The Impact Of Banking Administration On Economic Development In Nigeria
This design is a thorough exploration into the impact of community banking on the profitable development of Nigeria a case study of ohha community bank Nigeria Ltd.No. 1 Ogui Road Enugu. in carrying out the exploration disquisition into the performance of the community banks and the extant they’ve contributed in the e3conomic development of Nigeria especially in the enterprises lawn root development were linked and duly estimated. Also colorful measures espoused by the operation of these community banks were linked and estimate and suggestion on how advancements can be made donation toward the return on investments and donation towards the profitable well being of the nation are achieved.
To grease the work data were collected from both the primary and secondary sources; pre3sented to prop test the development thesis on the base of estimated population means.
Within he limit of the analysis carried out it was observed that community banks have numerous problem facing them due largely to the incapability to serve veritably well in some places due to lack of structure lack of sufficient finances lack of professed workers and proscriptions by National Board for community = banks to gain from outlanders which hinders their rate of expansion.
The exploration recommended that government should command the public board for community banks to allow these communities to expand and gain loan outside community base. A call on government to organize an ferocious training scheme for the community banks in also recommendation. This will go along way in helping these banks acquire trained staff.