The Impact Of Capital Market On The Nigerian Economy With Emphasis On The Role Of The Nigerian Stock Exchange




The researcher†™ s mind on the content,” The impact of the Capital request on the Nigerian Frugality with emphasis on the part of the Nigerian Stock Exchange” was captured when a analogous content was bandied at a forum organized by the Bureau for Public Enterprise( BPE) to conscientize and acclimatize Nigerian people to accept the privatization programme. The organizers sought to expose how largely underutilized the Nigerian Stock request is and what individualities and pots would gain in patronizing the request. They also compared the operations and volume of deals with other arising stock requests in the world. The exploration work is principally, all about assessing the extent of the impact of the capital request on the socio- profitable development of this country and an in- depth hunt into ways of perfecting upon the operations of the Nigerian Stock Exchange. In his findings, the experimenter noted( among other effects) that there was under application of the Stock Exchange request due to poor enlightenment crusade, and lack of translucency and responsibility on the part of the drivers of the request. In the conclusion, the experimenter admitted that the unborn prospects of the exchange request is still bright but emphasized that the drivers of the request must engender responsibility and translucency as this will go a long way tore-installing important asked confidence in the investing public and guarantee the market†™ s unborn development.

Table Of Contents


Title runner——. ———— i

instrument——. –.. ——– ii

fidelity—————— iii

Acknowledgement—————- iv

Abstract——————– v

List of Figure—————— vi

List of Tables—————- vii

Table of Contents—————- vi


Chapter One Preface

Background of the Study———— 1

elaboration of the Capital Market———- 3

Statement of the exploration Problems——– 7

ideal of the Study———— 8

exploration Question————– 8

exploration thesis———— 9

Significance of the Study———— 10

compass of the Study————– 10

Limitation of the Study———— 11

description of Terms–. ———- 12

References—————- 14



Wall Street” Where It All Began——– 15

The Nigerian Capital Market———- 16

The part of the Nigerian Capital Market——– 17

The Pooling Function———— 19

Easing Capital conformation———- 19

threat Reduction Function———— 20

The conception of the Nigeria Stock Exchange—— 20

The Nigerian Stock Exchange Market—— 23

Class of the Nigerian Stock Exchange—- 24

Functions and significance of the Nigerian Stock Exchange 25

Securities and Exchange Commission( SEC)—- 27

Duties and Functions of the Securities

and Exchange Commission———- 28

The Impact of the NSE Crisis on the Nigerian Capital Market 29

The Stock Exchange in Operation——– 34

The Primary request———— 34

Evaluation of the Nigerian Stock Exchange—— 39

The Daily Stock Summary———- 41

Problems Associated with the Nigerian Stock Exchange– 47

References—————- 50


Chapter Three Exploration Methodology

preface. ————– 51

Research Design————– 51

Sources of Data————– 52

Primary Data—-. ———— 52

Secondary Data————– 53

system of Data Collection———— 53

Reasons for using the Aforementioned styles—- 53

Determination of Population Size——– 54

Sample Procedure————– 54

styles of Administering Questionnaires—— 55

Decision Rule————– 55

References—————- 57


Chapter Four Donation And Analysis

preface—————- 58

donation and Analysis of Responses from Questionnaire 59

Analysis of Interview———— 80




Summary of Findings———- 86

Conclusion—————- 87

Recommendations——. ——– 88

Bibliography————– 90

excursus” Questionnaire———- 91


List Of Figures

Figure2.1 Stock Exchange in Operation——– 23

Figure2.2 The Functional Relationship of the NSEC within the New Issues request———- 36

Figure2.3 The Functional Relationship of the Stock Exchange

Within the Secondary Request——– 38


List Of Tables

Table of2.1 Impact of the Loss of Investors Confidence in the

Nigeria Capital Market———- 32

Table2.8.3 The Daily Stock Summary——– 41

Table4.1 Identify your coitus?———— 60

Table4.2 What’s your Occupation?———-. 61

Table4.3 Are you apprehensive of the Actuality of the Nigeria

Stock Exchange?———— 62

Table4.4 How Familiar are you with the Operations of

the Nigerian Stock Exchange——– 63

Table4.5 Are you apprehensive of the points and Functions of

the Nigeria Stock Exchange?——– 64

Table4.6 If No 5 is yes, do you make use of the Exchange?– 65

Table4.7 Where do you( Corporation, individualities and

Government) raise your Fund?——– 66

Table4.8 Why Prefer the Bank as an Outlet?—— 67

Table4.9 Has the Nigerian Stock Exchange contributed

Significantly to the Development of the Frugality?– 68

Table4.10 Are you Satisfied with the position of Development in

The Stock Exchange Market?——– 69

Table4.11 Are you satisfied with the Pricing Policy?—— 73

Table4.12 Are you apprehensive of the preface of a Motorized

System of Clearing Settlement and Delivery of Trade

Transaction, the( CSCS)?———- 74

Table4.13 What’s the Movement of Share Prices since the

preface of Central Security Clearing System?– 75

Table4.14 Are you apprehensive of the preface of the Automated

Trading System( ATS), through which stockbrokers

can trade from their services and homes?—- 76

Table4.15 If your answer to 17 is yes, do you suppose the

Automated Training System( ATS) will enhance

the operations of the Stock Exchange?—— 77

Table4.16 How can you Assess the Impact of Information

Technology( internet services) vis- Ã- vis the

operations of the Nigeria Stock Exchange?—- 78


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