The Impact Of Quality Lending On Banks Profitability




This exploration presents the disquisition into the impact of qualiy lending on banks profitabilty, GT bank in Otta Ogun state was used as the position for the study and a aggregate of 40 staff was tried . Data was gathered using a tone- constructed questionnaire and the result gotten was anatomized using the simple chance system, chi forecourt was also used for the testing of the thesis. The validity and trustability of instrument were caught on . The result of the study reveals that there’s positive impact of quality lending on bank profitability, the study still recommend that financial authorities should cover the bank lending rates and make applicable interventions. Specifically, in the event of poor performance of marketable banks, the authorities should grease the improvement of the banks ’ profitability with a financial policy that would lead to a rise in interest rates.


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Realizing a good quality product in the request( whether it’s a physical or service product) gives benefits to both association as well as their guests. “ Quality means a process through which a business seeks to insure that product or service quality is maintained or bettered and crimes are reduced or excluded. Quality requires the business to produce an terrain in which both operation and workers strive for perfection. This is done by training labor force, creating marks for quality, and testing products or services to check for statistically significant variations( Adewale 2013)


Bank is a fiscal institution that undertakes the banking exertion i.e., it accepts deposits and also lends the same to earn profit. Lending or extending credit to indigent persons is a major bank product.


Quality lending ’ and ‘ Credit Risk ’ is interrelated. Credit threat is equally commensurate to Quality lending. Credit threat will drop, if Quality lending increases and vice versa. Due to poor quality lending, banking assiduity is suffering with hugeNon-performing means( NPAs). Thereby advanced vittles for NPAs, lower gains, fresh capital to maintain CRAR and drop in standing of the bank etc are the side goods of poor quality of credit or lending.


Agier and Assuncao( 2009) contend that fiscal relations each over the world, have been deeply converted in the last two decades. This has been characterized by new products, new requests and new nonsupervisory systems which have radically altered the terrain in which fiscal institutions operate, opening new profit openings but also creating new pitfalls. moment’s ultramodern and competitive fiscal atmosphere influence banks to ameliorate their service quality and follow new technologies each over the world. Nigeria is no exception to these goods and nearly all diligence including the banking sector. marketable banks private are furnishing varied services to attract the guests ’ community since it’s treated as means of banks( Moya 2009). Shatto & Singer( 1996) points out that for retail bankers to meet the changing preferences of the guests and to stay ahead of challengers they’re bound to give quality and effective services. In the lending business banking has to be distinguished from sale grounded on lending in particular? Both variants are reflected in the underpinning credit processes. The identifying point of banks with a relationship approach is the capability to gain and to use qualitative information for client evaluations. In discrepancy, the permission of credit in sale- grounded lending occurs grounded only on “ hard, ” quantitative information( Berger, 2002). The proposition of fiscal intermediation suggests that lending has a bright side and a dark side( charge 2000). Strong bank- borrower connections help reduces asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers, the bright side. But, at the same time, these connections can produce hold- up problems whereby the lender captures the borrower to prize rents, the dark side. Hence, the overall effect of quality banking connections is a trade- off in costs and benefits between lenders and borrowers through relations across time, space, and fiscal products.


Different empirical attestations suggested that profitability of fiscal institutions specifically banks are affected by internal and external factors. Andreas and Gabrielle( 2009) stated that Bank profitability is generally measured by the return on average means and is expressed as a function of internal and external determinants. The internal determinants include bank-specific variables. The external variables reflect environmental variables that are anticipate to affect the profitability of banks. Internal factors similar as capital acceptability rate, asset size, asset quality, net- worth, liquidity, earnings quality, loan performance, business threat, operation quality, people, technology and operating terrain are major determinant that are used to anatomized the determinants of bank profitability. An external macroeconomic and assiduity-specific factor includes Effective duty rate, Real GDP growth, affectation, and regulation and Bank attention. Banks profitability is given due attention after the great profitable depression is endured in the United States of America in 1940s. Due to United Statesub-prime mortgage extremity that happed lately in 2007- 2009, the banking sectors of numerous countries suffer huge losses, especially United State of America and European Union countries. The poor performance of the banking assiduity has braked down the United State of America frugality and also the growth of global frugality until current period. In Asia, although the losses in banking sectors aren’t as serious asU.S., it’s also hurting theeconomy.However, the effect to the frugality could be huge and broad, If the banking assiduity doesn’t perform well. Because, banks are the critical part of fiscal system, play a vital part in contributing to a country s profitable development( Rasidah and Mohd 2011).


Statement Of The Problem


Increased competition among fiscal institutions coupled with fiscal torture and changeable profitable conditions there’s need for these enterprises to understand how well they can use the conception of quality lending to increase their gains. Petersen and Rajan( 1994) find that advancing affects the volume of credit more than the price, while other studies find that guests get either lower unborn contract prices. Also due to poor quality lending, banking assiduity is suffering with hugeNon-performing means( NPAs). Thereby advanced vittles for NPAs, lower gains, fresh capital to maintain CRAR and drop in standing of the bank etc are the side goods of poor quality of credit or lending, therefor this study is aimed at probing the impact of quality lending on banks profitability using GT Bank as a case study.


Objects Of The Study


The main ideal of this study is to find out the impact of quality lending on bank profitability, thus specifically the study intends to


1. Find out the impact of quality lending on bank profitability


2. Find out the factors that stymie quality lending in marketable banks ’


3. probe other factors that impact profitability of banks


Exploration Questions


The following exploration questions were formulated from the objects to guide this study.


1. What’s the impact of quality lending on bank profitability


2. What are the factors that stymie quality lending in marketable banks ’


3. Are there other factors that impact profitability of banks


Significance Of The Study


It’s hoped that the findings of the study would be significant in colorful ways like; Banks would be suitable to have information that would guide it to ameliorate on their profitability through quality lending. The findings would enable banks to champion its quality lending to all the stakeholders so that they can ameliorate on their gains as a result of this conception. Other banking institutions would be suitable to understand the conception of quality lending from this study so that they can use the same to ameliorate on the gains. The findings of this study would help institutions to be suitable to make applicable opinions grounded on the conception of quality lending. The controllers and the policy makers can use the finding as reference for policy guidelines on operation and control of similar associations. They would be suitable to use the findings of the study to formulate feasible policy documents that effectively address problems faced by the banking sector. These may relate to regulating those aspects that hang to negatively impact on the operations and development of similar associations. This study would be important to the present proposition because it would furnish those who are interested in this study area with applicable information.


Compass Of The Study


This study will cover impact of quality control and bank profitability, the exploration will vividly bandy different factor that determine bank profitability like quality lending and some other factors, a theoretical frame will also be used to back up the exploration. Also the exploration will be conducted in GT bank.


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