Local government is the third tier in Nigeria’s federal system: to underscore its Importance, sector 7 (1) of the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria specifically guaranteed a democratically elected local government system, while schedule 4 of the same constitution defines the function of the local government (Abubakar 2010)
Local government is the government at the grassroots that is nearest to the populace. The implications of its constitution guaranteed government structure, and its closeness to the people is that the institution of transparency and accountability and their norms in government should be more evident at this level. But contrarily, local governments in Nigeria are often seen as nurturing groups for bare forced corruption and near absence of transparency and accountability in the conduct of governance areas.
The Federation consists of 744 local government areas. Local government are intended to serve as the lower tier of governance that will be most responsive to the needs of the people. They are also expected to enhance political participation at the grassroots (Afrobarometer 2008). However, this is not the case, instead of discharging their functions as development centres Local governments have acquired notoriety for corruption, fiscal indiscipline and overall irresponsibility. Lack of integrity transparency and accountability at the level of governance defines constitution a heavy toll on the wellbeing of ordinary Nigerians (Agbo 2010). Stealing has become a major hobby and pass time for Nigerians in high places. It has become a big time business. All arms of government are affected (Gabriel 2011) local 9overnmeflt inclusive.
Generally transparency implies openness, communication and accountability. It is a metaphorical extension of the meaning “transparent”.
Transparent object is one that can be seen through with regard to the public service, it means that holders of public office should be as open as possible all the decision and actions they take. They should give reason for their decision and restrict information only when they wider public interest demands it (Champman 2000). Radical transparency in management demands that all decision making should be carried out public.
Article 12 of the chapter for the public services in Africa demands “Administrative units shall make available the necessary information on acts and procedures in the respective demands”. As well as the information required to those interested to have full access. The administrative shall inform me the person concerned of any decision taken, concerning him/her, he/ she decide to challenge the decision, the administration shall establish or strengthen reception and information units for users in order to assist them gaining access to services and recording their views, suggestions or complaint. Transparency therefore promotes accountability and provide information for citizens about what their government and its agents are doing. Against the analytical background thus paper exam in various strategies for creating transparency and accountability culture in government establishment in Abak local government area.
As was stated in the introduction that local government are intended to serves as the lower tiers of governance that will be most responsive to the needs of the people, they also expected to enhance political participation of the grassroots (Afrobarometer 2008).
However, this is not the case, instead of discharging their function as development centres, local government have acquired notoriety do corruption, fiscal indiscipline and overall irresponsibility. Local government in Nigeria are often seen as nurturing groups for bare forced and corruption and near absence no of transparency and accountability in the conduct of government (Abubakar 2010) the lack of integrity, transparency and accountability of the level of governance definitely constitutes a heavy toll on the wellbeing of ordinary Nigerians. Stealing has become & major hobby and pass time.
Generally transparency “implies openness, communication and accountability. It is government obligation to share information with citizens. It is at the heart of how citizens hold their public accountability with regard to the public services, they should give reason for their decision and restrict information only when the wider public interest demands it (Chapman). Based on the above explanations the major concern of this study is to examine the strategies for creating transparency and accountability culture in government establishment.
The following are the objectives of the study;
- To examine the strategies for creating transparency and accountability culture in government establishment.
- To assess the implications of the absence of transparency and accountability in the conduct of governance.
- To examine this factors militating against the application of transparency and accountability culture in government establishments.
- To proffer solutions to the factors militating against the application of transparency and accountability culture in government establishment.
The following research questions give focus to this study, these are;
- What are the strategies or creating transparency and accountability culture in government?
- What are the implications of the absences of transparency and accountability culture in government establishment?
- What are the factors militating against this application of transparency and accountability culture in government establishment?
- What are the solutions to the factors militating against the application of Transparency and accountability culture in government establishment?
The significance of any human endeavor is measured by its relevance to solving human problems. Therefore, the significance of the study is measured by its relevance to solving the problem of transparency and accountability culture in government establishment.
The project will go a long way in helping the local government officials discover some weakness in the transparency and accountability culture and reposition themselves to imbibing the management culture. It will also reveal the problems ceased by Jack of transparency and accountability culture in the local government and other institutions especially in Nigeria.
It will be useful to student’s scholars, lecturers and other third parties as it shall open near area of further research work and at some time advance challenges to upcoming researchers.
Scope of the study centers on the strategies creating transparency and accountability culture in government establishments, a case study of Abak Local Government Council.
The major constraints in this study include the conservation nature of the local government and apathy toward providing information especially with respect to their internal operation policies.
Human error and business are other limiting factors of this study because some data were obtained through discussions and interviews. Therefore there is the possibility of human error of omitting some vital information in order to give their organizations a positive credit for fear of what seem an invasion into the organizations privacy; time and finance were also limiting factors.
The study has been organized into five chapters.
Chapter one introduced the work and provided discussions on the statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study and definition of’ terms. . Chapter two reviewed relevant literature from different sources on the issue being investigated.
Chapter three deals on the research methodology and design adopted for the study being discussed. Chapter four will deal on the research data collected and the analysis and discussions made.
The major findings recommendations and conclusion for the entire study will be presented in chapter five
TRANSPARENCY: Is a structure in which business and financial activities are done in an open without secrets, so that people can trust that they are fair and honest.
ACCOUNTABILITY: The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its Activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner.
CULTURE: This is refers to the Union way of social interaction in which the individual acquire those characteristic way of thinking, feeling and acting that are essential for effective participation within the society. It also refers to social heritage.
GOVERNMENT: Is a group of people with the authority to govern a country or state, a particular ministry in office.
ESTABLISHMENT: Is the existing power, structure in society the dominant group in society and customs or institutional authority.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Is an organ of the state put in place to peddle the development, activities of a particular place or district, with a view of making the impact of governance be it political or military being felt at the grassroots level.
STRATEGIES: A careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal, usually over a long period of time. It also the skill of making or carrying out plans to achieve a goal