The Role Of Local Government In The Transformation Of Rural Areas




This exploration work is poised to look into ‘’ The part of Original Government in the Transformation of Rural Areas( A case study of Ofu Local Government Area ’’ The exploration work is divided into five chapters with each chapter linking each other. The objects of the exploration work among others include to punctuate, dissect and estimate the significance of original government administration to the metamorphosis of pastoral areas. Two styles of data collection were used i.e. the primary and secondary sources of data and the data was anatomized using simple chance system for easy understanding. The findings revealed that the quality of councilors who were supposed to be the nearest tagged officers to the people are veritably poor and don’t retain what it take to have good leadership. At the end of the exploration work, it was recommended that the original government should embark on programmes or systems as contained in their approved rolling plans and periodic estimates to avoid plan destruction while rallying of the citizens towards tone help by original government council should be encouraged.


Chapter One




Background To The Study




According to Sills( 1972), original government is defined as ‘’ a public association authorized to decide and administer a limited range of public programs within a fairly small home which is asub-division of a region, state or public government ’’.


From this description, of original government can be characterized as follows


It’s a micro statutory reality which defined home, right and scores.

Original government is a inferior position of government to both the state and the civil government

Its power to service and defined obligation are contained within the macro programs of the central government. Encyclopedia Britannica( 1986) defined original government as ‘’ original tone government, that’s to say, the administration of public affairs in each position by a body of representatives of the original community, this body while subject subordinated to the central government retain a considerable quantum of liabilities and optional power.

In another development, the United Nation review of public administration defined original government as a politicalsub-division of a nation or a civil system of state which is constituted by law and has substantial control affairs including the powers to put levies or ply labour for prescribed purpose.


It progressed to add that ‘’ a governing body for similar reality is tagged or else, position tagged.


The most functional description of original government which should apply within the civil democracy of Nigeria is the one given by the 1976 original government reforms.


It defined the conception as the ‘’ government at the original position exercised power through representative council established by law to exercise power with defined areas has substantial control over original affairs as well as the staff and institutional powers to initiate and direct the provision of service and insure that original inauguration and responses to original requirements and condition are maximized around the indigenous capital.




Since independence, the anticipated position of socio- profitable development of municipalities and townlets haven’t been appreciably conspicuous. Among the colorful problems militating against the development of our original government to give the demanded services where multifariousness of original government in major ways.


originally, development of functionary of original government to manage the recently created services espoused the staff of original government. This had adverse effect on its service delivery.


Secondly, the invalidation of representative original government showed down the place of decentralization of original government and institutional problems, similar as political insecurity, poor statutory allocation, bribery and corruption, inordinate control of the state and civil government, poor monitoring evaluation system to mention but many.


Objects Of The Study


Given this script, this design work tries to examine factors responsible for the incapability of our original government to exercise and personalize the lofty points and objects for which they were established.


To examine the problems and findings possible results to the multitudinous problems facing a particular reference to Ofu original government council

To punctuate, dissect and estimate the significance of original government administration to the metamorphosis of pastoral areas.

To give recommendations and suggestions to the original government administration for effective and preset decision which will boost original government effectiveness and performance.

To ameliorate the standard of living of the pastoral areas( residers)

exploration thesis


A exploration is a conditional statement whose verity can be tested through a scientific system. It’s a declarative statement of vaticination meant to help in the explanation of exploration question. thesis is a process by which exploration problem is reduced in a testable form.


There are two types of thesis they are


Null thesis Is the process whereby the exploration state that there’s no relationship between two variables. Null thesis is represented by Ho.


Indispensable thesis Is an thesis within specific any of the possible condition not anticipated in the null thesis.


thesis I


Ho The pastoral areas has enough coffers to develop the pastoral areas.


Hi The pastoral areas has no enough coffers to develop the pastoral areas.


thesis II


Ho The performance of pastoral development has declined


Hi The performance of pastoral development has not declined.


Significance Of The Study


Upon completion of this study, it’ll be of significant value to the administration of original government in Kogi State specifically, Ofu original government administration in policy and decision making in the original government.


The exploration will also be of great significance to macro policy makers in quick expression and effective perpetration of public policy.


Eventually, to us as a pupil of Public Administration, this exploration work will produce an mindfulness in us that original government are being faced with different type of problems, as similar, enlighten us on how these problems can be addressed in order to have a more vibrant original administration which will in turn, enhance the lives of the pastoral residers.


Compass And Limitations Of The Study


The main objects of this study is to trace the elaboration of original government in Nigeria and to identify reasons for its failure to mainly develop the pastoral areas all between the main reason why this position of government was created.


still, due to lack of time and attainability of vital data, I shall limit the exploration work to Ofu Original government area. Assessment will be made grounded on Ofu original government area considering her executive process encountered, the ways through which these problems can be answered and their effect on pastoral areas.


On the other hand, the limitations of the exploration work are as follows


One of the limitations of this exploration work is shy finance, this is because the experimenter is tone patronized thus, warrant sufficient fund to carry out enough disquisition which would have widen/ enlarge the compass of the exploration.


Another problem faced in the course of this exploration work is that the time duration is veritably short to embark on a meaningful design or academic journals.


important still, is that I wasn’t allowed access to some of the so- called classified accoutrements demanded for the disquisition since I was tagged meddler.


As a result of the anteceding thus, the problem of coming in contact with applicable accoutrements and documents for the design came largely invincible.


Description Of Applicable Terms


It’s conventional to start this donation by defining some of the subject matter which more or less constitute the key to my understanding the issue under this study.


The crucial words that needed delineations of they relate to the environment area; part, original government and pastoral metamorphosis.


part A part is simply a part presented by any conspicuous actor to carry out a particular function.


Original government Original government is defined by the guidelines for original government, reform of( 1979) as ‘’ government at original position exercised through representative councils established by law to exercise specific power within a defined areas. One of the simplest description of original government is the one given byL. Golding which states that ‘’ original government is the operation of their own affairs by the people of the position ’’.


Transformation Transformation means a rapid-fire or gradational change in shape, appearance, quality and nature in the social profitable culture and political lives of the people living in a defined area at a particular time.


Having made attempt at defining some of the crucial words in this paper independently, it’s imperative to marry those words together to exactly address the core issues in this study.


Transformation to any nation is so important that nearly all countries now chart their course of development through planned frugality.

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