Problems And Prospects Of Small Scale Farming


Problems And Prospects Of Small Scale Farming




The purpose of this study was to examine the problems and prospects of small scale ranch. In this write- up, the experimenter started by examining the history and problems were linked as being the problems and prospect of small scale ranch. The problems affecting small scale ranch and their possible results were attained through the use of questionnaires in which the repliers gave the colorful responses.


Table Of Content


Chapter One


Background of the study


Statement of the problem


Ideal Of The Study


Research questions


Significance of the study


Compass of the study


Limitation of the study


Description Of Terms


Chapter Two


Description Of Small Scale Husbandry


Problems of small scale husbandry


Results to the problems of small scale husbandry


Goods Of Factory Conditions


Symptoms of factory pests conditions


General control of factory conditions


Goods Of Conditions On Crops


Profitable Goods Of Nonentity Pests


Prevention and control of pests


Chapter Three =




Population of the study


Sample of the study


Exploration instrument


Procedure for data collection


System of data analysis


Chapter Four


Data donation


Donation of analysis


Chapter Five












Chapter One




Background Of The Study


The term husbandry is deduced from the Latin words “ ager ”( field) and “ cultura ”( civilization). This meant field civilization. This isn’t a complete description of husbandry since husbandry also has to do with beast product. Agriculture can thus be defined as the art and wisdom of cultivating the soil, producing beast, preparing beast feeds, recycling crops and beast products for man; and the process of dealing redundant crops and beast. Or husbandry may also mean just the product of crops, parenting of creatures and the general operation of soil.


As men advanced from the stalking and gathering stage, they developed the art of cultivating certain shops and domesticating certain creatures. This was the morning of settled life, and people began to group themselves in townlets. They made crude tools and learned to give enough foods for the family. This practice is set up moment in every insulated areas where communication has been limited, the people haven’t been exposed to ultramodern ways of husbandry, and supernumerary capital for investment isn’t available. Some growers ranch simply in specific domestic crops similar as in west Africa like yam, cassava, sludge, cocoyam etc. the practice involves the civilization of small pieces of land under numerous crops.


Several questions have been raised in respects to this trend. It’s thus advisable to understand the problems affecting small scale husbandry in the area, which is a major emphasis of this design work. It tends to dissect these factors and suggest acceptable measures and results in working these problems. The history of the development of the mortal race is nearly related to that of agrarian development. In his hunt for food and sanctum, man has espoused numerous agrarian practices through the periods as his specialized chops and material coffers grew. The four major types are;- stalking and gathering, pure subsistence husbandry; mixed subsistence with some cash crop product; and pure marketable husbandry. But between these main divisions are numerous transition stages, and different stages of profitable development of original populations.


Statement Of The Problems


The need for this study is needed by the fact that there are problems affecting small scale husbandry among the original growers in my original government area. The positive and negative goods of these problems are thus the concern of disquisition.


Exploration Questions


Some questions to be dived in the course of this study have been raised as follows-


1. Does the land term system affect small scale growers in Ovia North East Local Government Area?


2. Does the size of useful land in the area affect the small scale growers in Ovia North East Local Government Area?


3. Does the religious beliefs affect the small scale growers ’ product in the area?


4. The civilization practices affect the small scale growers in the area?


5. What are the prospects and possible results to the problems?


Significance Of The Study


This study is designed to help the growers in Ovia North East Local Government Area to ameliorate their sweats on ways of adding small scale product of growers. It serves as a companion to extension of workers in charge of small scale product in Ike South and other areas on how to help growers. The study is hoped to motivate the growers to go into large/ marketable product in the area. Also, this study will serve as a resource material for any pupil that will be interested in. Eventually, it serves as stimulant to those growers in the study who takes small scale product as their last stopgap in life to pay further to small scale product by giving them the necessary backing.


Compass Of The Study


This study is concentrated on the problems of small scale husbandry in Ovia North East Local Government Area, which is one of the notable areas of small scale husbandry product in Delta State. For the purpose of this work, Ovia North East Local Government Area was used as a case study. The area is veritably large and consists of about twenty townlets with an average population of two million people and maturity of them are small scale growers.


Description Of Terms


Topography This is the physical structure of land, within an area.


Population This is the total number of people living in an area.


NITR( National Institute for Trypanosomiasis Research) Kaduna, this body is set up by the civil government to accomplish exploration on beast conditions and affections.


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