The Level Of Community Participation In The Conservation Of Natural Resources


Chapter One




Background of the Study


Conservation practices each over the world are changing from the traditional operation approach with emphasis on managing natural coffers in a way that ensures lesser inflow to all stakeholders especially original communities. The shift in emphasis is informed by the fact that the original communities are inextricably tied to their artistic coffers grounded whether used as a source of food, drug, energy or for maintaining ecological balance( Bisong, 2001) therefore, sustainable operation of natural coffers requires a more comprehensive approach which include strengthening the association and specialized capabilities of pastoral communities, as well as actualizing support for sustainable coffers use from larger community group( Food and Agricultural Organization, 2005).


The rapid-fire loss of natural coffers in developing countries has come a subject of adding transnational and public Concern. This is reflected in the substantial increase in the interest accorded to environmental conservation by colorful governments, benefactors and conservation agencies. The position of interest in conservation as an environmental and development problem requires practical action( Flint, 1990). the defense for community participation in natural coffers conservation as viewed by International Union for Conservation of Nature( IUCN) 1990 provides that mortal culture must be grounded on a respect for nature and that the present generation have a social responsibility to conserved Nature for the weal of unborn generation. The view recognizes that humanity is part of nature and that all species have an essential right to live anyhow of their accoutrements value to humans.


In recent times, the development communities in African have moved from “ top-down ” approach towards further participatory “ bottom up ” approaches. The shift in paradigm has passed in recognition of the fact that original cooperation, participation and operation are pivotal to achieving both short term development result and long- term sustainability. Along the same lines, the conservation community is beginning to appreciate the necessity of incorporating original sharing in environmental conservation sweats.( Bamberger 1986).


The development, community participation may be viewed as a process that serves as instrument of commission, erecting devisee capacity, increase effectiveness desire to partake cost, ameliorate effectiveness in relation to design( Paul, 1987).


To maximize the chances of sustainable conservation enterprise, pastoral communities need to be involved in both the conception and approach. This means that participation in decision- making process and in the evaluation, monitoring and operation of coffers and the terrain is pivotal.


This inclusiveness is more likely to make a conservation ethics where people understand that their livehood depends on healthy conservation of the terrain.


numerous studies have shown community participation to be one of the critical commission of success is irrigation, beast, water, forestry and husbandry systems( Sharp, 1984) community participation has come thus veritably important to scholars, associations and Nations. For case, Ajake( 1998) remarked that participation has been used to justify the extension of state timber control as well as the structure of original capacity and tone- reliance. It has been used to justify decision assessed by external agencies as well as describe the process of developing real power and decision timber.


Experience has shown that participation grows further out of practical than normative considerations. One of the most precious forestry programmes with community participation is that operated by vill forestry associations in South Korea( AHN 1978; Eckholm, 1979) and the afforestationsub-project in Nepal( World Bank, 1975). Other gests include community conservation in Tsavo West National park, Kenya where the original communities are involved and have served from conservation of defended areas. A reforestation design in Senegal gained emotional results as Senegal timber service works in pastoral community and councils furnishing them with inputs, while the vill councils contribute labour to plant trees. Income generated from the trade of wood was used by the council according to its own precedences( Uphoft, 1986).


The need for communities to invest in natural coffers conservation and to reduce the effect of environmental declination is irrefutable in Nigeria and particularly in Akamkpa Local Government Area of Cross River State. The people in the study area are largely dependent on timber ecosystem for its different and abundant Natural wildlife, land, food and water coffers. The significance of these coffers has caused indigenous people to different way of managing them sustainably. But substantiation has shown that the conditioning of the pastoral people aren’t given consideration. In exploration and government programs and opinions on the operation of Natural coffers neglects their conditioning in the study area.


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