Production Problem And Prospect Of Rearing Poultry




Flesh product has in no small way helped to develop- the community and people of Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area, substantially in Idogbo the original government headquarters. This study still, examined the prospects and inversely analysed the problems and eventually came to a conclusion that with the colorful findings which include the outbreak of colorful conditions, shy capital and finance, and the adding nature of the cost of flesh feed concertedly hamper the progress of flesh product in Idogbo the headquarters of Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area.


Also discovered was the station of youths towards husbandry in the area. still, in this design useful recommendations and results have been proffered from the result of the study.


Chapter One





Background Of The Study




Flesh generally is appertained to all domestic catcalls raised by man for the product of eggs, meat and other benefits for mortal consumption. The domestic catcalls include fowl ducks, lemon, guinea fowl andgeese., flesh products have been set up to have the loftiest protein concentrate of about20.5 relative to others success of protein( creatures) and has the shortest product cycle of all creatures.


product cycle involves all the conditioning in the parenting of beast from day old to maturity. For illustration, to achieve aten-fold increase in the body weight in relation to weight at raspberry, Williamson and Payne( 1978) outlined that it takes 25 days in toaster, 48 days in piglets, 250 days in grottoes and 170 days in lamb.


The parenting of gormandizers, cattle’s and scapegoats still requires expansive kind further than flesh where further units of product can be achieved from a given space compared to the planter. These advantages are maybe the cause of a advanced development in flesh product at nicely short period of time in this work further emphasis shall be made specifically to the domestic fowl, which are the major catcalls for marketable and nutritive significance in Ikpoba Okha Local Government of Edo State. Flesh parenting have been in practice in Ikpoba Okha for a long time. The traditional motive varies from hobbyhorse to the use of fowl and eggs as food. piecemeal from the important places that the fowl play in the traditional factory of duties in numerous corridor of the countries, some communities use it as gift to their neighbours in appreciation of a good deed and as a mark of solidarity.


The traditional flesh keeping is generally subsistence in outlook without the use of ultramodern scientific styles. Hence the catcalls under this system are inadequately watched for and they’re characterized by slow growth rate, poor feed application and low productivity. The catcalls are also exposed to high mortality rate as a result of conditions, pest and bad rainfall conditions.


still, inspite of the fashionability of marketable flesh keeping, the subsistence and the small- scale units are still current each over the place especially in the townlets. Although the commercially acquainted flesh units are abundant each over the state with varying ultramodern scientific approach to product flesh affair continues to be shy with prices above the reach of the common man.


This paper will thus concentrate attention on the problems and prospect of flesh product in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of Edo state.


Statement Of The Problem


In Nigeria, the business of flesh husbandry is concentrated in the hands of many individual incompletely because of the complex problems similar as finance and climatic condition while others are problem of flesh processing and storehouse installation.


In Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area, there had been regression in flesh product due to ignorance in the conservation of records. Hence conservation of record helps the planter to determine the process of returning nature of the ranch. either, it helps in making unborn design, planning and programming in flesh assiduity. utmost growers either as a result of ignorance, training or else are unfit to keep records. The result is that utmost extension officers are unfit to help them out of their problems due to lack of information.


Purpose Of The Study




The purpose of this study is to probe the problems encountered by flesh growers in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area and suggest results to them.


Statement Of Thesis




The ultimate thing of the government or individualities engaged in flesh product moment is to achieve a high standard of product with a view of adding beast products for the ever- adding crowd.


In an attempt to patron enough flesh products{ meat and eggs} several problems and constrains have been linked. Some of these problems include finance, quality feeds, complaint problems and poor casing condition.


Compass Of The Study


This exploration work will concentrate attention to cover Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of Edo state. The information attained then will only rigorously apply to Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area but may be generalized to other corridor of the state with analogous problems and prospects of rearing flesh. Also sweats would be made to cover as much of the original government area as possible.


Significance Of The Study


It’s hoped that the recommendation grounded on the findings of the study would be of tremendous benefit to the flesh directors, the consumers of flesh products likewise and the pupil’s experimenters.


It’s anticipated that inexperienced flesh growers can from this study identify as well as give them with the introductory information demanded to raise and manage flesh successfully. Top the consumers, an increase in flesh products means meeting their eggs and flesh meat needs.


It’s believed that the exploration findings would help scholars who intend to probe in a analogous content to have ideas on what the content is each about and also aid scholars in the area of farther studies.


Description Of Terms


1. Flesh This is the term used for all tamed catcalls similar as sprats , ducks, lemon, guinea fowletc.


2. Toaster These are cravens raised for meat product.


3. Layers layers relate to hens that are kept for egg product.


4. Battery pen system This is a system of flesh keeping where the catcalls are confined in a especially designed house.


5. Deep waste system This is a system where the catcalls are kept in a endless house.


6. Free- range system This is where catcalls are allowed to move freely on the range and feed themselves.


7. Hatchery This is an aspect of flesh where day old sprats are produced substantially by artificial incubation.


8. Veterinary A surgeon concerned with conditions of creatures and domestic creatures.

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