The Impact Of Recapitalization On The Performance Of Banks In Nigeria


1.0 Chapter One


Background Of Study


Banking reforms have been an ongoing miracle around the world right from the 1980s till date, but it’s more boosted in recent time because of the impact of globalisation which is rained by nonstop integration of the world request and husbandry. Banking reforms involve several rudiments that are unique to each country grounded on literal, profitable and institutional imperatives. In Nigeria, the reforms in the banking sector anteceded against the background of banking extremity due to largely undercapitalization deposit taking banks; weakness in the nonsupervisory and administrative frame; weak operation practices; and the forbearance of scarcities in the commercial governance geste of banks( Uchendu, 2005). Banking sector reforms and recapitalization have redounded from deliberate policy response to correct perceived or impending banking sector heads and posterior failures. A banking extremity can be touched off by weakness in banking system characterized by patient illiquidity, bankruptcy, undercapitalization, high position ofnon-performing loans and weak commercial governance, among others. also, largely open husbandry like Nigeria, with weak fiscal structure, can be vulnerable to banking heads expiring from other countries through infectivity.


Banking extremity generally starts with incapability of the bank to meet its fiscal scores to its stakeholders. This, in utmost cases, precipitates runs on banks, the banks and their guests engage in massive credit recalls and recessions which occasionally bear Central Bank liquidity support to the affected banks. Some terminal intervention mechanisms may do in the form of connection( combinations and accessions), recapitalization, use of ground banks, establishment of asset operation companies to assume control and recovery of bank means, and outright liquidation of non repairable banks. Bank connection, which is at the core of utmost banking system reform programmes, occurs, some of the time, independent of any banking extremity.


Irrespective of the cause, still, bank connection is enforced to strengthen the banking system, grasp globalization, ameliorate healthy competition, exploit husbandry of scale, borrow advanced technologies, raise effectiveness and ameliorate profitability. Eventually, the thing is to strengthen the intermediation part of banks and to insure that they’re suitable to perform their experimental part of enhancing profitable growth, which latterly leads to bettered overall profitable performance and societal weal. The proponents of Bank connection believe that increased size could potentially increase bank returns, through profit and cost effectiveness earnings. It may also, reduce assiduity pitfalls through the elimination of weak banks and produce better diversification openings( Berger, 2000). On the other hand, the opponents argue that connection could increase banks ’ propensity toward threat taking through increases in influence and off balance distance operations. In addition, scale husbandry aren’t unlimited as larger realities are generally more complex and expensive to manage( De Nicoló etal., 2003).


Banking sector reforms in Nigeria are driven by the need to consolidate the fiscal sector and budge the Nigeria frugality for growth; to come integrated into the global fiscal structural design and evolve a banking sector that’s harmonious with indigenous integration conditions and transnational stylish practices. It also aimed at addressing issues similar as governance, threat operation and functional inefficiencies, the centre of the reforms is around indurate up capitalization.( Ajayi, 2005)


Capitalization is an important element of reforms in the Nigeria banking assiduity, owing to the fact that a bank with a strong capital base has the capability to vindicate losses arising from non performing arrears. Attaining capitalization conditions may be achieved through connection of being banks or raising fresh finances through the capital request.


In his maiden address as he proceeded office in 2004, the current Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Soludo, blazoned a 13- point reform program for the Nigerian Banks. The primary ideal of the reforms is to guarantee an effective and sound fiscal system. The reforms are designed to enable the banking system develop the needed inflexibility to support the profitable development of the nation by efficiently performing its functions as the pivot of fiscal intermediation( Lemo, 2005). therefore, the reforms were to insure a diversified, strong and dependable banking assiduity where there’s safety of depositors ’ plutocrat and position banks to play active experimental places in the Nigerian frugality.


The crucial rudiments of the 13- point reform programme include


Ø minimal capital base of N25 billion with a deadline of 31st march, 2016;


Ø connection of banking institutions through combinations and accessions;


Ø Gradational pullout of public sector finances from banks, beginning from July, 2016;


Ø. Relinquishment of a threat- concentrated and rule- grounded nonsupervisory frame;


Ø. Zero forbearance for weak commercial governance, misconduct and lack of




Ø Accelerated completion of the Electronic Financial Analysis Surveillance System(e-FASS);


Ø. The establishment of an Asset Management Company;


Ø. Promotion of the enforcement of dormant laws;


Ø. modification and updating of applicable laws;


Ø. Closer collaboration with the EFCC and the establishment of the Financial Intelligence Unit.


Of all the reform docket the issue of adding shareholders ’ fund to N25 billion generated so important contestation especially among the stakeholders and the need to misbehave before 31st march, 2016.


Statement Of Problem


This issue of the impact of recapitalization on the performance of banks in Nigeria has really being the main content in exploration. The illiquidity, bankruptcy has really caused so numerous weakness in the banking assiduity orsector.However, also recapitalization will be veritably effective to insure diversified, strong and dependable banking where there’s safety of depositor’s plutocrat, If the government can get direct and a proper result to these problems.


Exploration Question


1. Does the recapitalization give room to ameliorate in the banking sector?


2. Is there any significant impact of the recapitalization on the performance of banks in Nigeria?


3. Will the recapitalization help to reduce the poverty indicator in Nigeria?


4. Does the recapitalization exercise have any part to play on severance in Nigeria?


Exploration Thesis


H0 There’s no significant impact of recapitalization on the performance of banks in Nigeria.


H0 There’s significant impact of recapitalization on the performance of banks in Nigeria.


H0 There’s no significant effect of ROE, ROA on YEA


H1 There’s significant effect of ROE, ROA on YEA


Aim And Objective Of Study


1. To probe the impact of recapitalization on the performance of banks in Nigeria.


2. To probe the part of the recapitalization exercise on severance.


3. To find out the poverty indicator of Nigeria since the recapitalization exercise.


4. To probe the enhancement of enhancement of the performance of banks since recapitalization.


5. To assess the applicability of the recapitalization in the Nigerian Banking assiduity


Significance Of Study


By the end of this exploration, we will suitable to find out the impact of recapitalization on the performance of banks in Nigeria. The exploration will also give room to disquisition the poverty indicator, the position of severance in Nigeria and also suggest a proper means of rendering good and dependable services in the banking sector.


Compass Of Study


This exploration work covers utmost of the area of the position of severance, the poverty indicator, the colorful reform of the central bank of Nigeria. It also covers the area of the yield earning means, return on equity( ROE) and return on means( ROA)


Description Of Terms


Ø RECAPITALIZATION is a type of commercial reorganization involving substantial change in a company’s capital structure. Recapitalization may be motivated by a number of reasons. generally, the large part of equity is replaced with debt or vice versa.


Ø yes Yield on earning means is one measure of a fiscal assiduity’s solvency used by banking controllers. It looks at total interest, tip and figure income earned on loans and investments as a chance of average earning means.


Ø ROE Return on equity( ROE) measures the rate of return for power interest( shareholders’ equity) of common stock possessors. It measures the effectiveness of a establishment at generating gains from each unit of shareholder equity, also known as net means or means minus arrears.


Ø ROA Return on means( ROA) is a fiscal rate that shows the chance of profit a company earns in relation to its overall coffers. It’s generally defined as net income divided by total means. Net income is deduced from the income statement of the company and is the profit after levies.




Ajayi,M.( 2005). Banking Sector Reforms and Bank connection Abstract frame,


Bullion,Vol. 29,No. 2.


Asediolen( 2004). For the Economic and Financial Interest of Nigeria. Nigerworld 1 & 2. Bello,Y.A.( 2005). Banking System connection in Nigeria and Some Regional

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