudite, collaborative, distinct or factual work.. These legal deposit accoutrements are of immense value to the country due to the type of information they contain. Ifidon and Ifidon( 2007) editorialized that they’re useful for exploration. They’re also important in the bibliographic control of publications both nationally and internationally. This is achieved through the publication of the National Bibliography of Nigeria( NBN) by the National Library of Nigeria. According to the decree establishing the National Library of Nigeria, it’s the giant memory of the nation. In line with this, the Legal deposit accoutrements help in retrospective quests by druggies as a lot of these accoutrements are rare and old. They’re used as reference accoutrements in court process in the case of action, authentication and instrument in government services. Government documents, diurnals and studies are useful in this case. Legal deposit accoutrements are veritably important in collection development. This is because the repository or public library doesn’t spend plutocrat in acquiring them. They’re deposited freely by the publishers. Ifidon and Ifidon( 2007) editorialized that if full advantage is taken of it( legal deposit accoutrements ) as is the case of developed countries, the collection can be swelled significantly. They also contain current information and information on different disciplines.


attorneys also make use of it as the Certified True Copy( CTC) for conflict resolution among authors in the court of law. It’s the only dupe accepted in the court and a librarian from the National Library of Nigeria generally goes with the material for process. This is because it’s the dupe regarded as authentic. scholars also find the legal deposit accoutrements useful in their educational pursuit. Ezema and Okafor( 2009). Civil retainers are also great druggies of the legal deposit accoutrements particularly the government publications. The sanctioned books are used for instrument and authentication in government services. They serve as credentials for leave of absence, first and alternate movables , date of creation, transfer of service, etc. These records are of great use in these government services. Other druggies of the legal deposit accoutrements are current affairs campaigners and job campaigners. These people seek information on job placements and current happenings contained in journals. Ajidahun in Owairu( 2010) stated that despite the significance of journals, the prices are beyond utmost individual purchasing power. Hence, utmost Nigerians calculate on libraries that offer free services to keep abreast of current information. The National Library of Nigeria is one similar library and the legal deposit accoutrements are library coffers that serve this great purpose. Bibliographic control is useful in furnishing information on the actuality of information bearing accoutrements , relating the workshop contained in them, totally pulling together these information coffers, and producing lists and access points to their reclamation. This makes for easy access and application of the accoutrements . The legal deposit according to Line and Line( 1979) helps the public libraries fulfill transnational thing of Universal Bibliographic Control through the original bibliographic control. It achieves this through the legal deposit or by Cataloguing- heft – Publication( CIP) Data in Library of Congress, for case, or through collection development programs which target book requests in other nations. National Library of Nigeria also provides Cataloguing – heft – Publication Data for these legal deposit accoutrements . Another function of the legal deposit is that it’s the nation’s memory or information bank. The legal deposit accoutrements have a lot of capabilities in them as necessary library coffers. They educate, inform and equip the druggies. This also gives the druggies the springboard to contribute effectively to the society. They make Nigeria distinct as a country and give her an identity in the commission of nations. This is in line with Okwilagwe in Ola and Osagie( 2011) who posited that books record a people s experience and artifact. For case The Nigerian Yearbook published and published by ‘ Times Press( Nigeria) ’, Apapa contains all that one needs to know about Nigeria. Chinua Achebe s effects Fall piecemeal bears the culture of a particular group of people, the Igbos in Eastern Nigeria. The legal deposit accoutrements help to announce the Nigerian indigenous authors and publishers internationally through the standard figures given by the National Library of Nigeria. These include the International Standard Book Number( ISBN), International Standard periodical Number( ISSN), and International Standard Music Number( ISMN), piecemeal from the end of conserving books for unborn generations, other objects of the legal deposit system include the constitution of a public bibliography and availability for exploration purposes of a collection of the nations published accoutrements . Adrienne( 2005) buttressing this editorialized that the purpose of the legal deposit is to save and give longterm access to the public intellectual heritage. This is the hallmark of a good library.


Hence, the availability of these accoutrements through effective stoner support is what attracts druggies to the library. A stoner who hurries to the library as an information pool or bank turns back in disappointment if his or her information need isn’t met by the library, as a result of none vacuity of demanded material, or complications in penetrating the material.


The National Library of Nigeria through its directorial effectiveness provides also access points to the legal deposit accoutrements . These according to Owen( 2007) include discussion with staff, indicators, library roster, and abstract, with the sole end of satisfying the druggies. still, the guarantee of access to legal deposit accoutrements depends on factors affecting legal deposit libraries( Nsibirwa, Hoskins and Stilwell 2011). These factors as linked by these authors include perpetration of the Legal Deposit Act; other legislation affecting access to legal deposit collection and preservation of accoutrements ; and styles of managing the accoutrements . These factors unveils directorial ineffectiveness in the library. Hence impacting druggies experience negatively. In the view of the below, this study is concentrated on operation and use of legal deposit accoutrements by libraries for effective stoner support in the National Library of Nigeria.


Statement Of The Problem

The legal deposit accoutrements form a large element in the collection of the National Library of Nigeria. They’re of great benefit in bibliographic control, exploration, study, literacy, entertainment and knowledge transfer from one generation to another. They’re also veritable authority during action, process and authentication for Certified True Copy( CTC). They showcase the nation s artistic heritage. They draw a lot of druggies to the library. These include attorneys, scholars, experimenters, civil retainers, legal interpreters, excursionists etc. still, it has been pre – observed by the experimenter, through on the job experience that legal deposit accoutrements isn’t stoner friendly as their availability and effective application by druggies is shy and defined.


also, effective legal deposit operation and practices guarantee the citizens and experimenters nationally and encyclopedically access to collection of the nation’s published coffers. This is possible and can be successfully enforced with the positive and married operation of the legal repository library, publishers and authors, as stakeholders. still, it has been noted that legal deposit law isn’t effectively enforced, and publishers and authors haven’t been effectively complying with their legal deposit scores. This risks thus significantly affect the stoner support and experience in the use of legal deposit accoutrements in National Library of Nigeria. therefore, the purpose of this study is to critically examine the operation and use of legal deposit accoutrements by libraries for effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria.


Ideal Of The Study


The general end of this study is to examine the operation and use of legal deposit accoutrements by libraries for effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria. Below are the specific objects of the study;


Determine the legal deposit practices available in the National Library Of Nigeria.


Determine the uses of legal deposit accoutrements that promotes effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria.


Ascertain the factors affecting effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria.


Exploration Question


The study will be guided by the following questions;


What are the legal deposit practices available in the National Library Of Nigeria?


What are the uses of legal deposit accoutrements that promotes effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria?


What are the factors affecting effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria?


Significance Of The Study


The findings of this study are anticipated to be of benefit to the operation and staff of the National Library of Nigeria, experimenters, scholars, policy makers, authors, attorneys, civil retainers, publishers, speakers and scholars of library and information wisdom.


Legal deposit accoutrements are important library coffers and have indeed taken their place in the literature of library and information wisdom. This study on the operation and uses of these accoutrements in National Library of Nigeria to enhance stoner support is anticipated to add to the being body of knowledge in the department of Library and Information Science. likewise, the findings of this work, if espoused, may be of great benefit to the National Library of Nigeria as it may reveal its strengths and sins in the operation of legal deposit accoutrements for acceptable availability and effective application. It’ll also showcase the areas where proper adaptations may be made as the repository library to enhance the availability and application of the legal deposit accoutrements .


Compass Of The Study


The study concentrate on the operation and use of legal deposit accoutrements by libraries for effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria. The study is still narrowed to determining the legal deposit practices available in the National Library Of Nigeria, determining the uses of legal deposit accoutrements that promotes effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria, and catching on the factors affecting effective stoner support in the public library of Nigeria. The repliers for this study will be attained from five departments offering library services in National Library Of Nigeria, Abuja.


Limitation Of The Study


Like in every mortal bid, the experimenter encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. inadequate finances tend to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the experimenter resorted to a limited choice of sample size. More so, the experimenter contemporaneously engaged in this study with other academic work. As a result, the quantum of time spent on exploration will be reduced.


Description Of Terms


operation Is an act or process of soothsaying, planning, organising, controlling, commanding and coordinating. Also, operation is a process by which organisations insure that their objects are achieved by the proper planning, organisation and controlling of their coffers – mortal and accoutrements .


Library Library is a social institution established to collect, organize, save information coffers and circulate them to people for whom the library is established in a place conducive enough for the use of the information coffers.


National Library These are the kinds of libraries which irrespective of their title are responsible for acquiring and conserving clones of all significant publications published in the country and performing as a deposit library either by law or under some arrangement.

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