The Effects Of Poor Office Environment On The Secretary’s Job Performance




With the overall goal of determining the impacts of a poor office environment on the secretary’s job performance, the research project titled “The Effects of Poor Office Environment on the Secretary’s Job Performance” was carried out.


As a case study, the Institute of Management and Technology was used. Surveys and observational techniques were used to gather the data for this investigation. Simple percentages were used in tabular forms to examine the administered questionnaire. The study’s findings demonstrated that secretaries’ overall job performance is negatively impacted by the upsetting and stimulating nature of most offices. The packed environment of some offices and the equally tiny floor space do not provide secretaries with the necessary comfort and balance to carry out their responsibilities successfully and efficiently. Other issues included low pay, a lack of basic tools, and noise-canceling technology in the majority of offices. Based on these results, the researcher advised:


i. In order to stimulate productivity and boost secretarial morale, offices should be inspiring and tastefully furnished.


ii. Enough floor space and, if possible, separate rooms should be provided to prevent overcrowding and material clusters that make an office look dated and depressing.


iii. The administration of the Institute should create a pension plan and provide enough compensation to its employees, especially the secretary, to boost morale and persuade them to remain in their department.


iv. The secretary should be given access to the same office supplies and equipment that she needs.


Text Of The Chapter


Chapiter 1


Background information for the study


1.2 A description of the issue


1.3 The purpose of the study


1.4 Importance of the research


1.5 Questions for research


1.6 Scope and delineation


1.7 Definition of key words


Apartment Two


2.0 An examination of relevant literature


2.1 The idea of an office and what an office atmosphere is


2.2 The secretary and her office responsibilities


2.3 Interpersonal relationships at work


2.4 The relationship between the secretary and other employees


2.5 The office’s physical setting


2.6 Air circulation


the 2.7 Lighting


the 2.8 Heating


2.9 Furnishing and decorating the home


2.10 Conditioning for music


2.11 Noise prevention and control


2.12 Office space or other accommodations


2.13 Safety precautions


2.14 Consequences of the secretary’s inadequate performance


office setting




Design and approach of the study


3.1 Research approach


3.2 Subject of study


Population of the study (3.3)


3.4 Samples and sampling techniques


3.5.1 Data collecting equipment


3.6 The instrument’s reliability


3.7 The instrument’s dependability as a research tool


3.8 The procedure for administering the research instrument


3.9 Technique for data analysis


Chapiter Iv


Displaying, analyzing, and interpreting data


Chapiter 5


Results, suggestions, and conclusion


5.1 Conclusions


5.2:The conclusion


5.3 Consequences of the findings


Recommendations, section 5.4


5.5 Area for additional research










Background of the study (1.1)


A healthy workplace setting is required for a secretary to do her tasks effectively because their work is extremely sensitive and private. Every organization has to understand how to improve a secretary’s office environment in relation to her job performance.


In general, the office setting has a significant impact on how well employees accomplish their jobs. The main components of the work or office environment that have a direct bearing on employees’ morale and willingness to carry out their duties effectively are the office and its appearance, the condition of the work, the materials available and their location, safety precautions, medical care, relationship between staff members and the boss, remunerations, and other social welfare.


Since the secretary is a crucial member of the team, management must give top importance to finding effective ways to inspire her. A secretary’s health and morale are directly impacted by the nature of her work environment, which also affects how well she performs in general.


Thus, the workplace setting affects a secretary’s interest and satisfaction, as well as the quantity and quality of her work.


In the context of management, the term “office environment” refers to the physical conditions that a secretary must work in, including lighting, heating, ventilation, decoration, soundproofing, and safety precautions, as well as social conditions like relationships with coworkers and the boss’ compensation and benefits, among other things.


Statement of the problem: 1.2


In general, it is accepted wisdom that a worker cannot carry out his or her duties as effectively and efficiently as anticipated in an unfavorable atmosphere. In actuality, an unfavorable and unstimulating workplace greatly prejudices and jeopardizes the core responsibilities of a secretary.


Secretaries have several issues nowadays as a result of a poor work environment, which significantly affects how well they do their duties. The absence of a private office is one of these. Most of the time, secretaries share offices with other employees, some of which are lacking in basic facilities appropriate for her role.




The following is what this study will look into:


– How the secretary’s performance is impacted by the office’s dismal and unenergizing atmosphere.


– The impact of the secretary’s cramped workspace and crowded office environment on her job performance and attitude toward her work.


– The impact on a secretary’s morale and general attitude on her job of the absence of some essential comforts like air conditioners, fans, executive seats, and tables.


– Additional workplace issues that hinder secretaries from performing their jobs effectively.


– If the office atmosphere is having a negative impact on secretaries’ ability to execute their jobs, suggest how to best improve it.




The study will be especially helpful for the current and future career secretaries, whose welfare is under scrutiny. It is hoped that management would take some of the suggestions made in this treatise into account and enhance the working environment for secretaries so they can smile more.


The study would be beneficial to management alone because it will give them the knowledge they need to understand how well their secretaries are doing their jobs and strive to increase their morale by making the workplace a better place to work.


Finally, this work will contribute to filling the gap in the body of knowledge in this area of study.




i. Does the generally dismal and unenlivening workplace environment have a detrimental impact on the secretary’s performance at work?


ii. Does the secretary’s attitude toward her job change as a result of the cramped offices and tiny floor space?


iii. Does the absence of air conditioning and flooring in secretaries’ workplaces affect how well they do their jobs?


iv. Do the secretaries receive enough and consistent compensation?


v. How well does the secretary get along with the other office workers?


In this study, efforts will be made to provide answers to these research issues.


Definition of terms, section 1.7


The office buildings, ventilation, lighting, heating, decorations, furniture, relationships among staff members in the office, compensation, etc. are all examples of the physical and social working conditions under which secretaries must perform their duties.




This represents the secretary’s output or productivity. Additionally, it refers to the standard of work that the secretary must produce while performing a particular task. To evaluate a secretary’s performance on the job or following training, consider her performance during appraisal and training.




This can be characterized as a person who possesses a special talent for maintaining information’s secrecy and possesses a distinctive talent for communicating with various social groups and the channel between her organization and the general public.


Additionally, she is aware of the importance of typing correspondence, reports, reports-on-correspondence, shorthand, and directions that go through their heads, relieving the executive of work that would otherwise have to be done on their own initiative.

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