The Challenges Of Modern Automation On The Job Performance Of Secretaries In Financial Institutions


Chapter One




Background of the study


Work was the major conditioning of man before the artificial revolution, that was the period marked with robotization of work, presently computer is representing robotization thereby turning the work into robotization. The 21st century has witnessed a lot of advancement both in wisdom and technology. This advancement has been growing fleetly since the end of the Second World War both in manufacturing, aeronautics, drug, engineering, finance and administration, similar advances has affected negatively in all aspects of life. This technological advancement includes the ultramodern office robotization which we use in our day to day conditioning in the business associations( Ajayi, 2000).


still ultramodern robotization in all workshop of life doesn’t pure secretarial productivity. The needed unchanged while the procedure continues to change as further and further sophisticated machines are introduced in the office.


The impacts brought about the invention of the new office machines are bottomless numerous of those office robotization out- ways the registers performance due to their effectiveness, speed and time saving. The preface of utmost office robotization might go as far as going registers their jobs as a result of limited figures being employed( Merony, 2001).


The fear of cost of artificer as new product( robotization) replaces the old bones becomes the issue at stake. Accordingly, the issue of bearing redundant cost in training and retraining registers to get habituated with these inventions becomes a problem. There’s apprehension in services by registers as to what’s t heir at law fate due to inventions and inventions in ultramodern technologies. The computer has been constructed to do numerous effects that are heretofore done by the clerk. A principal superintendent can stay in his office or room to make flight and hostel reservations. He can manage information. He doesn’t need any knowledge of keyboard to input his information. He can now use a pen to input his letter or document on the computer and with internet installation and with effective garçon he can shoot his correspondence and admit reply. He can store, edit, recoup and publish his information.


still, the clerk’s places and particular attributes still make him notoriety to reckon with in the office and in the association.


There are wide range of office machines and outfit which now enable registers to ameliorate their performances. similar new machines take the form of electronic typewriters that have replaced the homemade bones . Word processors withmulti-purpose installations, computers and other sophisticated office machines and outfit are now handed by employers. Some of the physical outfit used by registers includes computer communication outfit and electronic fund organizers( Lucas, 2007). New technological outfit that has altered the procedures and fashion for office functions include the computers, electronic correspondence/ commerce, voice correspondence, and the internet. A clerk is an office- staff who combines the mastery secretarial chops of typewriting and longhand with office routine functions. robotization is an invention and a consequence of the artificial revolution. It’s a collection of styles for controlling ministry and product processes by mechanical system, generally with electronic outfit. Spencer( 2001) defined robotization as the process of replacing mortal work with work done by machines or system designed to perform a specific combination of action automatically or constantly. Mayer( 2007) defines a clerk as an administrative adjunct, who possesses a mastery of office chops, demonstrates the capability to assume responsibility with or without supervision, exercises enterprise and judgment and makes decision within the compass of assigned authority. It means that a good clerk should have a wide knowledge of business wit, protean knowledge in account, labor force, office practice, and communication and inside knowledge of the operation of all departments within the association where he works, unlike a half- ignited clerk who possesses only knowledge of longhand, typewriting and introductory office practices. The arrival of the word processor has helped to make the secretarial career path cleanser. For a clerk to be exploitable in an automated office, Merony( 2001) believed that such a clerk must be well clued in the following specific automated office outfit training


i. The conception and proposition of specific automated office outfit.


ii. Knowledge of the orders of outfit and their intended uses and differences.


iii. The skill to use coffers or reference accoutrements duly.


iv. Hands- on outfit training,etc.


The success of the recently introduced outfit depends on people, procedure and outfit( PPE). robotization can only be successful if a careful study is carried out to assure the need of the outfit and the fiscal coffers available for the purpose. It’s important to note still, that technology isn’t stationary; thus it’s essential that while planning to equip the office with ultramodern technology, great care should be taken of the changing nature of technology. As similar finance shouldn’t be invested into technology that’s likely to come obsolete in a short time. It’s believed that for new outfit to be installed in any association, it has to win the good will of the staff, since they’re the bones to use it. By getting the good will of the stoner staff, the preface and procedures will be accepted and effective.


An automated office, really, offers new places and liabilities for the clerk. similar new places presume that fresh training and qualifications are needed from the registers. The applicability of robotization in business was linked by Aromolaran( 2003) as follows


Creating a distinct career path for the clerk.


ii. robotization creates a prominent place for the clerk on the association map.


iii. It creates routine and assigned places for the clerk.


iv. With robotization the clerk now spends lower time in correcting, revising, proof- reading and reproducing documents.


Statement of the problem


The world is witnessing a rapid-fire change due to the invention of ultramodern robotization. The elaboration continues and fiscal institutions in Nigeria, in order to manage with the ultramodern age needs to know the goods of all these automated machines on staff affair. What are the goods of these changes on the productivity of registers in the office, his or her capability to manage, his/ her job security, her applicability to the office work for which she’s employed and also, the training which is to prepare her to meet the challenges of her ever- changing work terrain. For fiscal institutions to equip their office with ultramodern robotization they need enough capital to import these machines since they aren’t produced in Nigeria. ultramodern office robotization as we know needs moxie as respects to repair and like air- conditioned room, insulated pace and wide space. It’s against this background that this study seeks to probe into the challenges of ultramodern robotization on the job performance of registers in fiscal institutions with specific reference to Guarantee Trust Bank, Ijebu- ode.


Objects Of The Study



The broad ideal of this study is to pierce the challenges of ultramodern technology autonomy on the job performances of registers on fiscal institution with reference to Guarantee Trust Bank, Ijebu- ode. still, specific objects include


I. The identification of particular characteristics of repliers in the study area.


II. The evaluation on the effect of robotization on job effectiveness of registers.


III. Identification of the problems of robotization for registers in changing business terrain.


IV. Suggestion and recommendations for policy makers land stakeholders.


Exploration Questions


This exploration is aimed at chancing answers to these questions.


1. What are the goods of ultramodern office robotization on the productivity of registers in GTB, Ijebu- ode?


2. What are the problems secretaries’encounters in using that robotization?


3. What type of ultramodern office robotization used in our services moment?


4. What are the recommendations on how the registers can make minimal use of this office ultramodern robotization?


Exploration Thesis


H0 There’s no significant relationship between ultramodern office technology and registers productivity.


H1 There’s significant relationship between ultramodern office technology and registers productivity.


H02 the ever changing work terrain won’t significantly enhance registers productivity.


H1 The ever changing work terrain will significantly enhance registers productivity.


H03 registers won’t significantly appreciate changes in ultramodern technology.


H1 registers won’t significantly appreciate changes in ultramodern technology.


Significance of the study.


The exploration is carried out in the sense that its findings will assure the registers who suppose their skill is no longer useful in the office as a result of the preface of new ultramodern robotization. This ought to be done in order to boost their morale and increase their productivity as well. It’ll also be useful to both rehearsing registers and registers to be, not to sweat about the unborn prospect of their profession, the study will also be veritably handy to colorful institutions where registers are trained to design healthy training programs for registers in seminaries so that experience gained will be useful in the world of work if all the study will be immensely important to the general public especially the fiscal institutions to appreciate the stylish way to make sue of robotization available to them.


Delimitations and limitation of the study


The compass of this study is grounded on the fiscal institutions in Nigeria with specific reference to Guarantee Trust Bank in Ijebu- ode. The study would have best been carried out on the fiscal housed in fiscal housed in Ogun state but for time and fiscal constraints.


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